Electronic HRM: From Implementation to
Value Creation
Yvonne Loijen
and Tanya Bondarouk
Capgemini Consulting, The Netherlands
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Abstract. The paper presents results of the quantitative study into enablers and
value creation of e-HRM systems. The findings supported by the analysis of
210 questionnaires, have revealed that the most significant enabler of e-HRM
implementation is HRM system strength, while characteristics of the IT
functionality also played an important role. The main result of the e-HRM
usage was observed as effectiveness of HR administrative processes, but not
Re-structuring of the HR function as usually expected from the introduction of
e-HRM in organizations.
1 Introduction
There is a growing body of literature reporting on different aspects of Human
Resource Information Systems (HRIS) and electronic HRM (e-HRM). A lot has been
done to indentify potentials of e-HRM for HRM strategy implementation ([13], [31]),
types and goals of e-HRM ([18], [26]), and impact of e-HRM on different stakeholder
groups [24]. However, research on the success factors of e-HRM implementation is
scarce. Studies which examine influences of IT, HRM and organizational
characteristics on e-HRM implementation are characterized by taking a single
dominant approach, either IT- or HRM-centered. Having acknowledged the
definition of e-HRM as
a way of implementing HR strategies, policies, and practices in organization
through conscious and directed support of and/or with the full use of web-
technology-based channels [26],
we should probably, focus on an integration between IT and HRM, and approach the
success factors from an integrated perspective. This study proposes a model that puts
forward enablers of e-HRM implementation and indicators of its success. Through
testing the model, our paper strives to partially close the gap in the existing literature
on success of e-HRM, and answer the question, what the success enablers of e-HRM
are, and what value e-HRM creates for organizations.
Loijen Y. and Bondarouk T. (2009).
Electronic HRM: From Implementation to Value Creation.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems, pages 84-97
DOI: 10.5220/0002195900840097
2 Theoretical Framework and Development of Hypotheses
Talking about e-HRM value, we should notice that we define it as the capacity of
electronic HRM to satisfy a need or provide a benefit to a person or an organization.
[11]. When implemented successfully, e-HRM has the ability to provide benefits to
employees and organizations and thus to create value. Building on theoretical debates
found in earlier studies on Electronic Performance Monitoring and debates on
functional/dysfunctional consequences of e-HRM applications [29], [28] the intended
and unintended consequences that e-HRM might have for organizations and
individuals are summarized in Table 1. As the table shows, we view three aspects that
are affected by the implementation of e-HRM: information flow, social interactions,
and perceived control. All three aspects might be jointly influenced by the nature of e-
HRM systems, and individuals’ attitudes, intentions, and behaviors.
Table 1. Potential consequences of e-HRM.
Affected aspects Intended consequence of e-HRM Unintended consequence of e-HRM
Information flow - It may increase the organization’s
ability to access, collect, and
disseminate information
- Greater amounts of information
- Easier access to information about
roles requirements
- Accuracy and timeliness of HR
- Information overload
- Failure to create “high” quality
- Uncertainty, ambiguity, complexity of
HR information
- Increase of a number of alternatives
- Amount of out-dated information
- It may modify social interaction
patterns (substitution for face-to-face
- Increase of standardization in
- Fairness in sending messages about
performance management
- Decreased social interaction between
supervisors and subordinates
- Increased psychological distance
between supervisors and subordinates
- Increased feelings of social isolation
- Invasion in personal privacy
Perceived control - Increase control of employees
- Work stress
- Increased anxiety stemming from
‘invasion of privacy’
Lepak and Snell [18] refer to the four ‘pressures’ of virtual HRM: they must be
strategy-focused, flexible, efficient and client-oriented; and all this at the same time.
