Table 3: Rules found by FAGNIS in experiment 2.
Rule # Rule description Data points
1 IF x = (-2.863 -0.715 1.839 -0.294 0.264 -0.014 0.035) 110
THEN y = (1.442 -0.024 0.001 0.032 -0.033 0.005 -0.004 -0.003)
2 IF x = (2.554 -1.616 -1.161 0.165 0.154 -0.095 -0.022) 68
THEN y = (-0.290 -0.002 -0.378 -0.117 -0.392 0.006 -0.005 -0.235)
3 IF x = (4.356 0.069 2.064 -0.852 -0.152 -0.221 0.596) 42
THEN y = (-2.804 0.874 0.339 -0.386 0.737 -0.027 0.001 0.127)
Table 4: Most important variables used for principal com-
ponents characterization.
PC Description
1 Industrial load, 60 days ago and
Industrial load, 30 days ago
2 Average temperature, 60 days ago
3 Average temperature, 120 days ago
4 Industrial load, 30 days ago
5 Average humidity, 60 days ago
6 Average humidity, 90 days ago
7 Average humidity, 120 days ago
A methodology for the acquisition of rules from neu-
ral networks trained to forecast electric load demand
has been presented here. Results found through sev-
eral experiments (been two of them shown in this
paper) attest the methodology’s efficiency in extract
and present high quality rules for different amounts
of time in the future.
Throughout the execution of many experiments, it
was made clear that there is a need to differentiate the
neural networks of load forecast from those used to
rule extraction: the former needs several training cy-
cles in order to obtain a perfect fit to the load demand
curve; the latter requires only a few training cycles to
obtain the overall knowledge about the load demand,
that is, so that a small number of rules can be used to
refer to a large quantity of data points.
Both the forecast model and the rules acquired can
be used as decision support tools for energy supply
companies. For example, several simulations could
be used for the executives to better understand load
demand behavior in different scenarios, such as future
climatic changes.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics