• Calculate the WD of all objects O
for an
arbitrary starting point and store them in a
data base.
• Calculate the WD sets for all possible
starting points of the unknown object O. This
can be done easily if we use the polygon
description of the object contour and change
the starting point from one polygon corner to
the next.
• Compare the WD sets of the unknown object
separately with the stored WD of the object
samples using the minimum distance
method. We receive a number of Euclidean
according to the number of different starting
used in step 2 and the number of
object samples
given in step 1.
• Find the minimum value of
. The stored
object sample related to this minimum value
represents the recognized object.
The representation of object contours using wavelet
descriptors is useful in object recognition tasks. In
particular, the Mexican Hat as well as Haar function
are qualified to be used as a mother wavelet to
obtain a sufficient number of WD which can be used
in recognition tasks. The WD can be calculated very
easily using (6) for the H-WD and (7) for MH-WD.
The number of WD needed to recognize a given
object increases according to the complexity of the
object shapes and must be set according to the given
application. It is possible in some cases to use only
the components of the approximation signal in order
to recognize an unknown object using the minimum
distance method, but generally the use of the detail
signal will include detail information about small
differences between the compared object shapes.
The starting point on the contour has a big influence
on the recognition process, since the values of the
WD depend strongly on it. The paper describes one
possible solution where not only one set of WD is
computed and compared with the stored WD of the
object samples, but several sets of WD according to
the different starting points.
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