Ruël et al. [26] highlighted an aspect that is fairly well covered by the above but that
is nevertheless interesting to spell out, namely the changing nature of the employment
relationship. With the supply shortage in the labour market (during the economic
upturn of the 1990s), the individualization of society, and the higher educational level
of citizens (and thus of employees), the power balance in the employment relationship
has shifted in the direction of the employees: they want to steer their own career
paths. In the view of Ruël et al. [26], a move towards e-HRM can provide the tools to
support this development. This aspect fits into earlier-mentioned drivers such as
improving service towards internal clients, but has an external societal drive.
Theoretical debates suggest that the three goals of e-HRM are cost reduction,
improvement of HR services and improvement of strategic orientation ([4], [18],
When goals or results have a positive influence on employees or the organization,
combined with the intended consequences of e-HRM (Table 1), the goals and results
also contribute to the value creation of e-HRM. For the purpose of this paper we
distinguish the following categories of e-HRM value creation: Time spent on HR
activities, HRM roles, HRM service quality, Efficiency, Perceived effectiveness of
electronic HR practices. Those are, in our view, integrate the notion of the e-HRM
goals and anticipated positive consequences of e-HRM in organizations. Besides the
above mentioned factors, it is expected that e-HRM will also diminish role ambiguity,
and will contribute to the uniqueness of HRM. Role ambiguity, Time spent on HR
activities and HRM roles together form the block: restructuring of the HR function.
Uniqueness of HRM, HRM service quality and Efficiency form the block: HRM
effectiveness. Perceived effectiveness of electronic HR practices is a block itself.
Restructuring of the HR Function. Restructuring of the HR function consists of
three aspects: Role ambiguity, Time spent on HR activities and HR roles. Role
ambiguity is viewed as the lack of necessary information available to a given
organizational position [25]. Through e-HRM, most organizations implement
databases with relevant HR information, which is accessible to HR professionals, line
managers and partly to employees. This database provides more information, the
accuracy of this available information is expected to increase, and the information is
expected to be easier accessible (Table 1). Therefore e-HRM is believed to diminish
role ambiguity. The implementation of e-HRM is viewed to lead to changes in HR
processes and functions in the organizations. This has influence on the HRM roles
and the time that HR professionals, employees and line managers spend on HR
activities. We have tried to cover these role changes with the four different roles
classified by Ulrich and Brockbank [33]: Employee Advocate, Human Capital
Developer, Functional Expert, Strategic partner/change agent. Our first hypothesis is
H1. Through the implementation of e-HRM HR professionals will improve their
strategic orientation, spend less time on HR administration, and will diminish roles
HRM Uniqueness and Service Quality. The Uniqueness is considered as the degree
to which a combination of face-to-face and electronic HRM practices is rare,
specialized, and firm specific. When an organization is able to implement this unique
combination of HRM and e-HRM it can create a competitive advantage and hereby
create value. Another aspect of HRM effectiveness is the HRM service quality.
Service quality involves not only the outcome of the e-HRM system but also the way
the service is delivered. To ensure good quality, service quality should exceed
customer expectations of the service [23]. By improving the service level of the HRM
department through the implementation of e-HRM, e-HRM can add value to the
organization. e-HRM can help to increase the efficiency of the organization by for
example cost reduction ([35], [26], [5]), time savings ([14],[30]) or improved decision
making [14].
H2. As a result of implementation of e-HRM, targeted organizational members will
perceive their HRM services unique and of an increased quality.
Perceived Effectiveness of HR Administration. The Perceived effectiveness of HR
administration is the degree to which HR practices are perceived as useful and
helpful. In this research, the perceived effectiveness of e-administration of personnel
data is examined. E-administration is the electronic record keeping of all personnel
data. It is expected that due to its electronic support and through the change of the
process itself, the effectiveness of the HR administration shall increase.
H3. As a result of e-HRM implementation, administration of HR processes will be
perceived as more effective.
A precondition for the success and thus value creation of an e-HRM application is
the usage of the application. If the application is not used, the e-HRM application
won’t succeed. Usage is defined by appropriation and frequency of use. Appropriation
is the continuous, progressive, and mutual adjustments, accommodations, and
improvisations between the technology and the users. [22] or can be seen as the
incorporation of information technology into one’s life [27].
