the task realization (choreography) since each task is done using one or more service
components that interact with each other. Service is being done on a technical ground
of the system - technical infrastructure. We can describe service oriented system as a:
task specify by the user, technical infrastructure of the system, service working on the
system, system user, time parameters of the system and task.
Since in the service oriented complex information system we have to focus on many
different and complicated aspect of the system to model it, we propose one common de-
scription language that is called XDML - XML Domain Modelling Language. Proposed
language is a representation the SOCIS model based on XML format. It consist of: sys-
tem topology,network configuration, static and dynamic part of the service description,
description of the users and their behaviours, hardware/software failures, the security
functionality aspects of each node (i.e. firewall rules).
The XDML is defined by XML schema. Moreover, an Integrated Analysis Envi-
ronment (IAE) tool was developed by authors to allow a graphical way of modelling
information system. A user is able to model any system topology, having a graphical
view of its hardware and software components. Each parameter of XDML model could
be is accessed by the IAE interface. XDML service model realize two kinds of task
(local and external). The main purpose of designing of XDML was to able to perform a
analysis of the modelled information system using simulation approach.
3 System Analysis
There are various method for system analysis with concern of different observation of
the system. One of this methods is computer simulation [2], [6] that performs system
behaviour using its model (represented as a input model). Simulation has also some
disadvantages e.g. labour intensity of mode creation, simulation results can be hard to
interpretation. Still this solution seams to be appropriate to analyze complex informa-
tion systems that are based on event driven behaviour. Simulation tool for this kind of
events are mostly computer network simulators.
Experiments reported in this paper were performed using the SSFNet simulation
environment [4]. SSFNet is a network simulator developed by the Renesys Corporation
with support from DARPA. We have selected SSFNet among other network simulators
since models of protocols and network elements are open-source. Therefore, it allows
modification of the code. Moreover, we use Java based version of SSFNet, because it
allows much faster development.
SSFNet simulator consists of three major parts: SSF engine, Domain Modelling
Language (DML) [4], and SSFNet models. The SSF (Scalable Simulation Framework)
is public-domain standard for discrete-event simulation. Scalable Simulation Frame-
work is a base for higher level - the SSFNet. SSFNet module is a collection of Java
packages for modelling and simulation of networks and Internet protocols. Moreover
SSFNet uses public-domain standard called DML to configure simulation scenarios.
An extension to the simulator was developed It includes support for traffic genera-
tion (models of user behaviour with randomness), simulation of business level services,
implementation of resource consumption and fault model. Errors were introduced in
different levels (link, network adapter and software component failures). It was as-