Probabilistic Models for Semantic Representation
Francesco Colace, Massimo De Santo and Paolo Napoletano
University of Salerno, DIIIE
84084 Fisciano, Salerno, Italy
Abstract. In this work we present the main ideas behind in Search of Seman-
tics project which aims to provide tools and methods for revealing semantics of
human linguistic action.
Different part of semantics can be conveyed by a document or any kind of lin-
guistic action: the first one mostly related to the structure of words and concepts
relations (light semantics) and the second one related to relations between con-
cepts, perceptions and actions deep semantics. As a consequence we argue that
semantic representation can emerge through the interaction of both.
This research project aims at investigating how those different parts of seman-
tics and their mutual interaction, can be modeled through probabilistic models of
language and through probabilistic models of human behaviors.
Finally a real environment, a web search engine, is presented and discussed in
order to show how some part of this project, light semantics, has been addressed.
1 Introduction
Semantic knowledge can be thought of as knowledge about relations among several
types of elements: words, concepts, percepts and actions [1]. Formalization efforts to
capture such aspects have been splitted in two different approaches. A first approach has
focused more on the structure of associative relations words-words in natural language
use and relations words-concepts, which we may define as light semantics. A second
one has emphasized abstract conceptual structure, focusing on relations among con-
cepts and relations between concepts and percepts or actions, which we may call deep
semantics. However, these different aspects are not necessarily independent and can in-
terplay to influence behavior in different ways. Thus, we will assume here that semantic
representation can emerge through the interaction of both light and deep semantics.
The project aims at investigating how light and deep semantics -and their mutual in-
teraction - can be modeled through probabilistic models of language and through prob-
abilistic models of human behaviors (e.g., while reading and navigating Web pages),
respectively, in the common framework of most recent techniques from machine learn-
ing, statistics, information retrieval, and computational linguistics. Such a model could
handle each part of semantics and the cooperation among them in order to reveal inten-
sions, meanings, or more properly semantics in a broader sense.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce basic notion about
semantic representation. A viable road to semantics (the core of in Search of Semantics
- iSoS framework) is presented in Section 3, in Section 4 methods for handling light
Colace F., De Santo M. and Napoletano P. (2009).
Probabilistic Models for Semantic Representation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ontology for e-Technologies OET 2009, pages 13-22
DOI: 10.5220/0002222100130022
semantics are presented and a real environments is introduced and discussed in Section
5, where some experiments are presented. Finally, in Section 6 we discuss conclusions
and future works.
2 In Search of Semantics
The Semantic Web and Knowledge Engineering communities are both confronted with
the endeavor to design and build ontologies by means of different tools and languages,
which in turn raises an “ontology management problem” related to the peculiar tasks of
representing, maintaining, merging, mapping, versioning and translating [2].
These mentioned above are well known concerns animating the debate in the on-
tology field. However, we argue that the utilization of different tools and languages is
mainly due to a personal view of the problem of knowledge representation, which in
turn raises a not uniform perspective.
Most important each ontology scientist may rely, deliberately or implicitly, on a
different definition of the role of ontology as mean for semantics representation [3].
Therefore we argue that a special effort should be devoted to better explain and clarify
the theory of semantic knowledge and how we should correctly model the latter for
being properly represented and used on a machine.
A simple process to convey meaning through language can be summarized as fol-
meaning encode language decode meaning,
where, since encoding/decoding processes are noisy, meaning’ is the estimation of the
original meaning. In order to understand why those processes are noisy we assume that
a communication act through language is in the form of writing/reading a book. Here,
the origin of the communicative act is a meaning that resides wholly with the author,
and that the author wants to express in a permanent text. This meaning is a-historical,
immutable, and pre-linguistic and is encoded on the left-hand side of the process; it must
be wholly dependent on an act of the author, without the possibility of participation
of the reader in an exchange that creates, rather than simply register, meaning. The
author translates such creation into the shared code of language, then, by opening a
communication, he sends it to the reader at the encoding stage. It is well known that,
due to the accidental imperfections of human languages, such translation process may
be imperfect, which in turn means that such a process is corrupted by “noise”. Once the
translated meaning is delivered to reader, a process for decoding it starts. Such process
(maybe also corrupted by some more noise) obtains a reasonable approximation of the
original meaning as intended by the author. As a consequence meaning is never fully
present in a sign, but it is scattered through the whole chain of signifiers: it is deferred,
through the process that Derrida [4] indicates with the neologism differnce, a dynamic
process that takes plane on the syntagmatic plane of the text [5].
