Objectives for a Query Language for User-activity Data
Michael Carl and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen
Copenhagen Business School
Department of International Language Studies & Computational Linguistics
2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Abstract. One of the aims of the Eye-to-IT project (FP6 IST 517590) is to in-
tegrate keyboard logging and eye-tracking data to study and anticipate the be-
haviour of human translators. This so-called User-Activity Data (UAD) would
make it possible to empirically ground cognitive models and to validate hypothe-
ses of human processing concepts in the data. In order to thoroughly ground a
cognitive model of the user in empirical observation, two conditions must be met
as a minimum. All UAD data must be fully synchronised so that data relate to
a common construct. Secondly, data must be represented in a queryable form so
that large volumes of data can be analysed electronically.
Two programs have evolved in the Eye-to-IT project: TRANSLOG is designed
to register and replay keyboard logging data, while GWM is a tool to record and
replay eye-movement data. This paper reports on an attempt to synchronise and
integrate the representations of both software components so that sequences of
keyboard and eye-movement data can be retrieved and their interaction studied.
The outcome of this effort would be the possibility to correlate eye- and keyboard
activities of translators (the user model) with properties of the source and target
texts and thus to uncover dependencies in the UAD.
1 Introduction
In a recent paper [1] we presented a number of advantages that could be obtained by
studying User Activity Data (UAD) to investigate human translation behaviour. UAD
consists of the translator’s recorded keystrokes and eye-movement behaviour, and their
link to the read source and to the produced target text and to the translator’s processing
behaviour. While eye movement patterns reflect how (source) text is parsed, how mean-
ing is constructed in working memory [3,5] and how, in most cases, text production
is monitored, keyboard activities reflect the discharge of this chunk of information and
the unfolding of the meaning in the target language. One major advantage about work-
ing with UAD is that data are not skewed by concurrent think-aloud or by intrusive
methods, but the greatest advantage is that UAD opens up the possibility of empirically
grounding a cognitive model of translator behaviour based on event coding [4]. Such a
model will give us new insight into translational processing, what goes on in the transla-
tor’s mind [5], and it will make it possible for us to construct help tools that will “know”
and sometimes anticipate the user’s needs and therefore will be able to offer immediate
on-the-fly assistance.
Carl M. and Lykke Jakobsen A. (2009).
Objectives for a Query Language for User-activity Data.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science , pages 67-76
DOI: 10.5220/0002201200670076
In order to thoroughlygrounda cognitivemodel of the user in empirical observation,
two conditions must be met as a minimum. All UAD data must be fully synchronised
so that data relate to a common construct [2]. Secondly, data must be represented in
a structured form and stored in a database which can be queried. This will make it
possible to identify reoccurring patterns of UAD phenomena and to align them with
text items or properties (in the source and/or target texts) and associate them with basic
processing concepts in the user model. A query language designed for this purpose will
allow the researcher to handle very large volumes of empirical data and so to establish
connections between UAD and textual phenomena and basic processing assumptions
grounded solidly in empirical data from highly naturalistic translation events.
Within the Eye-to-IT project, two different software components are currently used
to record keyboardactivitiesand eye-movementpatterns: GWM records gaze-movements
and computes gaze-to-word mapping hypotheses while TRANSLOG records keystrokes.
Both programs use different timers, different text indexing strategies and different for-
mats of representation so that it is difficult to synchronise the information perfectly
with millisecond precision. Both programs have a replay mode to review a translation
session, which can then be commented on by the translator in a retrospective interview.
A screen shot of the experimental setting is shown in figure 1. The screen shot
shows two windows: the upper window contains the English source text; the lower
window its partial translation into Danish. User activity data were collected from the
typing activities in the lower window and reading activities in both the upper and lower
Fig.1. The figure shows the TRANSLOG replay screen at time 2 mins and 21.62sec. after the
beginning of the translation session. The upper window plots the source text to be translated,
while the lower window shows the produced target language text (Danish).
