A Mechanism for Managing and Distributing Information and Queries in a Smart Space Environment

Sergey Boldyrev, Ian Oliver, Jukka Honkola



Distributed information management, especially when related to mobile devices with their particular connectivity and computing needs is complex. Based on notions of stability of information respository and factors such as computation resources and connectivity we can optimise the distribution and querying of said information across multiple mobile and other distributed devices.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Boldyrev S., Oliver I. and Honkola J. (2009). A Mechanism for Managing and Distributing Information and Queries in a Smart Space Environment . In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: MDMD, (ICEIS 2009) ISBN 978-989-8111-93-7, pages 145-153. DOI: 10.5220/0002193101450153

in Bibtex Style

author={Sergey Boldyrev and Ian Oliver and Jukka Honkola},
title={A Mechanism for Managing and Distributing Information and Queries in a Smart Space Environment},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: MDMD, (ICEIS 2009)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: MDMD, (ICEIS 2009)
TI - A Mechanism for Managing and Distributing Information and Queries in a Smart Space Environment
SN - 978-989-8111-93-7
AU - Boldyrev S.
AU - Oliver I.
AU - Honkola J.
PY - 2009
SP - 145
EP - 153
DO - 10.5220/0002193101450153