Technological Strength. People tend to use (or not) an application to the extent that
they believe it will help them perform their job better (perceived usefulness). Further,
even if people believe that a given application is useful, they may believe that the
systems are too hard to work with and that the performance benefits of usage are
outweighed by the efforts required using the application (ease-of-use). It was shown
that usefulness is more strongly linked to actual system use than ease-of-use. The
dominance of usefulness over ease-of-use has important implications for the designers
and those responsible for implementation. Across the many empirical tests of TAM,
perceived usefulness has consistently been a strong determinant of the usage
intentions of employees. As of January 2000, the Institute for Scientific Information’s
Social Science Citation Index
listed no less than 424 journal citations to the article by
Davis [6]. Within a decade, the TAM concept had been enriched by elaborating on
various determinants of the perceived usefulness and ease-of-use. Besides these two
important IT characteristics, another important aspect of an information system is the
information quality of the system. Information quality is about the perceived
importance and usefulness of the information in the information system [9].
H 4. The usage of e-HRM will be determined by the technological strength consisting
of usefulness, easiness of use, and data quality.
HRM System Strength. Besides IT, HRM system strength is an important
contributor to the success of e-HRM. An HRM system is the overall set of HR
practices, programs, and philosophy in a company. The HR practices in a company
can be seen as communication from employer to employee [3]. Through HR practices
employees develop skills, knowledge and motivation to contribute to the
organization’s strategy. Thus the perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of employees
are influenced through the HRM system. [2] HR practices should communicate
unambiguous messages to employees about what is appropriate behavior. Attribution
theory states how people explain matters and the psychological consequences of these
matters [10]. Individuals make correct attributions about HR practices based on three
factors: the distinctiveness of the HRM system, the consistency of the HRM system,
and the consensus of the HRM system.
H5. The usage of e-HRM will be determined by the strength of the HRM system in
Employee Readiness for e-HRM. When an organizational change is implemented,
one of the most common reasons for failure is employees’ resistance to change. The
success of e-HRM is dependent on the voluntary cooperation of employees. The block
Employee readiness for e-HRM consists of three factors: Facilitating conditions,
Employee participation in the implementation of e-HRM and HR technological
competencies. Facilitating conditions are the degree to which an individual believes
that an organizational and technical infrastructure exist to support use of the system
[34]. Employee participation is the assignments, activities, and behaviors that users
or their representatives perform during the systems development process [1]. The last
factor which contributes to Employee readiness is HR technological competencies.
HR technological competencies are defined as a person’s underlying attributes, such
as their knowledge, skills, or abilities, necessary to accomplish e-HRM change. [12]
H6. The usage of e-HRM will be determined by the employees readiness to work
with e-HRM.
3 Methodology
Research Design. The first step in this research is to conduct entry interviews. These
interviews are held to explain the research purposes, to get information about the e-
HRM application in use, and to customize the questionnaire. After these interviews, a
questionnaire was developed about the success factors of e-HRM. The questionnaire
was internet-based and entry-forced. Existing scales were used for most variables,
where all constructs were measured by 5-point scales. The original scales were in
English. However, since all participants in the survey were native Dutch speakers the
questionnaire was translated into Dutch and back into English. The translation from
English into Dutch was done in parallel by two independent translators. Before
sending the questionnaire to the respondent, the questionnaire was checked by three
academic researchers from three different universities to refine the questionnaire. A
pilot test was conducted by experts and their suggestions were used to improve the
content validity and the structure of the questionnaire. Finally the questionnaire was
prototyped online by two academic researchers and two experts.
Companies were selected with help of contacts from Capgemini colleagues.
