The Role of Testing in Agile and Conventional
Agustin Yag
ue and Juan Garbajosa
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), System and Software Technology Group (SYST)
E.U. Informatica. Cra. Valencia Km. 7, Madrid 28031, Spain
Abstract. Testing in software engineering is a well established practice. Though
the scope of testing may differ depending on the community, e.g. for some com-
munities is a process in itself while for some other communities is a an activity or
a task under verification and validation, many fundamental issues around testing
are shared by all the communities. However, agile methodologies are emerging
in the software engineering landscape and are changing the picture. For instance,
in agile methodologies it may happen that code is written precisely to pass a test.
Moreover, tests may replace the requirement specification. Therefore the con-
cepts underlying test practice are different in conventional and agile approaches.
This paper analyses these two different perspectives for testing, the conventional
and the agile, and discusses some of the implications that these two different
approaches may have in software engineering.
1 Introduction
According to SWEBOK [1] testing is an activity performed for evaluating product
quality, and for improving it, by identifying defects and problems. Classical method-
ologies considered testing as an activity which started only after the coding phase was
complete, with the limited purpose of detecting failures. This understanding has been
changing with time. Nowadays testing is seen as an activity which should be part of the
whole process. But as we shall describe below very different perceptions coexist under
the term testing. The term testing has been used for years to refer different concepts
such as: testing techniques —like black-box and white-box—, testing strategies —unit,
integration, acceptance or system testing—, testing practices —TDD (Test Driven De-
velopment), ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development), STDD (Story Test Driven
Development)— or testing methodologies —TMAP [2]—.
International standardization organizations have documented testing practices from
different points of view in multiples standards, some of which are [3–7]. Testing is
being used by all software and system communities. They share some basic techniques
and approaches but very often these approaches are applied in different phases of the
development process, with a different scope, and by different actors of the process.
The relevance of the concept of testing is increasing in Conventional and in the so
called Agile methodologies. Agile methodologies emerged as a reaction to some chal-
lenges that the software industry was facing such as unavoidable market changes and
Yagüe A. and Garbajosa J. (2009).
The Role of Testing in Agile and Conventional Methodologies.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 93-100
DOI: 10.5220/0002205100930100
a progressively shorter time to market [8]. Agile methodologies intend to increase the
product quality and to reduce the cost caused by changes in requirements by simplifying
the requirements management and documentation tasks. To achieve this Agile method-
ologies are characterized by a number of values, principles and practices, promote a fast
and continuous communication between customers and the development team and pro-
motes testing as a leitmotiv [9, 10]. Agile in general, and one of the schools in particular,
Extreme programming (XP) [11], are in some way responsible for the increasing pop-
ularity of testing. They write user needs, sometimes as ”user stories”, with associated
acceptance criteria as a way to represent system requirements. Therefore acceptance
tests are written to validate user needs, at an early stage, and to drive the implementa-
tion; even these tests may play a role of specifications. Code is implemented to success
the acceptance tests. However in conventional methodologies acceptance tests are con-
sidered during the last stage of the development. Hence, testing may have radically
different goals, such as requirement validation in conventional approaches or even, re-
placing requirement specification in some agile methodologies. It can be asserted that
testing is evolving to achieve new roles in software/system development. This evolution
of testing is associated with new tools supporting some of the topics mentioned above.
An issue is that some concern is being raised with the respect to skills and back-
ground of testing practitioners. Sometimes testing tools and practices are being used
with different objectives with that were defined . As consequence project resources, in
terms of time and money, are wasted. This paper analyzes testing both from the Con-
ventional and Agile perspectives. It shows how similar techniques can be used with a
very different purpose. Commonalities and differences are presented and discussed.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents the use of test-
ing techniques in Conventional and Agile methodologies. Section 3 shows the different
scope of testing activities in both methodologies. Later, section 4 introduces testing
from a research perspective. Finally, section 5 presents a number of conclusions.
2 Basic Testing Techniques
In process models, Testing is used as a term with two different meanings: the practice
of defining and executing test, that is a task of the development process, and at the same
time, as a synonym of the verification and validation process. This is more evident if we
consider different domains such as telecom, space, or automotive. A common aspect in
Conventional and Agile methodologies is that the software must be tested using some
techniques. This section will describe the role of testing techniques considering two
main categories: white-box and black-box testing techniques.
White-box testing (basis path, control flow, data flow or Branch Testing among oth-
ers) is code-centric and it uses an internal perspective of software based on the source
code. A key issue concerning this technique is that, as it is based on the actual imple-
mentation of the software, if some changes are done in the implementation, in the most
of the cases, tests will need to be changed. That is the reason why it requires program-
ming skills to identify the test cases. Even though white-box testing could be applied to
different testing strategies (unit, integration and system testing), it is typically applied
to unit testing.
The actors that use white-box testing are different in Conventional and Agile method-
ologies. In Agile methodologies developers are in charge of executing white-box test
using unit testing as a part of the validation process. As developers are working with
the source code, they know: the software structure to define the appropriate test cases
and, when a test case fail which lines of code are are involved in the revealed a prob-
lem. In Conventional methodologies, test engineers define test cases and testers are the
responsible to execute this type of tests.
As oppose to white-box, black-box testing (equivalence partitioning, boundary value
analysis or cross-functional testing, among others) uses an external perspective of the
software without to be focused on source code. Test cases are focused on the differ-
ent inputs of the software and their corresponding output values. Therefore, the main
goal is to test software/system requirements through their functionality. This technique
could be applied at different levels of testing unit and acceptance testing with dif-
ferent levels of abstraction and complexity for test cases. When black-box is applied in
Conventional methodologies is done by software testers, but when it is applied in Agile
methodologies, two main perspectives are considered: developers, who know the right
type of each parameter, running black-box tests as unit tests; and testers, that were not
involved in the software development, running acceptance tests.
3 Testing Activities
This section will describe the role of testing as a process in the scope of a global de-
velopment process. It will analyze the relevance of testing in Agile and Conventional
methodologies to study how different roles are played. Four different testing activities
are identified: unit testing, integration testing, acceptance testing and system testing [1].
The way of applying these testing activities is radically different in Conventional and
Agile methodologies.
Fig. 1. Conventional testing approach
validation process is understood as a complement to the development process.
Figure 1 depicts an abstraction of this model. In this case, all of the activities
are applied as a sequence, what means that integration testing could not be
done before to do unit testing, what it is extensible to the rest of the activities.
Therefore, source code is the one that determines the testing process. An exam-
ple of this can be found in [12]: the testing process could not start before the
previous process, implementation, is finished. Meanwhile, in the V-model [13],
and also in [7], the definition of test cases is integrated from the first stages of
the process model: acceptance and system test are derived from the requirement
specification document, integration tests are derived from design phase and unit
test cases are derived from the module implementation. In this approach, test
cases are defined by the testing team that is not involved in the implementation.
In Agile approaches, testing is the core of the methodology. Tests drive the
development process. To compare with Conventional approaches, two strategies
are considered: Test Driven Development (TDD)[14, 15] and Acceptance Test
Driven Development(ATDD)[16]. Both strategies share a common point of view
of the development process but with different starting points.
On the one side, TDD is based on unit testing. The first step is the definition
of a requirements repository, usually called product backlog. After that, devel-
opers write unit tests to satisfy the software requirements and then they start
to implement the source code that is needed to pass the defined unit tests. In
the case of TDD, each requirement is represented with an artifact, sometimes
called User Story, with their own unit tests. Therefore, the complete list of user
stories and their corresponding unit tests have the same role of the software
requirement specification (SRS) in conventional methodologies.
Fig. 2. Agile testing approach
Fig. 1. Conventional testing approach.