In the light of this discussion we argue that, as pointed out by Steyvers and his
colleagues [1], the semantic knowledge can be thought of as knowledge about relations
among several types of elements, including words, concepts, and percepts. According
to such definition the following relations must be taken into account:
1. Concept – concept relations. For example: knowledge that dogs are a kind of ani-
mal, that dogs have tails and can bark, or that animals have bodies and can move;
2. Concept – action relations: Knowledge about how to pet a dog or operate a toaster.
3. Concept percept : Knowledge about what dogs look like, how a dog can be dis-
tinguished from a cat;
4. Word concept relations: Knowledge that the word dog refers to the concept dog,
the word animal refers to the concept animal, or the word toaster refers to the con-
cept toaster;
5. Word – word relations: Knowledge that the word dog tends to be associated with or
co-occur with words such as tail, bone.
Obviously these different aspects of semantic knowledge are not necessarily in-
dependent, rather those can influence behavior in different ways and seem to be best
captured by different kinds of formal representations. As a consequence result, differ-
ent approaches to modeling semantic knowledge tend to focus on different aspects of
this knowledge, specifically we can distinguish two main approaches:
I The focus is on the structure of associative relations between words in natural lan-
guage use and relations between words and concepts, along with the contextual
dependence of these relations [6–8]. This approach is related to points 4 and 5,
which can be defined as light semantics;
II The emphasis is on abstract conceptual structure, focusing on relations among con-
cepts and relations between concepts and percepts or actions [9]. This approach is
related to points 1, 2 and 3, which can be defined as deep semantics.
The key idea of this project is that indeed semantics representation is likely to
emerge through the interaction of light and deep semantics. Thus, an an artificial system
contending with semantics should necessary take into account both facets [2].
3 A Viable Road to Semantics
Once a computational model for each of the two components of semantics has been
formulated, the very aim of this research project is to investigate the interaction between
them and how such interaction can be modeled through probabilistic methods. In the
following we will show how each relations, discussed in Section 2, can be modeled.
We argue that probabilistic inference is a natural way to address problems of rea-
soning under uncertainty, and uncertainty is plentiful when retrieving and processing
linguistic stimuli. In this direction, it has been demonstrated that language possesses
rich statistical structure that could be captured through probabilistic models of language
based on recent techniques from machine learning, statistics, information retrieval, and
computational linguistics [10].
Specifically, the description of both Word word and Word concept relations,
namely light semantics, is based on an extension of the computational model, namely
the topic model, introduced by Steyvers in [1] and [11]. Topic model is based upon the
idea that documents are mixtures of topics, where a topic is a probability distribution
over words. A topic model is a generative model for documents: it specifes a simple
probabilistic procedure by which documents can be generated.
The deep semantics is traditionally represented in terms of systems of abstract
proposition [9]. Models in this tradition have focused on explaining phenomena such as
the development of conceptual hierarchies that support propositional knowledge, reac-
tion time to verify conceptual propositions in normal adults, and the decay of proposi-
tional knowledge with aging or brain damage.
While Concept – concept relations could be modeled using the prototype theory that
plays a central role in linguistics, as part of the mapping from phonological structure to
semantics [12], most interesting for us, the Concept – action relations can be revealed
using the theory of emergent semantics pointed out by Santini and Grosky [13,14].
Building semantics by using perception (vision, etc.), that is the modeling of Con-
cept – percept relations, is a problem that can be understood by considering the Marr’s
computational theory [15]. Here we will investigate the mechanism describing how the
human make use of perception (in broad sense) for encoding knowledge representation.
For instance could be interesting to investigating mechanisms of sensory-motor coor-
dination in order to understand how such mechanisms can reveal deep semantics. In
such perspective studies in the field of Computer Vision will be useful [16]. One of the
approach that seems to be suitable for our purpose is that proposed by Pylyshyn [17] for
situating vision in the world by differentiating three different ways in which an artificial
agent might represent its world in order to carry out actions in real world.
In this scenario we are interested in designing a computational model for combining
all these aspects of semantics and to account for user semantics.
4 Ontology Building in a Probabilistic Framework for Light
Semantics Representation
4.1 Troubles with Ontology
Different approaches have been used for building ontology: manual, semiautomatic and
automatic methods. Most of them are manual, however among the semiautomatic and
automatic methods we can distinguish these based on Machine Learning techniques
from these based on pure Artificial Intelligence theory [18]. Notwithstanding those
considerations, the great majority of existing methods relies on a concept of ontol-
ogy according to what is commonly acknowledged in computer science field, that is
an ontology is a set of terms, a collection of relations over this set, and a collection of
propositions (axioms) in some decidable logical system. In this direction, the Web On-
tology Language (OWL) represents the most used language for authoring ontologies;
it is, as declared by the W3C consortium: “a semantic markup language for publishing
and sharing ontologies on the World Wide Web. OWL is developed as a vocabulary
extension of RDF (the Resource Description Framework)...