Capgemini colleagues were asked for contact persons in companies. These contact
persons were sent an invitation, including a short description of the model, an
explanation of the research and benefits for the participating companies. Besides
companies listed by colleagues, companies within the personal network of the
researcher were approached. The last way of collecting information on companies
was by snowball sampling. This resulted in 12 companies showing interest in
participating in an interview and discussing possibilities for the questionnaire. After
the entry interviews, six companies agreed to participate in the research. Companies
who refused indicated that they had too much workload in the organization and did
not want to bother their employees with a questionnaire, or were afraid the
questionnaire would result in resistance of the employees to the e-HRM application.
The questionnaire was sent to the six companies with an accompanying email. This
email explained the goal of the questionnaire and provided an estimated time required
to fill out the questionnaire. A follow up email was sent after a week.
This resulted in 206 respondents who filled in the questionnaire. The response rate
cannot be computed because it is not known for all companies to how many
employees the questionnaire was sent.
Measures. The items in the questionnaire were organized per variable.
IT Strength. Usefulness ,was defined as the degree to which a person believes that
using a particular information system would enhance his job performance [6],
Easiness of use was defined as the degree to which the prospective use expects the
information system to be free of effort [7], and Data quality was defined as the
perceived importance and usefulness of the information in the information system [9].
For the constructs Ease of use and Usefulness items were based on Venkatesh
[34]. Venkatesh used four items for Ease of use and Perceived usefulness. An item of
Ease of use is e.g.: “Interacting with e-HRM technology requires a lot of mental
effort”. An example of Usefulness is: “I find e-HRM useful for dealing with my HR
related activities”. The constructs Intrinsic information quality and Contextual
information quality are based on the scales of Lee et al [15]. Intrinsic information
quality is referred to as: accuracy, believability, reputation and objectivity. The items
used from the questionnaire are based on these concepts: e.g. “The data on the e-
HRM site is reliable”. The construct Contextual information quality has been
described by Wang and Strong in Lee et al. [15] as: value-added, relevance,
completeness, timeliness, and appropriate amount. So items from the questionnaire of
Lee et al [15] were selected based on these keywords, like “The data on the e-HRM
site is up-to-date for my HR tasks”.
HRM System Strength. HRM system strength consists of three different variables:
Distinctiveness, Consistency and Consensus. The distinctiveness of the HRM system
are the features that allow a situation to stand out in the environment and to capture
attention and interest. The consistency is the establishment of an effect over time and
modalities regardless of the form of interactions. The consensus is the degree of
agreement among individuals’ views of the event-effect relationship. [3]
The questions about distinctiveness, consensus and consistency were adapted from
Delmotte [8]. Only legitimacy and authority, which are part of distinctiveness, are
self-constructed because the questions of Delmotte [8] do not correspond to the
description of distinctiveness of this research. An example of an item of Consistency
is: “There is a clear fit between HR promises and deliverables”.
Employee Readiness. Employee readiness for e-HRM change consists of three
variables: HR competencies as technology expertise, Facilitating conditions, and
Employees participation in the e-HRM implementation. The construct HR
competencies as technology expertise was self-constructed. An item of this scale is:
“HR professionals in our organization have strong skills to use e-HRM applications”.
Facilitating conditions were adapted from Venkatesh et al [34] and Marler et al [19].
The items from the questionnaire of Marler et al [19] are based on his construct
Employee resources, which resemble Facilitating conditions. A selection was made
from the questionnaire of Venkatesh et al [34] to limit the length of the questionnaire.
For the construct Employee participation in the implementation of e-HRM, a selection
was made from among the items from Barki and Hartwick [1].Not all items could be
used since the length of the questionnaire required to be limited. An example of an
item in this construct is: “I helped creating users manuals for the e-HRM application”.
Usage. Usage consists of two variables: Appropriation and Frequency. The items of
the construct Appropriation were adapted from Ruël [27]. Also in case of
Appropriation not all items are used because of the magnitude of the questionnaire.
An item from this scale is: “IT experts will not agree with my way of using the e-
HRM tools”. The item from Frequency are self-constructed.
