2.2 The Steps in more Detail
The steps involved are listed below and business rule “IF acceptance of renewal
notice from insured is not received within 14 days THEN send reminder” will be used
to illustrate the process:
1. Identify verbs
: Take each business rule and identify the verbs or verb phrases.
Look for both action and existence verbs. (Action verbs portray actions, e.g. He
slowly forward; while existence verbs indicate states of existence, e.g. He
a man.) There will normally be one row in the resulting table for each verb
identified in the business rule. Make verbs infinitive, present tense where possible,
for instance walked and walks become walk. Place auxiliary parts of a verb phrase
in brackets. Place one verb only in the Predicate column.
Two verb phrases can be identified in the example business rule: is not received
and send. Place these two verb phrases in the Predicate column of two subsequent
rows. Make verbs infinitive, present tense, i.e. is not received becomes (Not) receive.
Conjunction Subject Predicate Direct Object /Adjunct
(Not) Receive
2. Identify nouns: Place one noun only in the second Subject, Direct Ob-
ject/Adjunct column as applicable. (A noun denotes persons, places or things
that we can either perceive by our senses or conceive in our minds.) Make all
nouns singular and show the plural parts in brackets. There does not always have
to be an explicit subject (although there is always an implicit one). These are
nouns that are directly or indirectly the agent or doer of an action. Most human
nouns are. There must be a direct object or adjunct or both. If there is more than
one adjunct they must follow on subsequent rows. Simplify clumsy noun phrases,
for instance, courses that can be offered should rather be offered course; and
courses that can be scheduled should rather be scheduled course. Note that the
two examples in the previous sentence implies that out of all possible courses,
only some will be offered and only some will be scheduled.
In the example business rule neither verbs have subjects specified. For the first
verb receive place the direct object acceptance in the second Direct Object/Adjunct
column. For the second verb phrase send the direct object is a genitive case noun pair
that needs to be resolved as shown in the next step.
3. Identify all direct and indirect genitive case noun pairs. Genitive case nouns can
be identified by the following means: (1) the proximity of nouns, for instance,
room equipment implies the room’s equipment; (2) special words like their and
for, for instance, rooms and their equipment and equipment for rooms also implies
room’s equipment; and (3) nouns with an apostrophe s, for instance, the room’s
equipment. Translate all these genitive case noun pairs into the basic genitive for-
mat, noun of noun, for instance, equipment of room.
In the example business rule acceptance of renewal notice becomes acceptance
(of) renewal notice. At this stage the table looks as follows: