Context Gathering in Meetings: Business Processes
Meet the Agents and the Semantic Web
Ian Oliver
, Esko Nuutila
and Seppo T
Nokia Research, It
amerenkatu 11-13, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki University of Technology, PL 5400, FI-02015 TKK, Finland
Abstract. Semantic Web, Space Based Computing and agent technologies pro-
vide for a more sophisticated and personalised context gathering and information
sharing experience. Environments which benefit from these properties are often
found in direct social situations such as meetings. In the business world such
meetings are often artificially structured according to a process which does not
necessarily fit the physical (and virtual) environment in which a meeting takes
place. By providing simple ontologies to structure information, agents and space-
based information sharing environment with reasoning capabilities we can pro-
vide for a much richer social interaction environment.
1 Introduction
In practice, the complex cognitive tasks faced in organizations including coordination,
problem solving, design, planning, ideation, and decision making need to be tackled
in meetings where different perspectives and disciplines can be combined and shared
understanding can be built [1, 2]. In these kind of content-centered meetings, the formal
structure - or predefined process - is much less important than the wealth of information
contained in a meeting. The content and development of the information has a signifi-
cant impact on the course of the meeting, while the official agenda often provides only
superficial names to the phases of the conversation.
A typical meeting both uses and produces information. The participants need to
share existing information with each other, often in an ad hoc manner and interact with
the meeting in varying ways as situations arise. This includes varying amounts and
configurations of typical computing and display equipment such as mobile phones, dis-
plays, personal computers etc.
Increasingly the ‘conversation’ of the meeting is also supplemented with slide pre-
sentations, documents, diagrams, and other visual material as well as references to ma-
terial not explicitly included in the meeting. During the meeting new information is
usually produced, even if it not always explicitly written down. It should be noted that
a large part of the information is related to the context of a meeting itself, its partici-
pants, as well as the materials presented. Much of this information could nowadays be
automatically gathered for later use.
There is a lot of diversity in the actual arrangements of meetings. At one extreme
are well-organized meetings kept in special meeting rooms. At the other extreme are
Oliver I., Nuutila E. and Tör S. (2009).
Context Gathering in Meetings: Business Processes Meet the Agents and the Semantic Web.
In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems, pages 5-16
DOI: 10.5220/0002195400050016
ad hoc gatherings to tackle urgent problem that can take place in office rooms or even
cafeterias. Regardless of the type, it is nowadays typical to have lots of available dis-
plays. There can be shared displays such as video projectors or large screens as well as
personal displays such as laptop computers or PDAs.
In this paper we will focus specifically on the problem of sharing (media-based) in-
formation in a easy and flexible manner during a meeting. We are especially interested
in increasing the interaction among participants by making the granularity of presenta-
tions smaller and by allowing simultaneous presentation of information. We will present
a case study of this functionality.
Our solution builds on the Semantic Web and context gathering and reasoning tech-
niques [3–5] that enable rich information to be stored, linked and reasoned about from
a variety of sources. In this paper we show how the interaction between a few simple
ontologies and users of those ontologies frees a meeting scenario from the confines
of a strict process enabling ad hoc linking and reasoning about the information being
gathered in that context.
2 Space-based Computing Framework
The Sedvice architecture [6, 7] supports distributed agent based interactions over a
declarative space-based infrastructure [8]. A diagrammatic representation of the archi-
tecture is shown in figure 1.
Fig. 1. An Example Implementation Configuration.
Spaces are virtual entities which contain the information; these are represented by
a distributed, totally routable set of information brokers (known as SIBs). A Space
at its simplest contains: listeners for one or more transport/connectivity protocols (eg:
HTTP, TCP/IP, UMTS, SOAP etc), the logic for processing messages, policy/security
and handling subscriptions, a deductive closure mechanism and an information store
(an RDF store in our case).