Conventional methodologies pay special attention to the elaboration of software re-
quirement specification. The refinement of a requirements document is done in several
iterations within the requirement elicitation process. This approach addresses the devel-
opment process from requirements to code and from code to tests. Although testing is
important in Conventional methodologies, it is directly dependent of the rest of activi-
ties of the development process. The validation process is understood as a complement
to the development process. Figure 1 depicts an abstraction of this model. In this case,
all of the activities are applied as a sequence, what means that integration testing could
not be done before to do unit testing, what it is extensible to the rest of the activities.
Therefore, source code is the one that determines the testing process. An example of
this can be found in [12]: the testing process could not start before the previous process,
implementation, is finished. Meanwhile, in the V-model [13], and also in [7], the defi-
nition of test cases is integrated from the first stages of the process model: acceptance
and system test are derived from the requirement specification document, integration
tests are derived from design phase and unit test cases are derived from the module
implementation. In this approach, test cases are defined by the testing team that is not
involved in the implementation.
In Agile approaches, testing is the core of the methodology. Tests drive the devel-
opment process. To compare with Conventional approaches, two strategies are consid-
ered: Test Driven Development (TDD)[14, 15] and Acceptance Test Driven Develop-
ment(ATDD)[16]. Both strategies share a common point of view of the development
process but with different starting points.
On the one side, TDD is based on unit testing. The first step is the definition of a re-
quirements repository, usually called product backlog. After that, developers write unit
tests to satisfy the software requirements and then they start to implement the source
code that is needed to pass the defined unit tests. In the case of TDD, each requirement
is represented with an artifact, sometimes called User Story, with their own unit tests.
Therefore, the complete list of user stories and their corresponding unit tests have the
same role of the software requirement specification (SRS) in conventional methodolo-
Fig. 1. Conventional testing approach
validation process is understood as a complement to the development process.
Figure 1 depicts an abstraction of this model. In this case, all of the activities
are applied as a sequence, what means that integration testing could not be
done before to do unit testing, what it is extensible to the rest of the activities.
Therefore, source code is the one that determines the testing process. An exam-
ple of this can be found in [12]: the testing process could not start before the
previous process, implementation, is finished. Meanwhile, in the V-model [13],
and also in [7], the definition of test cases is integrated from the first stages of
the process model: acceptance and system test are derived from the requirement
specification document, integration tests are derived from design phase and unit
test cases are derived from the module implementation. In this approach, test
cases are defined by the testing team that is not involved in the implementation.
In Agile approaches, testing is the core of the methodology. Tests drive the
development process. To compare with Conventional approaches, two strategies
are considered: Test Driven Development (TDD)[14, 15] and Acceptance Test
Driven Development(ATDD)[16]. Both strategies share a common point of view
of the development process but with different starting points.
On the one side, TDD is based on unit testing. The first step is the definition
of a requirements repository, usually called product backlog. After that, devel-
opers write unit tests to satisfy the software requirements and then they start
to implement the source code that is needed to pass the defined unit tests. In
the case of TDD, each requirement is represented with an artifact, sometimes
called User Story, with their own unit tests. Therefore, the complete list of user
stories and their corresponding unit tests have the same role of the software
requirement specification (SRS) in conventional methodologies.
Fig. 2. Agile testing approach
Fig. 2. Agile testing approach.
On the other side, ATDD is based on acceptance tests. The process is quite similar
to TDD but the process is boosted by acceptance tests. In this case, each user story
has associated a set of acceptance criteria. Then, for each acceptance criteria, a set of
acceptance tests to be successful are defined. Once acceptance tests are clear, developers
start to implement the source code to pass each acceptance test. As in TDD happens,
the complete list of user stories (product backlog) and their corresponding acceptance
tests have a similar role of SRS in conventional methodologies.
Figure 2 shows the main testing strategy in Agile methodologies. Agile method-
ologies use unit and acceptance testing as the main testing activities. Integration and
system testing are implicitly applied in the development process, that is each new piece
of code that is written is integrated with complete system, therefore, it is not necessary
the definition of specific integration test cases. The language used to write the test cases
depends on the implementation language and the tools that are available to execute the
test cases, e.g. Java and jUnit. In the case of acceptance tests, specific languages and
tools to describe test cases are needed. FIT or Easyaccept[17, 18]are tool samples.
4 A Discussion on Some Open Testing Topics
SWEBOK [1] provides a broad discussion on testing, not including Agile approaches
as such. There is an existing breach between Agile and Conventional methodologies,
as reported in [19] it is mainly focused in the ability of Agile to manage large projects,
among other reasons. A key aspect of Agile is face to communication, this issue in
relation with requirements has been studied in [20]. Assessments of agile in relation
with other process models can be found in literature[21–23].
In Agile approaches the definition of tasks related to requirements is very often
kept informal but testing tasks are very detailed. Nevertheless there are not studies that
compare the results of an agile and conventional processes referred to the same product.
It is clear that it would be expensive to have two teams developing the same product,
as well as some doubts on the value of the conclusions. In [24, 25] the differences
between requirements specification in conventional and Agile approaches are analyzed.
Conventional methodologies are focused on the anticipation abilities and can be termed
as plan based [26, 27] because these process models are defined in such a way that the
later an error is discovered, the more expensive will be to correct it. With the objective of
reducing the high impact of errors in the cost of a project, Agile methodologies propose
to increase the relevance of testing. In this sense, Agile methodologies perceive each
change like a chance to improve the system and increase the customer satisfaction.
Agile teams do not try to avoid changes but try to understand what is behind them, to
deliver the highest value to the customer.
Some studies show that product development in Agile environments is very different
to that in conventional environments[28–30]. There are several experience reports, such
as [31–33], that describe success stories of using Agile approaches. However, they do
not usually provide enough details about the experiment or do not give quantitative
results. Others studies give recommendations and general rules for the use of Agile
methodologies [34, 35]. Nevertheless from these studies it is possible to understand that
testing is a fundamental practice in agile software development and XP took it to the
extreme by iteratively developing test in tandem with writing code.
Some studies relate requirements and testing. Ricca [36] shows the results of a series
of experiments about using acceptance test as a support for clarifying requirements and
conclude that this technique lead to a significantly better understanding of requirements.
Other works in this line are [37–39].
Another key issue is test automation, while Conventional approaches pay attention
to generation of test inputs from different sources, guided by source code coverage
criteria rather than requirements coverage; Agile approaches are more interested in tools
to automate the testing process considering that if the testing environment is as much
automated as possible, more and more often, test cases could be run and more automated
tools to support testing could be integrated. Continuous integration tools and framework
such as Hudson, Cruise and Cruise Control or Apache Continuum represent a proof of
it [40].
Finally, specific testing methodologies such us TMAP [2] describe testing as a in-
dependent project, that should be done in parallel with the development project. TMAP
it is not aligned with another methodologies. They stress the importance of testing man-
5 Conclusions
Testing plays an important role in different process models, ranging from Conventional
to Agile. Although testing techniques (white-box and black-box) are applied in both,
actors are rather different and the role of testing is different, and while practices may
look similar, i.e. how to produce a unit test, may be common to conventional and agile,
they are not at a semantical level. While in conventional methodologies a test is per-
formed to check that code is according to a specification, in agile the test is part of this
specification, or the specification itself. Test design activities are some how different in
Conventional and Agile. Last trends are giving more relevance to unit and acceptance
testing. Another fact is that testing is being done as soon as possible in the development
process what it is aligned with the reduction of the cost impact of errors detected in the
testing phases. The changing role of testing has also strong implications on the overall
process definition that standards will need to adequately consider.
Thi work has been partially sponsored by the Spanish MEC project OVAL/PM and
MICYT within the FLEXI FIT-340005-2007-37 (ITEA2 6022) project.
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