in Figure 3, which clearly shows the relative reduction
of computational complexity for the FRFS approach.
For a model order of m = 30, the RFS requires around
5 10 15 20 25 30
x 10
Figure 3: Computation time per single recursion with in-
creasing model order m.
3.5ms, whilst the FRFS requires less than 2.0ms. The
fact that the slope of the curve corresponding to the
FRFS algorithm is lower than that of the RFS ap-
proach illustrates that the computational complexity
is reduced from cubic to quadratic order; this under-
pins the theoretical results obtained in this paper.
The Frisch scheme for the identification of lin-
ear time-invariant single-input single-output errors-
in-variables systems has been reviewed. The well-
known non-recursive case as well as a recently devel-
oped recursive algorithm has been discussed. Since
the latter is of cubic computational complexity with
respect to the number of parameters to be estimated,
several approximations have been introduced, in or-
der to reduce the complexity from cubic to quadratic
order. This theoretical result is in agreement with the
measured computation time which has been obtained
for a numerical simulation. This simulation has also
shown that the fast algorithm is able to approximate
the solution of the computationally more demanding
algorithm satisfactorily.
Further work could concern the convergenceprop-
erties of the recursive algorithm.
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