Another experiment was focused on comparison of
MLT of selected individual batches due to the fact
that changes in MLT
between the manners of batch
sequencing in the second experiment were not
exposed. Therefore, individual first 5 parts for the
next experiment were selected. Afterwards, batches
of selected parts were gradually divided into batch
#1 with N=1, batch #2 wit N=2, batch #3 with N=3
and batch #4 with N=4. Individual manufacturing
lead times for given batches were calculated
according to the equation 4. Evenly, as in second
experiment, batches were sequenced in the same two
manners. The results of these two experiments are
shown in figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3: Individual lead times for different batches
sequenced in random manner.
Figure 4: Individual lead times for different batches
sequenced according to the schedule.
Obtained results presented in figure 2 showed that
size of batches in performed experiments influenced
whole lead times. Moreover, local optimum solution
of the problem between batch 2 and batch 4 can be
identified. However, differences in MLT
batch sequencing manners in the second experiment
practically were not ascertained. From the next two
experiments it is possible to articulate that changes
in MLT
that was calculated for individual batches
were influenced by different sequencing manners.
Experimental results, which are demonstrated in
figures 3 and 4, also showed that size of batches is
influencing individual manufacturing lead times.
Accordingly, in a given case there is no sense to
modify sequences of batches, vice versa, it is
reasonable to transform batches to the optimal sizes.
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