The GWM version that was used in the experiment from which data have been used only
recorded fixations in the upper window.
The present paper reports an attempt to integrate and sequentialise keyboard log-
ging and eye-tracking data from TRANSLOG and GWM so that it becomes queryable.
A queryable format which integrates both modalities is a prerequisite for advanced
modelling of translators which seeks to empirically quantify hypotheses about meaning
construction when reading a source text and subsequently writing a translation of it.
In section 2 the paper outlines a format for User-Activity Data. These data were
semi-automatically converted from the output of GWM and TRANSLOG for two trans-
lation experiments.
Section 3 discusses details for the design of a query language of UAD. For the de-
sign of a query language it is important to know what aspects in the data we want to
retrieve, correlate and quantify. We might be interested in finding patterns of process
data (e.g. regressions or sequences of very long fixations) which correspond to partic-
ular properties of product data (e.g. idioms, compounds or cognates) and/or we might
be interested in finding sequences of product data that are linked to certain properties
in the process data.
Sections 4, 5 and 6 provide examples of what could be queried and retrieved from
a base of UAD. Section 4 gives an example which illustrates the history of keyboard
activities in the creation of a word. Section 5 looks at the inner structure of a translation
pause and section 6 computes fixation bi-grams.
2 Representation of UAD
Despite their different representations, it was possible to synchronise the output of
GWM and TRANSLOG in a semi-automatic process and to convert the representation
into an XML format. User activity data is distributed in several files so that it can be
linked and pieces of information can be related. According to their nature and modality,
UAD is grouped together in five files:
1. source text information is shown in table 1: it includes linguistic information and
information about the location of words on the screen .
2. basic eye-tracking information is shown in table 2, including pixel location for the
left (and if available also for the right) eye, as well as pupil dilation.
3. fixation information is plotted in table 3: the starting time and duration of fixations
as well as their mapping onto fixated words.
4. keyboard activity information is shown in table 4: including cursor position and key
5. target text information is shown in table 5: like the source text representation, it
contains linguistic information and information about the position of the word on
the screen and in the text.
6. source-target text alignment data is shown in table 6: for each word it indicates to
which words in the target language it is aligned.
The location for each word in the source and target texts is identified by its top-
left and bottom-right pixel position as well as their cursor positions. Pixel positions are
needed for gaze-to-word mapping, while cursor positions are used as an identifier and
index for the word.
Table 1. Representation of source text: each word is annotated with linguistic and location in-
formation. The word position of the variable adverb with the value Although is from cursor
position 0 in a line, the top of which is 76 pixels and the bottom of which is 110 pixels from the
top of the screen.
<text id="source">
<word pos="ADV" val="Although" cur="0" top="76" btm="110" ... />
<word pos="VVG" val="developing" cur="9" top="76" btm="110" ... />
<word pos="NN2" val="countries" cur="20" top="76" btm="110" ... />
Table 2. Eye-gaze sample points consist of a left-eye position (lx/ly) as well as pupil dilation at
a particular time. Note that the time interval between successive samples is 20ms.
<eye time="140" lx="748" ly="122" lp="3.853" ... />
<eye time="160" lx="757" ly="121" lp="3.788" ... />
Table 3. Fixations have a starting time and a duration. The cursor position refers to an index in
the source (or target) text.
<fix time="12501" dur="678" cur="9" ... />
<fix time="13199" dur="139" cur="30" ... />
Table 4. Keyboard activities consist of a key value on a particular cursor position in the target
window and a time stamp.
<key time="15346" val="83" cur="1" ... />
<key time="15540" val="101" cur="2" ... />
Table 5. Like the source text, the target text is also stored as a mixture of screen location data and
linguistic information. The target text can be re-constructed from keyboard activities.
