Akash Singh
SAP Research CEC Pretoria, Suit 173, Private Bag X025
Lynwood Ridge, 0040, South Africa
Janet Wesson
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Box 77000
Port Elizabeth, 6031, South Africa
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, User Interfaces, Usability, Small and Medium Enterprises, Adaptive
User Interfaces.
Abstract: A need exists to improve the overall usability of enterprise resource planning systems. Current research has
shown that the user interfaces of these systems are too complex and difficult to use. Enterprise resources
planning systems for small enterprises are currently too rigid and are not flexible enough to match the
constantly changing business landscape of small enterprises. This paper proposes the use of adaptive user
interfaces as a means to improve the overall usability of enterprise resource planning systems for small
enterprises. Adaptive user interfaces are capable of improving system usability by reducing user interface
complexity and improving the overall user experience. This could provide small enterprises with the
flexibility and adaptability that they require from enterprise resource planning systems.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are
integrated business information systems (IS). An
ERP system can be defined as a single integrated
and packaged information system. The aim of these
types of IS are to integrate and manage the different
business processes and information flows within an
organisation (Boudreau, 2003; Ragowsky & Gefen,
2008; Yeh, 2006).
Vendors of ERP systems are now targeting small
enterprises (SEs). ERP systems were traditionally
aimed at large enterprises (LEs), ERP vendors are
now designing systems to meet the business needs of
SEs (Nach & Lejeune, 2008a; Vilpola, Kouri, &
Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, 2007a). The need to focus
on SEs is a result of the oversaturation of ERP
systems in the LE market.
SEs require software that is flexible, customisable,
inexpensive and easy to use. Due to the dynamic
environment in which they operate, SEs need to be
flexible in terms of their processes and business
models in order to adapt to sudden internal and
external changes (K. A. S. Olsen, P., 2007). ERP
systems are typically rigid and do not provide SEs
the level of customisability required in order to
adapt to changes in the business landscape. Another
disadvantage is that ERP systems are expensive to
purchase and complex to use. This complexity
mainly resides in the “unfriendly” nature of the user
interface (UI) (Yeh 2006, Boudreau 2002).
UI complexity can negatively affect the usability
of ERP systems. The ease of use of an interface is
determined by its learnability, memorability and the
level of satisfaction achieved by its users (Lee &
McCrickard, 2007). These factors assist in
determining the usability of a software system
(Shneiderman & Plaisant, 2004). Usability is
necessary in order to develop UIs that can be used
(by a specific user group and within a specific
Singh A. and Wesson J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 208-214
DOI: 10.5220/0002197002080214
context) efficiently and effectively (ISO, 2001; Lee
& McCrickard, 2007).
A possible solution to improving the usability of
a software system lies in the ability to personalise
the UI. One such approach which addresses this
problem is adaptive user interfaces (AUIs).
AUIs are UIs that are designed for the purpose of
personalising and improving user interaction. An
AUI aims to improve the exchange of information
between the user and the computer in a way which
meets the user’s requirements, goals and context of
use. AUIs meet these requirements by adapting the
UI automatically through the use of models which
store the individual user’s characteristics, behaviour
and preferences (Browne, Totterdell, & Norman,
1990; Dieterich, Malinowski, Kühme, & Schneider-
Hufschmidt, 1993; Paymans, Lindenber, &
Neerincx, 2004).
AUIs are capable of presenting personalised
views to match the needs of an individual user. This
is achieved by reducing the complexity of the UI and
making it easy to learn and use whilst improving the
overall user satisfaction (Âlvarez-Cortés, Zayas-
Pérez, Zárate-Silva, & Uresti, 2007; Dieterich et al.,
This research proposes the use of AUIs in order
to resolve some of the usability problems inherent in
ERP systems for SEs. The remainder of this paper
presents an outline of related work, the research
problem, research objectives, the envisaged research
methodology, the research contribution and the
current status of this research.
Determining the impact of AUIs on the usability of
ERP systems for SEs requires that an investigation
be performed in order to identify the current ERP
systems used by SEs and the problems experienced.
This section presents existing literature on SEs, ERP
systems, usability of ERP systems and AUIs.