Computation is placed primarily in agents [9] which interact with the space (phys-
ically via individual SIBs). The responsibilities of agents range from user-interaction
to reasoning and performing tasks such as truth maintenance, belief revision, infor-
mation consistency management etc. Agents are typically anonymous and autonomous
from each other. Control flow is either provided through first-class mechanisms inside
the spaces themselves or via agents communicating externally through specific control-
based environments such as the Network on Terminal Architecture
or Universal Plug
and Play
. Agents are necessarily anonymous and independent of each other unless the
agent specifically shares information about itself through the space.
Information is stored as a graph using the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
[10]. The semantics of the information is implied by the writer by way of what typ-
ing information is provided, the amount of information and what ontologies are used.
The reader of any piece of information interprets the information according to its own
criteria which is influenced by the typing, tagging and ontologies. Information is semi-
structured deliberately allowing inconsistency and ad hoc expansion of the information
What the user perceives as being an application [11] is constructed from a num-
ber of independently operating agents which — if they have user-interfaces — may be
grouped together visually (or by some other means, eg: audio) so that their combined
results may be perceived as a single whole.
3 Simple Contextual Model of a Meeting
We present a simple contextual model of a meeting, which considers two major aspects
[12]. The first aspect captures the notion of meeting as an assembly of group of people
the participants gathering together at a specific time and place to handle a spe-
cific topic using a set of documents. The second aspect captures the dynamic notion of
a meeting as set of acts that are done in a meeting using equipment. This model can
easily be extended to capture other aspects.
For an implementation of this contextual model we create a number of individual
agents that interact with small subsets of the ontologies defined below.
Within a meeting there exist an agenda, notes on the meeting, documents or presen-
tation to be made in that meeting and the participants of that meeting etc. Outside of
this we have notions of physical devices that might exist in the location of a meeting
(though we don’t enforce physical presence). We also show how these aspects, that of
the meeting and its presentations and that of physical devices can be combined.
3.1 Ontologies
The basic information defining a meeting itself can be fairly simple: a set of partic-
ipants, documents and an agenda. Within a meeting however the actual information
structure can be extremely complex involving individual comments, ad hoc changes to
the agenda, participants etc and then further links not only within the meeting informa-
tion but outside of that to provide additional context and content to the meeting. For
example, the participants of a meeting in many tools are just names; using the Semantic
Web we can extend this out to business contacts (eg: LinkedIn, Facebook etc
) and the
possibilities that arise from including that information [13].
Our basic design consists of two separate ontologies; we do not espouse the ‘one
true ontology’ view and it is highly likely that differing formats for various aspects of
the whole system will be used and thus need to interoperate [14].
In Figures 2 and 3 we present the classes that are used in these ontologies. We differ-
entiate between the ontologies when necessary in this text by prefixing with shortened
namespace declarations: Nokia and TKK respectively.
Fig. 2. Meeting Ontology Class Hierarchy.
Fig. 3. Devices and Presentation Ontology Class Hierarchy.
We also define a set of properties between these classes, for example in the Nokia
meeting ontology we have the following properties
location: Meeting Location functional property
meetingHost: Meeting Participant subrole of participants, cardinality 1
participants: Meeting Participant cardinality: 0..
topic: Meeting Topic cardinality: 1..
belongsTo: Presentation Meeting functional property
agenda: Meeting AgendaItem cardinality: 1..
responsibleOf: AgendaItem Participant functional property
presentations: Meeting Presentation cardinality: 0..
participatesIn: Controller Meeting functional property
controllers: Meeting Controller cardinality: 0..
shows: AVDeviceController Presentation cardinality: 0..
controls: PresentationController Presentation cardinality: 0..
document: Presentation Document functional property
Data properties include the start and end times of the meetings, agenda item descrip-
tions and the name of the participants: these are all of type ‘date/time’ and ‘string’
accordingly. Similar properties for the presentation and device ontology can be see in
the example RDF graph in figure 4.