<text id="target">
<word cur="0" top="511" btm="544" lft="21" rgt="69" val="Selv"/>
<word cur="5" top="511" btm="544" lft="77" rgt="115" val="om"/>
Table 6. The alignment information are the word initial cursor positions of translations in source
and target text. Since the format consists of m to n links between translations, also discontiguous
chunk translations can be represented.
<text id="target">
<align src="0" tgt="0"/>
<align src="9" src="20" tgt="8"/>
Fixation-to-word mappings are expressed by means of cursor position cur in table 3.
While fixations group together a number of near-distanceeye-gaze samples (cf. table 2),
they also represent a time segment in which the fixated word is processed. Patterns of
fixation thus give insight into how a sentence is parsed, and maybe where difficulties in
meaning construction occur.
The cursor positions cur of keyboard activities in table 4 represent locations of char-
acters in the produced target language text of the lower window in figure 1. Since the
target text may change dynamically, these cursor positions do not necessarily refer to
the cursor position of the final translation as in table 5. But the association with the
unique key time value makes their value uniquely identifiable. An example of this will
be provided in section 4.
User Activity Data relates spatial data, i.e. textual product data, to temporal process
data of the translation activity. Thus, sequences of fixations are connected with patterns
of word positions on the screen, and spatial distributions of words on the screen are
related to temporal processing patterns
. Similarly, successive keyboard activities are
causally related to the words which they create, and the positions of words in the target
text can be explained by the preceding typing activities. In this way, it becomes possible
to study the interplay of fixation and keyboard patterns, to investigate their temporal
properties and the way they correlate with the spatial distribution of text.
Fig.2. The figure plots UAD for a small set of data as obtained during a translation session
shown in figure 1. The left side shows a segment of the English source text and its translation into
Danish. The right side plots a sequence of process data, i.e. gaze fixations and keystoke actions.
The sudden and strange fixation on “vulnerable” at time 17844 occurs during a gaze transition
between the lower and the upper window.
From the data it was only possible to extract fixations on the source text in the upper window
in figure 1.
3 Outline for the Design of a Query Language for UAD
With the representation outlined in section 2 we are in a position to retrieve and com-
pare patterns of UAD from sets of data. One goal of this activity is to detect typical
patterns of fluent and of disfluent reading and writing and to link these patterns to prop-
erties of the source and the target text. Reading disfluencies might be due to unknown
or unusual words, awkward, confusing or complicated sentences, while difficulties in
text construction are visible in keyboard patterns marked by lengthy pauses. Writing
disfluencies may encompass all levels of linguistic description of a word, sentence or
inter-sentence level, and may reflect deletion, insertion, correction of typos or lexical
substitution, movement of textual elements.
Figure 2 shows the interplay of product and process data. Fixations as in table 3
and keyboard actions from table 4 are represented sequentially, so that temporal rela-
tions may be retrieved and studied. As the figure suggests, meaning construction of a
source text chunk is preliminary to the production of the target language translation and
the dependencies can be observed in the data. A query language would interrogate the
database both for product data (source and target text data) and for process data (UAD)
and help establish correlations between them and possibly also help associate data with
processing concepts in the user model.
The design of a query language for UAD should open the possibility of investigating
the data from several points of view. We might be interested in retrieving and comparing
any combination of patterns of:
fixations on particular sequences of texts (e.g. compounds, metaphors, technical
terms), asking, for instance: what fixation patterns typically occur on a certain pas-
sage of text.
keyboard actions which lead to a particular passage of the target text, asking, for
instance: what are the typing patterns for a certain word or person.
source texts which satisfy certain fixation patterns. We might be interested, for
instance, in investigating:
fixation patterns: sequences of non-interrupted fixations (no intervening key-
board activities)
progressive fixation patterns: sequences of non-interrupted fixations where for
all successive fixations at times t and t + 1 the fixated cursor position cur(t +
1) cur(t)
regressive fixation patterns: sequences of non-interrupted fixations with all fix-
ations at times t and t + 1 the cursor positions cur(t + 1) cur(t)
target texts which were constructed with particular keyboard patterns, such as:
only appending text (fluent writing)
particular deletion patterns
modification or re-arrrangement of text
UAD which occur between the fixation of a SL word and the production of its
translation in the TL window.