2.1 Small Enterprises in Emerging
SEs are vital to the growth of emerging economies,
such as South Africa. The contribution made by SEs
to economic growth and sustainability are job
creation and poverty alleviation (Van Vuuren &
Groenewald, 2007; Venter & Boshoff, 2007).
Towards the middle of 2007 there were an estimated
2.8 million SEs in South Africa. Collectively these
enterprises contributed to 40 percent of total
employment and between 27 to 34 percent of
national gross domestic product (GDP) (SEDA,
SEs are heterogeneous in nature and operate in a
dynamic, competitive and highly volatile economy.
Constant innovation is needed in order for these
enterprises to survive in their rapidly changing
business landscape (K. Olsen & Sætre, 2007;
Shoniregun, 2004; Trimi, 2008). SEs have to
provide the highest level of operational efficiency
with the limited resources (infrastructure, finance
and human resources) available ( Shoniregun, 2004;
Trimi, 2008). SEs typically operate in different
business sectors including Manufacturing, Trade and
the Services sector (SEDA, 2008a).
SEs need to utilise information and
communications technologies (ICT) in order to
survive and remain competitive ( Montazemi, 2006;
SEDA, 2008b). ICT can assist SEs by means of
streamlining and automating business processes and
improving the efficiency of operations and the
profitability and sustainability of the enterprise
(Ndiwalana & Tusubira, 2006; SEDA, 2008b).
The next section discusses one such ICT
software solution which aims to support and
encourage operational efficiency and sustainability.
This type of system aims to integrate the various
data flows and processes within an organisation in
order to achieve these levels of efficiency and
2.2 Enterprise Resource Planning
ERP systems can offer significant benefits to SEs by
creating an environment whereby the information
and related business processes are integrated.
Improvements in SE operations are provided in
terms of efficiency, productivity, service quality,
reduction in service costs, automation of business
process and the adoption of best practice business
models ( Nach & Lejeune, 2008; Ngai, Law, & Wat,
2008; Ragowsky & Gefen, 2008).
Some SEs are already using ERP systems. An
SE Survey conducted in South Africa in 2006
revealed that between 2003 and 2006 the total
percentage turnover allocated to ICT by SEs
remained fairly constant. This figure was stable at
less than one percent (Goldstuck, 2006). A majority
of that one percent was invested in ERP systems or
accounting software. The study further revealed that
SEs employing between 100 to 200 full-time
employees (FTEs) were more likely to use an ERP
system over a financial accounting system
(Goldstuck, 2006). This shows that as the size of an
SE increase there is a need for a more
comprehensive and integrated business system.
ERP systems for SEs need to reflect the dynamic
and flexible nature of SEs. The ability of SEs to
obtain a competitive advantage through agile
business processes needs to be reflected by their
choice of ERP system (Trimi, 2008; Vilpola &
Kouri, 2006). ERP systems designed for SEs should
be different from those designed for LEs. The
reasons for this are that ERP systems for SEs need to
be:(Vilpola & Kouri, 2006; Vilpola, Kouri, &
Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, 2007):
Cheaper to purchase;
Easier and quick to implement and use;
Localised and customised;
Assist SEs to implement business process re-
engineering (BPR) in an incremental manner;
Need to be adaptable and flexible to support the
diversity and individuality of SE business
Most ERP systems for SEs are still too rigid, and
complex to use. This is often as a result of poor
2.3 Usability of Enterprise Resource
Planning Systems
Currently ERP systems suffer from numerous
usability issues. As a result of this, the term usability
is not often associated with ERP systems. As these
systems are typically complex and frustrating to use
(Matthews, 2008; Topi, Lucas, & Babaian, 2005). A
usability study on an ERP system, conducted in
2005, revealed the following usability issues (Topi
et al., 2005):
Navigation, in terms of finding functionality
and information efficiently, was complex and
There was limited guidance from the ERP
system to ensure accurate navigation and task
The ERP system lacked the capability to adapt
its behaviour to support the users’ actions and
to ensure task completion;
Users were unable to retrieve frequently
accessed data efficiently;
The presentation of output was difficult to
understand and interpret; and
The UIs were complex and intimidating to
novice users.
A need therefore exists to provide UIs for ERP
systems that are usable and personalised (Matthews,
2008; Topi et al., 2005). User satisfaction is often
influenced by the levels of experience and expertise
of the user (López-Jaquero, Montero, Molina,
Fernanadez-Caballero, & González, 2003).