Fig. 4. RDF graph of a meeting.
The expressiveness required of the description logic for these ontologies is relatively
simple, in the meeting ontology case it is ALCHQ
and in the device/presentation
case it is ALCF
. This means that any reasoning that is requires to be made over
these ontologies can be reasonably simple and does not require the power of OWL
reasoner. Furthermore, most current business information models have been specified
using entity-relationship models which are easily mapped to simple description logics
of much less complexity than OWL [15].
Note that the construction of the ontologies are very much a compromise between
the parties creating those ontologies. There are properties and even classes which do
not necessarily accurately reflect ‘real-life’. Ontologies will change over time and the
aforementioned semi-structured/ontology agnostic nature of RDF assists in represent-
ing this.
Some classes represent rather technical matters. Class AVDevice represents a thing
that is able to present audiovisual content, e.g., a video projector, a display of a lap-
top, a loudspeaker, a window on a computer desktop, etc. Class AVDeviceController
represents a software component that can render output to an AVDevice. Class SKIM is
an example subclass of AVDeviceController. It represents a software component that
uses the SKIM viewer [16] to show a PDF document on a display. Class Controller is
just an abstraction of the controller components. The class MultiPagePresentation
is an important subclass of Presentation and it represents a presentation consisting
of several pages, e.g., a presentation of a PDF document.
In Figure 4 we present an RDF graph of an instance of these ontologies. The under-
lined xs are URI’s that represent individual objects: participants, presentations, con-
trollers, etc. For each URI we present its type, i.e., the class the instance of which
the URI is. In addition we present several relations between objects, e.g., the relation
shows between and the instance x
of class SKIM and instance x
of class MultiPage-
Presentation, which tells that a presentation is shown by a software component on a
specific audiovisual device.
The concepts of a ‘meeting’ and a ‘document’ occurs in both ontologies which sug-
gests some kind of semantic similarity. As we shall see we can take advantage of these
kinds of semantic similarity to enable interoperability between the various ontologies
[17, 18].
The information models are linked together by the classes Meeting and Document.
We can see the separation of the ontologies: the left-hand side presents the devices-and-
presentations aspect and the right-hand side the participants-topic-location-and-time as-
pect of a meeting.
3.2 Agents and Interaction
To effect a meeting we require actions over the defined ontologies. These actions are
implemented in our system through simple agents [9] with varying degrees of responsi-
bility (from simple atomic actions to implementing complete functionality) which can
be distributed across many devices.
Consider the case where a meeting is being set up, this involves the creation of an
instance of class Meeting and to ensure consistency, one participant which initially
must be the meeting host, the topic and at least one agenda item. We defined the data
properties and other object properties to be optional, though one should also specify
the location, start and end times etc. Whether these properties should be optional (and
others not) is a matter for the ontology designer and what particular aspects they are
trying to capture.
To implement this, we need a software agent, say MeetingBuilderAgent, that is
able to create the meeting in the Sedvice RDF store, add agenda items and participants
of the meeting to the RDF store etc. This software agent communicates with Sedvice
and has a user interface, e.g., a set of web pages, some widget-style application etc.
As the information store contains only the current context there is no necessity for
presentations, participants etc to be bound to the meeting when it is created. In fact as
we are only manipulating context we have a divorce between the temporal aspect of
when entities have been created and linked to each other. This allows us to be free from
any given specific structure and process associated with the setting up of a meeting.
As a meeting progresses the interactions between the agents with the body of shared
information or the context of the meeting more accurately reflects how this particular
interaction between users progresses. Information ranging from simple RDF triples to
larger bodies of information can be linked to the entities defined in our ontologies as
necessary. Additionally as we are ‘free’ from specific, rigid structures we can in ef-
fect link any information. For example, one could link some IRC conversation with an
agenda point and use that information later when reasoning and processing about the
overall context of a meeting such as effected by automatic meeting minutes generation
and/or summarisation.