The remainder gives examples for some of those patterns.
Table 7. Keyboard activities for generating the Danish word “Selv”.
Action Time Cursor Value Char
Key: 15335 0 83 S
Key: 15529 1 101 e
Key: 15811 2 118 v
Key: 16149 3 32
Key: 16380 2 8
Key: 16527 1 8
Key: 17362 2 108 l
Key: 17684 3 118 v
4 Keyboard Patterns
The keyboard activities in table 7 are a subset of the data in figure 2. They plot the typing
performed in writing the word “Selv” and were retrieved by querying the process data
which corresponds to the cursor positions 1 to 4 of the target text.
The keyboard actions represent a correction of the mis-typed word prefix ‘Sev
where the letter ’l’ is inserted after the prefix ’Se’. This is achieved by deleting the se-
quence ’v ’ and replacing it with ‘lv’. Note that the value of ‘Cursor’ in table 7 indicates
the position after the keyboard action and ‘Value’ is the UNICODE of the typed char-
acter. The ‘Value’ 8 signifies a character deletion. Accordingly, the cursor position is
decreased after a character is deleted. The average time interval between two successive
keyboard actions is around 200-300ms. However, it is almost 800ms for inserting the
5 Translation Pauses and Fixation Pattern
Translation pauses are an interesting topic of study, since they represent the span of time
in which a new chunk of meaning is constructed from the source text. They represent
sequences of UAD which only consist of fixations, and where no keyboard actions take
place. The fixation pattern in figure 3 represents a translation pause which was retrieved
from the UAD by searching for a non-interrupted sequence of fixations.
A graphical representation of the fixation pattern together with the sequence of fix-
ated source text (the product data that belong to it) is shown in figure 3. The fixated
sentence contains a conjunction of two main clauses, where the second main clause has
an elliptical subject which it shares with the first clause.
It can be seen that the translation pause starts with a few regressions from the word
‘extra’ to the beginning subject ‘Incentives’ of the first clause, then refixates the verb in
the first clause ’(must be) offered’, and from there goes back to the position from where
the repression started, on the verb ’could’ in the second clause. From there a number
of progressions lead through the main clause up to the finite verb of the second main
clause. Here the reader obviously notices the missing subject and verifies whether the
subject of the first main clause also suits the second main clause. To do so, the reader,
quite directly, goes back via the conjunction ‘and’ to the first subject Incentives’ and
Fig.3. Above: Structure of a fixation pattern: bold lines represent progressions and light lines
Below: Process data of the same fixation pattern shows time of fixation, average pupil dilation,
fixation duration, cursor position and word number as well as number of characters between
successive fixations.
Time Dilat. Duration Cursor #word trans Word
120162 3.48 139 277 39 0 extra
120361 3.47 120 236 33 -41 encourage
120541 3.50 139 222 30 -14 be
120720 3.51 179 206 28 -16 Incentives
120919 3.35 279 225 31 19 offered
121238 3.16 220 236 33 11 encourage
121518 3.15 199 246 34 10 developing
121757 3.15 458 273 38 27 the
122315 3.15 239 298 43 25 implement
122574 3.19 459 308 44 10 clean
123113 3.16 239 332 47 24 could
123372 3.12 279 338 48 6 also
123671 3.13 259 328 46 -10 and
124010 3.08 239 206 28 -112 Incentives
124309 3.11 139 225 31 19 offered
124468 3.12 220 332 47 107 could
124708 3.21 318 343 49 11 help
126243 3.26 239 343 49 0 help
126502 3.26 399 348 50 5 minimise
127898 3.27 378 332 47 -16 could
128296 3.27 319 348 50 16 minimise
from there back to the position where she previously was. After dwelling for some time
on the following words (could, help, minimise), a decision was taken to start typing the
translation of the first main clause, since, presumably, an understanding of the second
clause was not necessary at that point.