AUIs could provide a possible solution to the
usability issues inherent in most ERP systems.
These types of interfaces attempt to provide
interaction that is personalised, easy and effective to
use in order to ensure efficient task completion
(Âlvarez-Cortés et al., 2007; Dieterich et al., 1993).
2.4 Adaptive User Interfaces
A need exists for personalised UIs in order to reduce
UI complexity. Today, a diverse range of
interaction techniques exist and are necessary in
order to cater for a variety of users. One of the ways
in which to address this issue is to provide UIs that
are capable of adapting themselves to an individual
user at run-time (López-Jaquero et al., 2003;
Paymans et al., 2004). The need for personalised
UIs emerged to take into account the different
habits, preferences and work ethics of the individual
user within a specific community of users (Âlvarez-
Cortés et al., 2007). Personalised UIs aim to reduce
complexity inherent in modern UIs by tailoring the
application environment according to the individual
needs of the user (Dieterich et al., 1993).
Intelligent user interfaces (IUIs) were initially
proposed to address the need for personalised UIs
(Âlvarez-Cortés et al., 2007). There are three
different types of IUIs, namely AUIs, intelligent
help systems and intelligent tutoring systems. AUIs
support UI adaptivity through the use of artificial
intelligence techniques (Âlvarez-Cortés et al., 2007;
Dieterich et al., 1993).
AUIs can be used to develop UIs that are
personalised and more usable. The goals behind
using an AUI is to provide a UI that has the
following properties (Browne et al., 1990; Dieterich
et al., 1993):
Is efficient and effective to use;
Reduces the complexity of a system;
Supports finding and delivering appropriate
information more efficiently and effectively;
Provides the user with what he/she wants to
Makes the system simple to use; and
Improves the overall experience of the user.
These goals address the need to provide a UI that
is personalised whilst trying to improve the usability
of a system.
Special Session DR 2009 - Special Session on Doctoral Research
AUIs can reduce the complexity of a system and
enhance system usability by supporting (Dieterich et
al., 1993):
Task simplification;
Error correction;
Active and intelligent help;
Simplification; and
Improved user satisfaction.
The application of AUIs to the domain of ERP
systems could potentially improve the usability of
ERP systems. This could be accomplished by:
Providing efficient navigation in terms of
finding functionality and information;
Providing guidance from the ERP system to
ensure accurate navigation and task
Providing the capability to adapt to the
behaviour of the user’s actions in order to
ensure task completion; and
Reducing the complexity of the UIs in an
attempt to make the system easy to use.
As discussed above, ERP systems are currently too
rigid and complex to be used effectively by SEs.
SEs operate within a dynamic business landscape
and require software to be flexible and adaptable to
match changing landscape.
The complexity of the UI of an ERP system
directly impacts on the usability of the system
making it frustrating to use. ERP systems are rigid
and do not adapt to support the user’s actions and
ensure task completion
There is need to improve the overall usability of
ERP systems in order to provide an ERP system to
SEs that is adaptive and usable. This is required in
order to efficiently integrate information and
business processes to improve productivity. Poor
usability can have a negative effect on the
effectiveness and efficiency with which users can
complete tasks.
AUIs could improve the usability of ERP
systems by providing task simplification, active and
intelligent help, efficient navigation, adaptability to
match the user’s actions and preferences and
improved user satisfaction.
The aim of this research is to determine the
impact of AUIs on the usability of ERP systems for
SEs. The thesis statement is that AUIs can improve
the usability of ERP systems for SEs.
Table 1 presents a list of objectives that have been
identified for this research
Table 1: Research Objectives.
No. Objective
Identify criteria for evaluating the usability of
ERP systems for SEs.
Determine the current problems impacting on
the usability of an ERP system for SEs.
Determine how an AUI should be designed and
implemented for an ERP system for SEs.
Evaluate the benefits of incorporating AUIs
into ERP systems for SEs.
Identify the theoretical and practical
contributions of incorporating AUIs into an
ERP system for SEs.