The agents controlling the presentation of the material work thus: we need at least
two software agents, say PresentationControllerAgent and SKIMAgent.
The former is used by the participants of the meeting for controlling presentations: start-
ing presentations, moving forward and backward in the documents that are presented,
etc. It communicates with the Sedvice RDF store adding there RDF triples representing
the presentations, their corresponding documents, the current pages in a presentation
etc. It also has a user interface, e.g. a set of web pages to be used by a meeting partic-
ipant for controlling the presentation. Several PresentationControllerAgent
instances may exist simultaneously, if several participants control presentations at the
same time.
The SKIMAgent component listens to modifications in the RDF store. Whenever
a new presentation is to be shown by the SKIM agent, it awakes the local SKIM appli-
cation and tells it to show the corresponding document
. Similarly, if a change of the
current page appears in the RDF store, the SKIM agent tells the local SKIM applica-
tion to change the page. If several displays are available, we should have several SKIM
agents running.
3.3 Reasoning and Information Integration
Given a corpii of information such as that in figure 4 we can construct agents that can
analyse and reason about this information. In particular we require agents that can:
1. relate two elements together
2. relate two (or more) information structures together
3. search for and generate additional information based on current context
The first case is relatively trivial and can be realised using agents that look for in-
stances of certain types and link these together. The simplest version of this is an agent
that simply notices an instance of one type and asserts that it also takes symmetrically
a second type:
Γ, x type Nokia :: Meeting
Γ, x type TKK :: Meeting
typ e inference
Γ, x type TKK :: Meeting
Γ, x type Nokia :: Meeting
typ e inference
A more sophisticated variation on this is to utilise the owl:sameAs predicate [19]
but this relies upon reasoning over a larger set of information instead of indiscrimi-
nate linking of instances (nodes in the RDF graph) together. For example, one could
implement an agent with the following rule for some properties p
and p
Γ, x type Nokia :: Meeting y type TKK :: Meeting x.p
= y.p
Γ, x owl : sameAs y (3)
The above are of course monotonic rules though in our experience rule sets within
agents and typical information corpii tend to be non-monotonic in nature. This then
leave various problems regarding rule conflict and aspects of negation and missing in-
formation - open world vs closed world assumptions. Investigation is progressing in
these ares but at this time is not mature enough to meaningfully discuss in this context.
This then leads to analysing larger information structures and deciding, potentially
at run-time what constitutes the required structure: [20] defines the notion of RDF-
molecule which denotes a larger structure based upon the necessary set of properties
We chose SKIM as the PDF viewer, since it can easily be commanded outside using Apple-
aggregated together to make a more meaningful element or object [21].
How larger structures are mapped together or made equivalent beyond the above
syntactic methods is open for development [22]. Techniques based upon semantic simi-
larity in the linguistic sense probably provide the most reasonable method for perform-
ing this matching [23, 24].
In simple examples such as the case study in this paper the three explicitly stated
rules above implemented over a number of agents suffices to link the information struc-
tured by the given ontologies together. In many cases simple rule set suffice although
as we have noted there is the need for non-monotonic reasoning in some cases.
4 Content-driven Meetings Scenario
In this section we show how meetings work using our framework. In content-centered,
informal meetings the activity is not driven by an agenda or predefined process; instead,
the activity emerges in a dynamic and opportunistic manner as reaction to the develop-
ment of the information content.
The crucial aspect in our approach is the flexible and easy interleaving of meeting
conversation with visual presentations. The conversation itself is flexible and can lead
into vivid and dynamic interaction between participants. However, the difficulties to
make visual presentations often lead to static arrangements, over-prepared presentation
materials, and as a result, in non-interactive presentation events. Such meetings give
little room for successful building of shared knowledge.