In addition to the graphical representation, figure 3 also gives fixation durations,
pupil dilation and the number of skipped characters between successivefixations (trans).
It is interesting to see that saccades across more than 100 characters take place with high
Surprisingly, no fixation was registered on ‘green mile’ and technologies’, maybe
due to imprecision of our gaze-to-word mapping software, especially at the outer edges
of the screen. However, the close-by words ‘the’ and ‘clean have the longest fixation
times with 458 and 459ms, and ’green mile’ and ’technologies’ may well have been
within parafoveal or peripheral scope when those words were fixated.
There is also variation in the pupil dilation during fixations. The average fixation
pupil dilation was calculated as a mean over the gaze samples. The highest pupil dila-
tion values were at the beginning of the translation pause, during fixation regression.
Dilation decreases after the subject was found and left-to-right parsing of the sentence
could take place. Since wider pupil dilation is generally assumed to correspond to larger
workload [4,3], this may indicate that regressions require more cognitive effort than
normal ‘progressive’ reading. This hypothesis is, however, not supported by the second
regression in which the subject is sought.
Table 8. Number (#trans) of xation transitions accumulated from two users over the rst 8 words
of the source text fragment in figure 1. The columns ‘from’ and ‘to’ indicate the word number of
fixation departure and landing, ‘from word’ and ‘to word’ the respective words.
P #trans from# to# from word to word
0.25 1 1 3 developing are
0.75 3 1 2 developing countries
0.33 1 2 3 countries are
0.66 2 2 4 countries understandably
1.00 2 3 4 are understandably
1.00 8 4 5 understandably reluctant
0.23 3 5 4 reluctant understandably
0.15 2 5 5 reluctant reluctant
0.38 5 5 7 reluctant compromise
0.07 1 5 1 reluctant developing
0.15 2 5 6 reluctant to
0.5 1 6 5 to reluctant
0.5 1 6 7 to compromise
0.25 2 7 5 compromise reluctant
0.25 2 7 7 compromise compromise
0.37 3 7 8 compromise their
0.12 1 7 0 compromise Although
0.5 1 8 7 their compromise
0.5 1 8 4 their understandably
6 Fixation Bi-grams
While the previous examples look at some qualities of individual patterns, a query lan-
guage should also offer a possibility of correlating and quantifying patterns of UAD
across different users and different texts and of generating statistics on the distribu-
tion of these patterns. Table 8 shows an attempt to extract fixation bi-grams from two
translation experiments. It gives the numbers and relative frequencies of some fixation
transitions, as well as the word positions and the actual words fixated.
Collected over a large sample of UAD, fixation bi-grams, or for that matter fixation
n-gram models, may indicate the likelyhood of patterns encountered in different kinds
of reading as, for instance, reading for understanding, reading for translation, reading
technical text, reading web-pages or even disturbed reading of ungrammatical texts. Just
like n-gram language models are a strong means in natural language generation and in
Machine Translation to rank sentences and to grade their well-formedness, fixation n-
gram models could be instrumental in classifying reading behaviour and to decide, for
instance, in what consists fluent reading and when reading difficulties occur.
7 Conclusions
The paper describes ongoing work to integrate the output of two user monitoring pro-
grams which produce fundamentally different kinds of User Activity Data (UAD):
while TRANSLOG produces a fine-grained resolution of keyboard activities, GWM
records eye-movements, computes fixations and gaze-to-word mapping hypotheses.
The integration of these data is a prerequisite for the design and implementation of
a query language which aims at linking product data with process data, to retrieve and
compare patterns of UAD across different texts and users. The paper investigates ob-
jectives and potentials for such a query language and gives a few examples of retrieved
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