Enhancing Rights Management Systems Through the Development of Trusted Value Networks

Víctor Torres, Jaime Delgado, Xavier Maroñas, Silvia Llorente, Marc Gauvin



In this paper, we present an innovative architecture that enables the digital representation of original works and derivatives while implementing Digital Rights Management (DRM) with the aim of focusing on promoting trust within the multimedia content value networks rather than solely on content access and protection control. The system combines different features common in DRM systems such as licensing, content protection, authorisation and reporting together with innovative concepts, such as the linkage of original and derived content and the definition of potential rights. The transmission of reporting requests across the content value network combined with the possibility for authors to exercise rights over derivative works enables the system to determine automatically the percentage of income corresponding to each of the actors involved in different steps of the creation and distribution chain. The implementation consists of a web application which interacts with different external services plus a user application used to render protected content. It is currently publicly accessible for evaluation.


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  2. Distributed Multimedia Applications Group. http://dmag.ac.upc.edu/.
  3. M. Gauvin, J. Delgado et al. Media Value Chain Ontology (Committee Draft). ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11/N10264
  4. The Digital Media Project. 2008. http://www.dmpf.org/.
  5. The Digital Media Project. 2007. Approved Document No 2 - Technical Reference: Architecture, Version 3.0. No.1002/GA15.
  6. The Digital Media Project. 2007. Approved Document No. 3 - Technical Specification: Interoperable DRM Platform, Version 3.0. No.1003/GA15.
  7. ISO/IEC 21000-2, Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 2: Digital Item Declaration.
  8. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). http://dublincore.org/.
  9. W3C Recommendation. XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. http://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/.
  10. ISO/IEC 21000-15, Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 15: Event Reporting.
  11. ISO/IEC 21000-5, Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) - Part 5: Rights Expression Language.
  12. Open Mobile Alliance. 2006. DRM Rights Expression Language. http://www.openmobilealliance.com/Technical/ release_ program/drm_v2_0.aspx.
  13. The Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) Initiative. http://odrl.net/.
  14. Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0). http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification/.
  15. OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/#samlv2.0.
  16. Creative Commons. http://creativecommons.org/.
  17. ColorIURIS. http://www.coloriuris.net/.

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Torres V., Delgado J., Maroñas X., Llorente S. and Gauvin M. (2009). Enhancing Rights Management Systems Through the Development of Trusted Value Networks . In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - Volume 1: WOSIS, (ICEIS 2009) ISBN 978-989-8111-91-3, pages 26-35. DOI: 10.5220/0002196300260035

in Bibtex Style

author={Víctor Torres and Jaime Delgado and Xavier Maroñas and Silvia Llorente and Marc Gauvin},
title={Enhancing Rights Management Systems Through the Development of Trusted Value Networks},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - Volume 1: WOSIS, (ICEIS 2009)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - Volume 1: WOSIS, (ICEIS 2009)
TI - Enhancing Rights Management Systems Through the Development of Trusted Value Networks
SN - 978-989-8111-91-3
AU - Torres V.
AU - Delgado J.
AU - Maroñas X.
AU - Llorente S.
AU - Gauvin M.
PY - 2009
SP - 26
EP - 35
DO - 10.5220/0002196300260035