Below we go through meeting scenarios to show how flexible presentation interop-
erability tools have a potential to provide more freedom to ordinary meetings. It should
be stressed that the presentation framework is based on open and free participation:
each participants must decide whether to follow the presentation by subscribing to it. In
addition, these scenarios should not be confused with ”smart meeting room” scenarios;
we are focusing on ubiquitous, easy, and flexible meetings.
Scenario (Setting Up and Working in the Meeting). Three researchers, Alice, Bob
and Eve, have to prepare a conference paper. Alice has written a draft for sections 1 and
2, Bob and Eve drafts for sections 3 and 4. They should meet to discuss the paper.
Using MeetingBuilderAgent, Alice creates in a ‘smart space’ (or just space)
a meeting with agenda items Go through Alice’s draft, Go through Eve’s and Bob’s
draft, and Producing the final version. Later, Alice creates a presentation for document
s12.pdf and binds it to the meeting in the space. Here one might see a structure similar
to the right-hand-side of the diagram in figure 4.
Alice, Bob and Eve agree on a meeting at university cafeteria. Like Alice before,
Bob creates a presentation for document s34.pdf. This can be made in the same space
or in a different space with the two spaces being merged or one projected into the other
- for simplicity we assume the same space.
Alice, Bob and Eve meet at university cafeteria. They have their laptops with them.
To show his presentation, Alice launches a PresentationControllerAgent, which
creates a the meeting and presentation to be controller (but of different types to the
earlier meeting and presentation) in the space and starts to control the presentation.
One of the reasoner agents recognises this and infers that these can be unified in the
semantic sense - for example using the rules 1,2 and 3 described earlier and possibly
enhanced with the more sophisticated semantic pattern matching also described. Now
the various agents that work across the different ontologies do not see any difference in
the separate information structures.
To see the presentation at their laptops, Alice, Eve and Bob launch AVDevice-
ControllerAgents. Using PresentationControllerAgent, Alice starts the pre-
sentation on the first page. The AVDeviceControllerAgents detect the change of
page and show the corresponding page on a window in each laptop. Using Presenta-
tionControllerAgent, Alice moves forward in the presentation. The AVDevice-
ControllerAgents detect the page changes and show the corresponding pages.
At some point, Eve notes that there is an inconsistency between two document
drafts. He launches another PresentationControllerAgent, makes it join the meet-
ing and control the presentation of Bob’s and Eve’s draft. The participants set their AV-
DeviceControllerAgents to show this presentation too. Using his Presentation-
ControllerAgent Eve moves to page three of Bob’s and Eve’s draft. AVDevice-
ControllerAgents show the corresponding page on the laptops. Alice adds into the
space an annotation about the inconsistency between the drafts.
At this point, the participants decide that it is better to simultaneously go through the
both presentations to check the inconsistencies. Alice and Eve control the presentations,
and the participants add annotations about detected inconsistencies in the presentations.
After working like this for a while, the participants decide that they should write new
versions of their drafts. They decide to meet again later to finalize the paper using the
new versions of the drafts.
Note how the situation developed. In the original agenda, the idea was to go through the
drafts one at a time and then decide how to produce the final version. However, when
an inconsistency between the drafts was detected, the meeting took a different path. In
traditional, rigid meeting situations, this may be considered as a fault in the process.
However, when we have a content-driven approach, this is very natural and causes no
The required software agents can be rather simple. MeetingBuilderAgent and
PresentationControllerAgent can be implemented as web pages that access the
RDF store. AVDeviceControllerAgent can be implemented as a couple of scripts
that monitor changes in the space and command a PDF viewer. The SKIM controller
mentioned above was implemented this way.
Scenario Continued (Note Taking). Eve makes copious notes during the meeting us-
ing an unrelated agent. As Eve makes these notes they are linked both to the meeting
context and to the current presentation. Furthermore as the note contain valuable in-
formation regarding what is currently being discussed Eve starts a further search agent
that can analyse the text and make searching for other interesting presentation via some
suitable search technology (Citeseer, Google etc).