By embracing the debate raised in [3], we rely on a on a different definition of the
role of ontology as mean for semantics representation, more precisely in our opinion
the ontology should abandon any velleity of defining meaning, or of dealing with se-
mantics, and re-define itself as a purely syntactic discipline. Ontology should simply
be an instrument to facilitate the interaction of a user with the data, keeping in mind
that the user’s situated, contextual presence is indispensible for the creation of mean-
ing. For instance, it would be a good idea to partially formalize the syntactic part of the
interaction process that goes into the creation of meaning.
By following this direction, it is our conviction that one of the major limitations of
languages for representing ontologies - and in this respect OWL is no exception - stems
from the static assignment of relations between concepts, e.g. “Man is a subclass of
Human”. On the one hand, ontology languages for the semantic web, such as OWL and
RDF, are based on crisp logic and thus cannot handle incomplete, partial knowledge for
any domain of interest. On the other hand, it has been shown how (see, for instance [19])
uncertainty exists in almost every aspects of ontology engineering, and probabilistic di-
rected Graphical Models (GMs) such as Bayesian Nets (BN) can provide a suitable tool
for coping with uncertainty. Yet, in our view, the main drawback of BNs as a representa-
tion tool, is in the reliance on class/subclass relationships subsumed under the directed
links of their structure. We argue that an ontology is not just the product of deliberate
reflection on what the world is like, but is the realization of semantic interconnections
among concepts, where each of them could belong to different domains.
Indeed, since the seminal and outstanding work by Anderson on probabilistic foun-
dations of memory and categorization, concepts/classes and relations among concepts
arise in terms of their prediction capabilities with respect to a given contex [20]. Further,
the availability of a category grants the individual the ability to recall patterns of behav-
ior (stereotypes, [21]) as built on past interactions with objects in a given category. In
these terms, an object is not simply a physical object but a view of an interaction.
Thus, even without entering the fierce dispute whether ontologies should or should
not be shaped in terms of categories [22], it is clear that to endow ontologies with pre-
dictive capabilities together with properties of reconfigurability,what we name ontology
plasticity, one should relax constraints on the GM structure and allow the use of cyclic
graphs. A further advantage of an effort in this direction is the availability of a large
number of conceptual and algorithmic tools that have been produced by the Machine
Learning community in most recent years.
The main idea here is the introduction of a method for automatic construction of
ontology based on the extension of the probabilistic topic model introduced in [1] and
4.2 Ontology for Light Semantics
The description of both Word – Word and Word Concept relations, related to the light
part of semantics, is based on an extension of the computational model depicted above
and discussed in [1] and [11]. Here we discuss how to model Word Word relations,
whereas the Word Concept relations are modeled by using the concept-topic model
proposed in [11]. We consider that, together with the topics model, what we call the
words model, in order to performs well in predicting word association and the effects of
semantic association and ambiguity on a variety of language-processing and memory
The original theory of Griffiths mainly asserts a semantic representation in which
word meanings are represented in terms of a set of probabilistic topics z
where the
statistically independence among words w
and the “bags of words” assumptions were
made. The “bags of words” assumption claims that a document can be considered as
a feature vector where each element in the vector indicates the presence (or absence)
of a word and where information on the position of that word within the document is
completely lost. Assume we will write P(z) for the distribution over topics z in partic-
ular document and P(w|z) for the probability distribution over word w given topic z.
Each word w
in a document (where the index refers to ith word token) is generated by
first sampling a topic from the topic distribution, then choosing a word from the topic-
word distribution. We write P(z
= j) as the probability that the jth topic was sampled
for the ith word token, that indicates which topics are important for a particular doc-
ument. More, we write P(w
= j) as the probability of word w
under topic j, that
indicates which words are important for which topic. The model specifies the following
distribution over words within a document:
) =
= k)P(z
= k) (1)
where T is the number of topics. In through the topic model we can build consistent
relations between words measuring their degree of dependence, formally by computing
joint probability between words:
, w
) = P(w
) =
= k)P(w
= k) (2)
Several statistical techniques can be used for unsupervised inferring procedure great
collections of documents.
We will use a generative model introduced by Blei et al. [23] called latent Dirichlet
allocation. In this model, the multinomial distribution representing the gist is drawn
from a Dirichlet distribution, a standard probability distribution over multinomials. The
results of LDA algorithm, obtained by running Gibbs sampling, are two matrix:
1. the words-topics matrix Φ: it contains the probability that word w is assigned to
topic j;
2. the topics-documents matrix Θ: contains the probability that a topic j is assigned
to some word token within a document.
By comparing joint probability with probability of each random variable we can estab-
lishes how much two variables (words) are statistically dependent, in facts the hard-
ness of such statistical dependence increases as mutual information measure increases,
ρ = log|P(w
, w
) P(w
)| (3)
where ρ [0, ]. By selecting hard connections among existing all, for instance
choosing a threshold for the mutual information measure, a GM for the words can be
delivered, (cfr. Figure 1(a)). As a consequence, an ontology can be considered as set of
pair of words each of them having its mutual informational value.