Re-structuring of the HRM Function. It included three variables, HR roles, roles
ambiguity, and time spent on HR processes. The items of HR roles were adapted from
Ulrich and Brockbank [33] , and four different roles were distinguished: Employee
Advocate, Human Capital Developer, Functional Expert and Strategic Partner/Change
Agent. One of the items on this scale is: “HR professionals develop HR activities to
take care of employee personal needs”. Role ambiguities was adapted from Miller et
al [20] and consisted of nine items. “The combination of traditional Human Resource
Management and electronic Human Resource Management make me feel I have clear
goals for my HR tasks” is an example of an item. Time spent is a self constructed
measure. It consists of three variables: Time spent on HRM activities, Time spent on
IT activities, and Time spent on HR administrative/transactional activities. An
example of an item is: “Since the implementation of e-HRM I am increasingly
involved in forecasting HR needs”.
Uniqueness and Quality of HRM Services. Included two variables, uniqueness and
HRM services. Uniqueness of HRM was adapted from Lepak and Snell [17]. This
variable consists of nine items, for example: “A combination of traditional Human
Resource Management and electronic Human Resource Management in our
organization would be very difficult to replace”. HR service quality is based on the
questionnaires of Parasuraman et al [23]. An example is: “The HR services guarantee
error-free administration”. The items within the variable Efficiency are self-
constructed, for example: “Since the introduction of e-HRM, administration of HR
documents is efficient”.
Perceived Effectiveness of HR Administration. Perceived effectiveness of
electronic HR practices is self-constructed. An example of an item is: “I can access
HR personal information at my early convenience”.
4 Results
Based on the correlation analysis, it can be concluded that sufficient correlations are
found to be able to execute a regression analysis. A stepwise regression was chosen
for this research. The regression analysis indicates that only Employee Readiness has
a significant relation with Usage. IT and HRM system strengths do not have a
significant relation with e-HRM Usage. Employee Readiness determines 28% of the
Usage (R
= 0.276). The relation with Usage is a strong positive relation (β= 0.697), if
an organization scores high on Employee Readiness, this organization scores also
higher on the Usage of the e-HRM application. Usage determines 3% of Restructuring
of the HR function, 13% of HRM Uniqueness, and 12% of Perceived Effectiveness of
HR administration. However, as can be seen in the regression table below, the three
success enablers (IT and HRM System Strengths, and Employee Readiness)
determine 41% of HRM Uniqueness and quality of HR services. IT and HRM System
Strengths determine 42% of Perceived Effectiveness of HRM administration. Based
on the high R
values, a direct relation between the success enablers and the value
creating factors is a distinct possibility. IT strengths do have a strong positive
influence (β=0.552) on the Perceived Effectiveness of HR administrative practices
(Table 2).
Table 2. Regression analysis.
Usage Restructuring of H
Uniqueness and quality
of HR services
B Sign
B Sign
B Sign
B Sign
IT Strength
.276 .102 .152 - - .411
.225 .000
.552 .000
HRM System
.049 .486
.052 .135 .001
.250 .000
.319 .000
.697 .000
- -
.146 .018
.171 .083
- -
.032 -.082 .010
.244 .000
.372 .000
The regression analysis at construct level leads to a lot of significant relations
being found. Because of the number of significant relation, only the relations are
shown in the table below.
Table 3. Regression analysis on construct level.
