developing, a service platform, an specification language or environment for the
visual interface user.
Furthermore, the implementations include what is called generically man-
agement console that allows the access to certain RFID system settings and query
of the information being handled by the modules that are part of the RFID mid-
dleware These graphical interfaces include functions as: allow the configuration
of devices in the environment, show the overall performance of the middleware,
locate and identify the tagged objects, display system alarms and events or access
to consolidated information on the RFID system. In this article we focus on this
software component that is usually included in every RFID middleware and we
present the alternative in which we are working for the development of our pro-
posed architecture called DEPCAS (Data EPC Acquisition System).
DEPCAS define software architecture for solving the RFID middleware based
on system architecture for monitoring and control (SCADA) process. DEPCAS
propose the scenario concept to generalize the process that can be performed from
the acquisition of auto identification information. The processing of a scenario
produces results that contain elements relevant to their semantic direct use in
business applications. The graphical interface is called in DEPCAS GUV (Gra-
phical User Viewer) and is designed to standardize access to the information ma-
naged in the middleware regardless of the scenario being driving. Henceforth this
paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the user interfaces used in pro-
posals for middleware, which functions are included and how they are integrated
with other elements of the middleware, in Section 3 we presents the flexibiliza-
tion language used for defining the graphical environment of 3 DEPCAS, in Sec-
tion 4 we presents the architecture and how DEPCAS integrate the GUV envi-
ronment, and finally the section 5 describes the prototype GUI GUV developed
by applying the EFL concepts to the MMI development in DEPCAS.
2 The Man Machine Interface in RFID Middleware
The different RFID middleware proposals can be divided into commercial and
academic (Table 1). Among the commercial proposals two types are included:
those that correspond to large global software companies such as Sun MicroSys-
tems, IBM, Microsoft, ORACLE, Sybase, Verisign or SAP, and the solutions
provided from companies that are software (middleware, distribution, ..) special-
ists as RedPrairie, OatSystems, Vue Technologies, etc. Between the academic
solutions we can mention the solutions from autoid like the AutoId center in the
Massachusetts University (MIT), the StGallen AutoId Lab in St. Gallen Universi-
ty or the research on logistics such as the Los Angeles University or the Hong
Kong University.