(a) (b)
Fig.1. 1(a) Graphical model representing apple ontology, obtained from a set of documents about
the topic apple. 1(b) in Search of Semantic web search engine’s functionalities screenshot: query-
ing, ontology visualization etc.
Building Ontology: A Case of Study of Light Semantic. Here we present a case of
study of light semantics representation. Once topic is chosen, the words connections,
namely words model, are learned from large text corpora, and consequently a Graphical
model representing apple” (as fruit) ontology is builded. The multidocument corpus,
extracted from a web repository obtained by a craling stage for the query apple, the
number of documents are 200. As a result, we show the GM representing light semantics
relations for the “apple” topic: the ontology is showed in Figure 1(a).
5 Real Environment for Light Semantics
Probabilistic model of light semantics are embedded in a real web search engine devel-
oped at Universityof Salerno and reachablethrough the URL
after a registration procedure. In Figure 1(b) is showed a screenshot for the iSoS web
search engine and in following we describe its principal functionalities. We choose a
web search engine as a laboratory where developing and testing methods for treating
semantics, here we have documents created by human (Web pages) and the opportunity
for tracking human behavior at same moment.
5.1 In Search of Semantics: Functionalities
As discussed above, iSoS is a web search engine with advanced functionalities. This
engine is a web based application, entirely written in Java programming language and
Java Server Page Language embedding some of the open source search engine Lucene
functionalities. As basic functionalities it performs sintax querying, see the left side
of Figure 1(b), and it gives results as a list of web pages ordered by frequency of the
term query.
The iSoS engine is composed of three parts: Web crawling, Indexing, Searching.
Each web search engines work by storing information about web pages, which are re-
trieved by a Web crawler, a program which follows every link on the web. In order to
better evaluate the performance of such web search engine, a small real environment is
created. It performs a simplified crawling stage by submitting a query to a famous web
search engine Google (, and crawling the URL of the web pages con-
tained in the list of results of Google. During the indexing stage each page is indexed by
performing a traditional technique, the tf-idf schema. The searching stage is composed
of 2 main parts. The first is a language parsing stage for the query, where stop words
like “as”, “of and “in”, are removed and the second is a term searching stage in the
tf-idf schema.
The iSoS web search engine provides advanced functionalities, namely the ontology
builder tool, where the user can build ontology by exploiting the procedure discussed
in Section 4. We can also manage ontology, Fig. 1(b), by adding each ontology to a list
that we call the knowledge domain.
Users can decide to include the ontology in a simple query searching task. In this
case, iSoS searches both the query terms set and the ontology pairs of terms. We argue
that more relevant document can be retrieved by exploiting specific knowledge domain.
The search engine provide some general ontology and, more interesting, allows each
user to create own ontology by using the Ontology builder tool. This functionality is
reserved to a registred user and is realized through a kind of user profiling technique.
5.2 Experimental Results
In order to evaluate the performance of iSoS, we have indexed several web domain,
apple, bass and piano, we have performed several term queries and finally we have
compared with Google (a custom version of it). For each domain we have created a
small web pages repository composed of 200 documents obtained by using the crawl-
ing procedure discussed above, and the ontology of apple is builded by using a small
repository of documents collected by an expert of this topic. When an index is given we
have submitted several query and computed the precision-recall graphs for both iSoS
and Google. Due to problem of limit in space, here we discuss only results obtained for
the domain apple.
Apple Domain. This domain mainly contains documents about Apple inc., but we are
interest in apple as fruit. To solve this ambiguation and to present most relevant results
we make use of the ontology. In Fig. 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), are reported the first 15 results
obtained with iSoS without ontology, iSoS with ontology and Google Inc. respectively,
and finally in Fig. 2(d) Precision and Recall measure is reported.
As we can see in Figg. 2 the results provided by iSoS are very encouraging, when
the ontology is loaded we can see more relevant documents in the top 15 positions of
the result set. This is confirmed by the Precision-Recall measure, the green curve shows
higher performances then Google and iSoS without ontology.
We can conclude that using ontology knowledge for solving queries improves the
relevance of the result set. This conclusion is mainly related to the words model dis-
cussed above, which can be used to analyze the content of documents and the meaning
of words.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig.2. Apple domain, query apple. 2(a) iSoS result without ontology. 2(b) iSoS result with ontol-
ogy. 2(a) Google results. 2(d) Precision-Recall.
6 Conclusions and Future Works
We presented the main ideas behind in Search of Semantics project. At this time just re-
sults on light semantics computation have been discussed. A real environment, namely
a web search engine has been developed in order to experiencing the methods for se-
mantics representation. Since some experimental results are encouraging we can affirm
that the main idea of this project must be still pursued. As future work we are prepar-
ing a full semantics environments for page ranking and we are working on methods for
reveal and represents deep semantics.
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