conditions for sale or buy.
In this paper, we discussed the scheme of deploying
mobile agents in M-commerce applications. The
advantage of adopting mobile agents for M-
commerce is to scale up to large, dynamic world
market places distributed over the Internet and to
ease the access and participation of mobile users.
We presented the design of IMAGO M-commerce
framework, discussed the service discovery module
and database management module, and introduced
the work-in-progress IMAGO Mobile Portal and an
excremental example. The API of the IMAGO
system is a set built-in predicates capable to couple a
logic programming language with functionalities of
locating services and accessing remote databases.
Equipped with those system tools, mobile agents
may search for suitable market places, roam the
Internet to collect useful information, compare and
evaluate goods and prices, conduct purchasing
transactions, and communicate with each other to
generate a global view of data through the
aggregation of distributed computations.
Research on the agent based M-commerce
involves further extensions of the IMAGO system.
First, the current design of Mobile Portal should be
further refined to provide an ease-to-use interface
and fully implemented and tested. Secondly, since
E-commerce databases may contain multi-
dimensional data, retrieving such kind of
information from flat web pages is a pending
problem. We are looking to use XML meta-data to
solve the database dimensional problem. In addition,
we are making investigations on adding more
programming languages to the IMAGO system, as
well as introducing more flexible and efficient
communication tools, such as mobile socket, to
facilitate M-commerce applications.
I would like to express my appreciation to the
Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada
for supporting this research.
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ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business