3 Outline for the Design of a Query Language for UAD
With the representation outlined in section 2 we are in a position to retrieve and com-
pare patterns of UAD from sets of data. One goal of this activity is to detect typical
patterns of fluent and of disfluent reading and writing and to link these patterns to prop-
erties of the source and the target text. Reading disfluencies might be due to unknown
or unusual words, awkward, confusing or complicated sentences, while difficulties in
text construction are visible in keyboard patterns marked by lengthy pauses. Writing
disfluencies may encompass all levels of linguistic description of a word, sentence or
inter-sentence level, and may reflect deletion, insertion, correction of typos or lexical
substitution, movement of textual elements.
Figure 2 shows the interplay of product and process data. Fixations as in table 3
and keyboard actions from table 4 are represented sequentially, so that temporal rela-
tions may be retrieved and studied. As the figure suggests, meaning construction of a
source text chunk is preliminary to the production of the target language translation and
the dependencies can be observed in the data. A query language would interrogate the
database both for product data (source and target text data) and for process data (UAD)
and help establish correlations between them and possibly also help associate data with
processing concepts in the user model.
The design of a query language for UAD should open the possibility of investigating
the data from several points of view. We might be interested in retrieving and comparing
any combination of patterns of:
– fixations on particular sequences of texts (e.g. compounds, metaphors, technical
terms), asking, for instance: what fixation patterns typically occur on a certain pas-
sage of text.
– keyboard actions which lead to a particular passage of the target text, asking, for
instance: what are the typing patterns for a certain word or person.
– source texts which satisfy certain fixation patterns. We might be interested, for
instance, in investigating:
• fixation patterns: sequences of non-interrupted fixations (no intervening key-
board activities)
• progressive fixation patterns: sequences of non-interrupted fixations where for
all successive fixations at times t and t + 1 the fixated cursor position cur(t +
1) ≥ cur(t)
• regressive fixation patterns: sequences of non-interrupted fixations with all fix-
ations at times t and t + 1 the cursor positions cur(t + 1) ≤ cur(t)
– target texts which were constructed with particular keyboard patterns, such as:
• only appending text (fluent writing)
• particular deletion patterns
• modification or re-arrrangement of text
– UAD which occur between the fixation of a SL word and the production of its
translation in the TL window.
The remainder gives examples for some of those patterns.