To validate the humanoid simulator model it is re-
quired to implement the same control signal to both
robots and to analyze the behaviors. Predefined tra-
jectory states, that allow robot to walk, are based on
the Zero Moment Point (ZMP) method. Figure 14
shows the sequence during walk movements for both
robots (real at left and simulator at right). It is pos-
sible to observe that both robots exhibit very similar
Figure 14: Real and simulator robots walking with the same
predefined gaits.
Figure 15: Real and simulator robots knee angles during a
walk movement.
With this walking movement, it can be acquired
all joint angles for both robots. Figure 15 shows
a knee angle for real and simulated robots, in a
walk movement, that shows simulator behaves as real
robot. Moreover, the power consumption compari-
son between real and simulated robot is presented in
(Lima et al., 2008a).
A simulator that allows a humanoid robot simula-
tion capability is addressed and validated. The joints
that emulate the real articulations are based on a re-
alistic servomotor model. The proposed servomotor
model was implemented in the developed simulator,
SimTwo. This simulator is based in a real platform.
The friction model and closed loop controller gains
are found based on the real robot behaviour. It al-
lows to search the optimal values for friction and con-
troller gains based on a heuristic approach. The vali-
dation with the real humanoid robot allows to confirm
the proposed servomotor model. As future work, the
simulator can be useful to find several parameters that
optimize a desired condition such as energy consump-
tion in the walk movement and further applied to the
real robot.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics