on the optimal value that maximizes the manipulabil-
ity of the haptic display.
−2 −1 0 1 2
x /m
y /
Figure 8: Positions of user x
(blue), end-effector x
(green) and linear system x
(red) in presence of virtual
walls during wide area motion.
This paper presents a novel multi-modal telepresence
system for extended range telepresence, which en-
ables the user to explore remote environments by nat-
ural walking. To achieve this goal, a novel haptic in-
terface was developed, which consists of a haptic ma-
nipulator mounted on a linear prepositioning unit that
follows the user by keeping the optimal configuration
of the manipulator and avoiding collisions with the
user. For the haptic feedback, a dedicated force con-
trol was implemented and tested. It uses an admit-
tance model to shape the dynamics of the system, as
well as a model of the impedances of arm and mani-
pulator to compensate their undesired dynamics. Ex-
periments show the suitability of this haptic interface
for extended range telepresence.
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telepresence to improve the user guidance is a promis-
ing application of the presented haptic interface,
which is currently being investigated. For this ap-
plication, the simultaneous compression of head and
hand motion represents a further challenge.
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