Using SCADE for Decision Support in Dam
Mar´ıa del Mar Gallardo
, Pedro Merino
, and Laura Panizo
and Antonio Linares
Dep. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci´on, University of M´alaga, Spain
Abstract. Formal methods have been widely used to analyze discrete systems
such as software. However, in recent years their field of application has been ex-
tended to deal with hybrid systems, that is, systems that combine both continuous
and discrete behaviors. This paper presents the experimental use of formal meth-
ods in a new application domain, the management of dams. Such systems present
hybrid behaviors which are not properly dealt with by classic numerical models.
We use the tool SCADE, based on the formal language Lustre, to model, simu-
late and verify dam elements in order to obtain a Decision Support System (DSS)
suitable for use by the dam operator.
1 Introduction
A Decision Support System (DSS) is a specialized type of information system for busi-
ness and organizationaldecision-making activities. One emerging field of application of
DSS is water resource management. In this domain, DSSs are mainly used as flood sim-
ulation and prediction tools. They include numerical models of dams, rivers, and other
water management systems. In this context, DSSs need to work with a huge amount of
data, like weather forecasts, water levels in real-time, etc. The output of a DSS could
be, for instance, the evolution of water at different points along the river. If it is obtained
rapidly, it provides valuable information for the managing staff.
Currently, increasing numbers of DSSs are implanted in different basins, such as the
DSS SAD Ebro [7]. Traditionally, these systems have used numerical models which are
a powerful and precise simulation tool of continuous variables, such as river flow. Arti-
ficial intelligence has also contributed to the development of DSS in this area, defining
heuristics to introduce probabilities and uncertainty [6]. However, an important chal-
lenge of these proposals is how to integrate the discrete part, which typically appears in
a dam. Current DSSs consider dams as black boxes with the ability to control the water
flow, but they do not consider the real behavior of its elements and the complexity of
managing them in order to obtain a precise goal, such as releasing 2Hm
in an hour to
avoid having the river burst its banks. The operator’s decisions should take into account
a lot of parameters like the behavior of each outflow element, the current level of the
Partially supported by the Spanish MEC under grants P07-TIC3131 and TIN2008-05932
del Mar Gallardo M., Merino P., Panizo L. and Linares A. (2009).
Using SCADE for Decision Support in Dam Management.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002194801250131