As mitigations are merely suggestions on
possible security measures (e.g. integrating new
security measures for existing assets, creating new
assets, etc.), the ESSAF TOOL is not able to decide
on which mitigations should be realized. Instead, it
supports users in making their own decisions on the
matter. It does so by requesting them to consider and
to verify targeted mitigation measures in regard of
correctness, redundancy and feasibility. Thus, the
ESSAF TOOL can support increasing rationality and
consistency of system design and feasibility of
security implementation.
6.2 Validation and Plausibility
To maintain transparency and hence to ensure
plausibility of design decisions, the engine integrates
a logging function that elaborately manifests user
activities and circumstantial changes of all
assessment elements. ESSAF TOOL also requires
that users document rationales and justify actions to
be performed on an element. These rationales are
attributed to the edited element and accessible to
other stakeholders for consultation. In that way, a
user is always able to trace changes and to verify
whether the changes are correct or correctly
implemented in accordance with the given
rationales. For example, when deciding that a Flash
Card needs not provide constant availability, the
user has to specify his rationale for this decision e.g.
that this storage may be substituted by another
resource that is constantly available. The ESSAF
TOOL has proved that enforcing stakeholders to
communicate and document design and modeling
decisions, supports them achieving qualitative
security assessments.
Further benefits of the exchange of transparent
design decisions that have been distilled since the
ESSAF TOOL’s inception are: enhanced accuracy
of system models, verified feasible security models,
and increased design alternatives.
6.3 Collaboration Support
The ESSAF TOOL is constructed to support
collaboration among multiple stakeholders. To
achieve this goal it incorporates the following
Change Notification. The notification mechanism
of the ESSAF TOOL provides capabilities to
highlight and to trace all changes of assessments,
particularly changes that have been performed by
other stakeholders since the last login of the current
user. Also, it is able to determine and to highlight
elements that need attentions (e.g. completion,
adjustment, revision, etc.) or are subject to
verification and validation.
User Management System. The ESSAF TOOL
incorporates an extensive user management system
to support change tracking and to determine which
users are authorized to work on which assessments.
Using the ESSAF TOOL, stakeholders can (or have
to) be invited to join an assessment process by the
assessment owner and are registered for one
assessment only. In order to participate in other
assessments they have to repeat the
registration/invitation procedure. Assessments are
only accessible and distributed among authorized
users to prevent disclosure of confidential corporate
information that may be incorporated within a
Assessment Management. In the ESSAF TOOL,
assessments are maintained as an independent closed
system that cannot be influenced by other
assessments. Therefore, the ESSAF TOOL does not
permit elements of one assessment to be transferred
to another assessment. In that way, the ESSAF
TOOL avoids unintended dependencies and
deadlocks among assessments of different systems.
For sharing purposes, assessments are centrally
stored as XML-files on a server. Remote access is
only granted to authorised ESSAF TOOL-users. Any
access requests by unauthorized users or other
software-tools are denied to ensure the integrity and
compatibility of these assessments. To avoid
concurrent modification conflicts a versioning
system is connected upstream to coordinate
assessment assignments: Whenever an assessment is
assigned to a user, it is changed to in-editing-mode
and unavailable to other users until the current editor
has finished or the reserved locking time has passed.
Providing these features, the ESSAF TOOL
ensures confidentiality of assessment contents in a
flexible collaborative working environment without
versioning and editing conflicts.
6.4 Evaluation of the ESSAF TOOL
To prove its practicability, ESSAF TOOL has been
evaluated against the significant criteria specified in
section 3. The evaluation results (charted in
Table 2)
show that by its incorporated functionalities ESSAF
TOOL is capable of supporting asynchronous
collaborative security assessment processes at
flexible levels of granularity while enabling
INFRASTRUCTURES - The ESSAF Framework for Structured Qualitative Analysis