Appropriation Frequency
Time spent on
strategic activities
β Sign
β Sign
β Sign
β Sign
Ease of use .275 .306
.038 - - .236 -.083 .313 .139 .161 .234
Usefulness .154 .077 .268
-.429 .000 .490 .001
Data Quality .187 .006 - - -.083 .283 .181 .124
Distinctiveness .144 .157 .102 .043 .343 .003 .195 -.468 .000 .113 .498 .002
Consistency .433
.002 .982 -.172 .065 .157 .303
Consensus .089 .227 - - -.109 .125 .156 .235
Participation .300 -.006 .927 .143 .338 .000 .261 -.040 .534 .312 .482 .000
Competence .136
.077 .272 -.217
.391 .008
Facilitating .437
.324 .003 -.403
.131 .243
Appropriation .297 -.349
.135 - -
Frequency -.253
.330 .001
Time spent on IT
Related activities
Time spent on
Administr. activities
Oriented role
Oriented role
β Sign
β Sign
β Sign
β Sign
Ease of use .067 .293 .018 .083 .272 .000 .152 .151 .079 .150 .160
Usefulness .134 .341 .096 .337 .342 .000 .166
Data Quality - - .070 .433 .013 .873 .062 .460
Distinctiveness - - - .034 - - .488 .258
.534 .217
Consistency - - - - .446
Consensus - - .231 .024 .257
Participation .323 .609 .000 .0027 - - .258 .019 .767 .291 - -
Competence - - - - .362
Facilitating .014 .894 .177
Appropriation .114 - - .028 .208
.137 .294
.131 .285
Frequency .292 .002 - - .136
Uniqueness Service Quality Efficiency Perceived effectiveness
Ease of use .055 .108 .236 .211 .189
.295 -.021 .785 .391 .132
Usefulness .150
.459 .000 .261
Data Quality .037 .665 .085 .293 .143 .053 .302
Distinctiveness .060 .083 .413 .328 .226
.116 -.062 .539 .223 .228
Consistency .221 .000 .271
Consensus .117 .127 .226
.095 .185
Participation .132 .133
.254 - - .173 - - .273 .030 .637
Competence .231
Facilitating .093 .217 .207
Appropriation - - - .162 .298
.168 .429
.216 .520
Frequency - - - .132
- - .091 .147
- = no correlation
p = non significant
p = significant
From the regression analysis at construct level, it appears that there is a significant
relation between the constructs of IT strength and Usage and the construct of HRM
system strength and Usage. However, this cannot be deduced from the regression
analysis at the dimension level. Because of these contradictory findings, a
complementary regression analysis was done at dimension level. The regression
analysis at construct level was executed by entering the three success enablers (IT and
HRM system strengths and Employee readiness) simultaneously. This resulted in
Employee readiness being highlighted as a very strong predictor of Usage. IT and
HRM system strengths were then entered simultaneously in a stepwise regression
analysis. Employee readiness was excluded from this analysis. As can be seen in table
4, it appears that IT and HRM system strengths do relate to Usage (Table 4).
Table 4. Regression IT Strength and HRM system Strength with Usage.
B Sign (P)
IT Strength
.283 .000
HRM System Strength
.223 .023
IT and HRM system strengths together determine 15.1% of Usage. Employee
Readiness was such a strong predictor of Usage ( β= 0.697), that IT and HRM system
strengths were excluded for that reason. However, because IT and HRM system
strength do have a significant influence on Usage, both were included in the model.
Because IT and HRM system strength, and Employee readiness have an influence
on Usage, and Usage has influence on Restructuring of the HR function, uniqueness
of HRM and quality of HR services, and Perceived effectiveness of administrative HR
practices, Usage could be a mediator and therefore the mediating influence of Usage
needed to be tested. From the analysis, it appeared that Usage has a mediating effect
- IT strength and HRM uniqueness and HR services
- IT strength and Perceived effectiveness of HR administration
- HRM system strength and HRM uniqueness
- HRM system strength and Perceived effectiveness of HR administrative practices
- Employee readiness and HRM uniqueness
- Employee readiness and Perceived effectiveness of HR administrative practices
There is no mediating effect of Usage on Restructuring of the HR function. Figure
1 shows the final research model. As can be seen, the success enablers have a direct
effect on the value creators, but there is also an effect with Usage a mediator.
We summarize the findings per hypothesis in Table 5 below.
Table 5. Overview of propositions.
H1. Through the implementation of e-HRM HR professionals will improve
their strategic orientation, spend less time on HR administration, and will
diminish roles ambiguity
H2. As a result of implementation of e-HRM, targeted organizational
members will perceive their HRM services unique and of an increased
H3. As a result of e-HRM implementation, administration of HR processes
will be perceived as more effective.
