innovative pace.
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and
Location-Based Service (LBS) technologies can add
significant evolutions to the project. The MMS is a
delivery option to devices unable to handle binary
SMS, but the delivery of this kind of message is not
yet supported by all mobile operators companies in
Brazil. The LBS enables the passenger localization.
The company defined some opportunities to
continue providing a differentiated service to their
• Delay alerts and weather conditions on arrival;
• Possibility of including miles through SMS
message to a Frequent Miles Program, receiving
a SMS reply with the miles balance just after
the inclusion;
• Sending SMS with cancelled flights or new
boarding instructions;
• Possibility to selling the seat of the passenger
that is not in the airport area, for example, 30
minutes before the flight.
The analyzed solution generated a competitive
advantage to the company (Porter & Millar, 1985;
Porter, 2001). This can be concluded based on the
fact of any other Brazilian airline company is
offering, or even planning, this kind of solution.
Although the company is aware about the copy risk,
it is preparing to launch new features, in order to
take advantage of its pioneer position.
According to Amit & Zott (2001) view of
sources of value, the airline company created
strategic value as follows:
Innovation – Beyond the fact of the mobile
check-in became an innovation in Brazil nowadays.
The mobile platform will continue to produce a lot
of new features as related on project evolution.
These possibilities give the opportunity to the airline
company to build a visionary position based on
Efficiency – The presented solution decreased in
70% the cost of check-in operation. Additionally, the
check-in process became more flexible, reducing
queues and easing the passengers flow on the
Retention – Passengers experience more
comfortable services, saving time and getting precise
information about check-in. As other companies do
not offer this service, it is expected the application
increase the customer loyalty.
Complementarities – Integrating the mobile
phone operator to the supply chain of airline, the
analyzed company created a new way to add value
to its processes, giving benefits to all involved
According to the case study results, the
hypothesis (a) was verified because until this
moment the company achieved a competitive
advantage based on the mobile application (b) but it
is difficult to verify whether this solution will
sustain a strategic position as the other players can
launch similar solutions.
The future steps of this competition motivate
new analyses in order to develop new studies aiming
to design a more complete scenario of mobile
contribution to competition in Brazil.
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ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business