Eve notices that some of these suggested presentations are highly relevant and se-
lects them from her web-browser which then writes the details of the selected presenta-
tions into the space. Eve has also set up her web browser agent to link these presenta-
tions directly into the current meeting so that they can become both part of the current
meeting context and because of the reasoning agents described earlier (cf: eqns.1,2,3)
are also available for show during the meeting.
This kind of interoperability and specifically the ability to link in information into the
meeting in a very ad hoc manner allows not only for the overall meeting context to be
expanded but also that items such as searches for material made ‘outside’ the meeting
scope not to be lost.
There are interesting privacy issues here such as what happens if much of the above
is fully automatic and one of the meeting participants is not fully concentrating on the
meeting and starts searching for ‘other’ material - an all too common occurrence in
many meetings. However we espouse the use of much more direct interaction with the
user thus empowering the user with more control over how his or her information is
being used and the context gathered.
Scenario Continued (Minutes). Later at a meeting room in TKK, Bob and Eve have
another meeting to edit their draft. Eve creates a new meeting and adds the presentations
of the previous meeting to this meeting. He also adds a new presentation for the new
draft that they are going to edit. In addition to their laptops, they have a computer that
is connected to a video projector. To see what happened in the last meeting, Bob creates
another presentation “last meeting minutes”. This is a special kind of presentation that
can be controlled by MeetingMintesPresentationAgent, a software agent that is
capable of going through the events of the previous meeting. Such an agent might even
be working continuously such that the minutes are being continuously generated.
For showing the minutes, Bob also launches an AVDeviceControllerAgent that
shows a time-line of the last meeting on the video projector. Using these agents, Bob
and Eve go through the annotations of in the previous meeting. For each annotation,
the meeting minutes agents show the pages of the presentations that were shown in the
previous meeting when the annotation was made.
Here we see how the context of the previous meeting is seamlessly merged to the
context of the new meeting. There was no need to separately write down the minutes
of the meeting; they were created during the meeting. The information that the agents
record in the RDF store is a much richer and more accurate presentation of what really
happened. What is needed in addition to the classes that we described in Section 3 is a
way to time stamp events. This can easily be added to the agents.
The software for MeetingMintesPresentationAgent and the corresponding
AVDeviceControllerAgent can be simple. The former can be implemented as web
pages that access the space to detect the course of action in the previous meeting and
provides a way to go through this information. In addition, the agent acts as a con-
troller for the presentations that were shown in the previous meeting to show how the
presentations proceeded in the previous meeting.
5 Discussion, Conclusions and Future Work
We have described the ontologies, the typical reasoning over ontologies and the actions
might be performed by participants of a meeting. Our approach does not explicitly im-
ply a strict process nor ordering of actions but rather enables the actions (implemented
as agents) to be made under the control of the users at the appropriate times according
to the context of the whole meeting.
The following points are specifically raised and are supported by the distributed,
information sharing nature of our system:
Individual actions implemented as agents
User use the useful set of agents at any given point in time
The context of the meeting is independent from the actual meeting itself
The physical and temporal location of the meeting is independent from the content
and thus context of the meeting
This benefits the user in more realistic and complex situations where people make
annotations, make multiple presentations, link to external content, are physically mobile
(temporally and physically) and so on.
One of the particular features that supports a much freer environment for the users is
that there is no flow of control explicitly enforced between agents - the environment is
declarative in nature. This of course has certain problems such as agents getting access
to and potentially modifying data before a particular information structure is ready.
These are however handled by suitable guards in the agent design and even by external
signalling mechanisms as described earlier.
Issues relating to security, privacy and trust are not addressed by our framework at
this time. However the nature of a space is such that the architecture support policy
based agent joining to a space: that is for an agent to have access to a space then it must
supply the correct set of credentials before being admitted.
This work has been partially funded as part of the TEKES ICT SHOK DIEM (
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