H 4. The usage of e-HRM will be determined by the technological strength
consisting of usefulness, easiness of use, and data quality.
H5. The usage of e-HRM will be determined by the strength of the HRM
system in organizations.
H 6. The usage of e-HRM will be determined by the employees readiness to
work with e-HRM.
5 HR roles
Some extra findings deserve special attention. For example, after and the exploratory
factor analysis, it appeared that from the four HR roles [33], only two roles were
clearly distinguished. Respondents didn’t make a distinction between Employee
Advocate and Human Capital Developer and again between Functional Expert and
Strategic Partner/Change agent. Therefore these roles were merged into Employee
oriented role and Business oriented role. There are several factors which can explain
this. Employees were hesitant to make crucial evaluations about the HR function, and
thereby HR roles. For some items, more than 50% answered “neutral”. Probably,
there is insufficient contact between the HR department and respondents to give an
opinion about the HR department. Another explanation could be that employees are
unwilling to criticize the HR department. Due to this preference of respondents to stay
in the “middle”, results could be less reliable. However, a distinction between two
instead of four roles has still been made. Ulrich concluded in his survey of 1996, that
HR roles were shifting towards a more strategic function [32]. Mohrman et al [21]
support his findings. However, in this research HR professionals indicated they are
spending more time on strategic activities than on administrative activities. Also, the
Functional Expert and Strategic partner/Change agent role are seen as one role during
factor analysis.
Our research thus does not support the finding that HR is becoming more strategic.
One of the reasons could be that this survey has been executed in the Netherlands and
the survey of Ulrich is executed globally. There could be a difference in functioning
of HR between the Netherlands and other countries. The survey on which Ulrich
based the four roles was executed among 256 HR executives. Our research is based
on only 36 HR professionals and 107 other employees. The difference in perceptions
between HR professionals and the other employees could also be a cause for the
different results. The four roles of Ulrich are based on two dimensions: operational
versus strategic and process versus people. [21] The two roles which are loaded on
factor analysis can be described on the dimension of process versus people.
Functional expert and Strategic partner/Change agent were both merged into the
Business oriented role which can be placed at the process side of the axis. Human
capital developer and Employee advocate were added together in the Employee
oriented role. This role can be placed at the people side of the axis. HR professionals
themselves want to make the HR function more strategic. However, right now, this
change in focus cannot be discerned within companies. It could be that the HR
department has just started performing more strategic activities and that this has not
penetrated the rest of the organization. Based on the results of this research, currently
two roles were used when evaluating the value creating effect of e-HRM.
Fig. 1. Final model.
6 Conclusions
e-HRM has an impact on the organizations, but the implementation of e-HRM does
not necessitate creating value. We did observe that e-HRM lead to a high Perceived
effectiveness of HR administrative practices, but the uniqueness of and quality if of
HRM services did not increase. Neither saw we that the implementation of e-HRM
had an impact on the re-structuring of the HR function itself. At the same time we saw
that the success enablers had influence on the Usage of the e-HRM application and
the value creating factors. This means that the value creating factors could be
influenced through the IT characteristics of the e-HRM application, the HRM system
strength and the Employee readiness for e-HRM. IT and HRM system strengths and
Employee readiness had a positive relation with Uniqueness of HRM and HR service
qualities. Usage also had a positive influence on HRM effectiveness. The HR function
itself was influenced by the HRM system strength and the Usage of the system. E-
HRM had a positive effect on the Perceived effectiveness of HR administrative
practices. The IT characteristics, HRM system strength and Usage of the e-HRM
application are, therefore, predictors of the Perceived effectiveness of HR
administrative practices. Remarkable is that Employee participation during e-HRM
implementation is only of minor influence.
We would like to express our appreciation to Capgemini Consulting for their support
of this research and recognize Huub Ruël for his advice and contributions to the
project leading to this publication.
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