This research will attempt to determine the benefits
of applying AUIs to ERP systems for SEs. The
primary research method will be a case study
focusing on a specific ERP system for SEs. This
will be supported by several secondary methods,
including a literature study, prototyping and an
evaluation of the prototype. The research methods
to be used will assist in achieving the research
objectives listed in Table 1. Instruments that will be
used to aid this research are questionnaires and a test
5.1 Data Collection
A literature study of SEs, ERP systems for SEs,
usability of ERP systems and AUIs will be
performed. The purpose of this literature study will
be to gain an in-depth understanding into the field of
SEs, the ERP systems currently utilised by SEs, the
usability problems associated with these systems and
The literature review will also assist in
identifying criteria for evaluating the usability of
ERP systems for SEs and determining how AUIs
could be used to address the usability problems
A pilot study, in the form of a field study, will
assist in identifying a particular case study to be
used in this research. This case study will focus on a
specific ERP system that is used by SEs in a specific
A second field study will be conducted to
identify current problems impacting on the usability
of ERP systems for SEs. A questionnaire will be
used during the field study as well as interviews with
the users of an ERP system.
5.2 Data Analysis
The design and implementation of an AUI for ERP
systems for SEs will be based on the knowledge
acquired during the literature study of SEs, ERP
systems and AUIs.
Prototype design and implementation will be
guided by the case study. The design and
implementation phase of this research will fulfil the
objective of determining how an AUI should be
designed and implemented for an ERP system for
Usability evaluations will be performed to
determine the extent to which the AUI improves the
usability of the ERP system. The purpose of these
evaluations will be to determine the benefits of
incorporating AUIs into ERP systems for SEs.
Instruments that will be used to aid the evaluation
include pre- and post-test questionnaires as well as a
test plan. The evaluations will be conducted within
a controlled laboratory environment (usability
The various phases of this research along with
the findings will be combined and communicated in
the form of a research report (thesis).
This research aims to contribute to the body of
knowledge by applying AUIs to the domain of ERP
systems. This contribution will support the
identification of usability criteria for evaluating an
ERP system. Usability problems experienced by
SEs using ERP systems will also be identified.
Other contributions include specifying how AUIs
can be applied to the domain of ERP systems and
the benefits of applying AUIs to ERP systems for
This research could also result in the proposal of
a framework for designing and evaluating AUIs for
ERP systems.
This research is currently in the literature review and
field study stages.
A pilot study was conducted in 2008 to identify a
particular case study. This pilot study consisted of
sending a questionnaire to the five major vendors of
ERP systems to SEs in South Africa (Pastel, Accpac,
QuickBooks, Syspro and SAP). The purpose of the
questionnaire was to obtain information on the sales
of ERP systems to SEs.
The results of pilot study identified that the most
suitable ERP system for the case study was SAP’s
Business One. SAP’s Business One was identified
as the most suitable system because it supports the
core functions of an ERP system and is extensible.
The Manufacturing sector was identified as the most
suitable sector because it was the most predominant
sector amongst the three vendors. The case study
for this research will focus on Manufacturing SEs
who have selected SAP’s Business One as their ERP
Currently, a second field study is being
performed (based on the case study). The purpose
of this field study is to determine the current
problems impacting on the usability of ERP systems
for SEs. This field study is limited to those SEs
using SAP’s Business One in the Manufacturing
sector in South Africa.
The next stage of this research is to determine
how AUIs could be used to potentially resolve
usability problems identified in the field study.
ERP systems for SEs currently suffer from several
shortcomings, including lack of flexibility and
complexity. These factors have a negative impact on
the usability of these systems.
This paper has proposed that AUIs could be used
to address these problems. This would be achieved
by improving the navigation, providing task support
and reducing the complexity of the UI.
A pilot study was used to identify a suitable ERP
system to be used as a case study. The results
obtained revealed that SAP’s Business One was the
most suitable ERP system to be used and that the
most appropriate sector was Manufacturing.
Future research will involve evaluating the
usability problems of SAP’s Business One and
designing an AUI to improve the usability of this
ERP system.
Special Session DR 2009 - Special Session on Doctoral Research
The support of SAP Research CEC Pretoria and
SAP Meraka UTD (CSIR) towards this research is
hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and
conclusions arrived at are those of the authors and
not necessarily to be attributed to the companies
mentioned in this acknowledgement.
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Special Session DR 2009 - Special Session on Doctoral Research