Ontology Engineering: Co-evolution of Complex
Networks with Ontologies
Francesca Arcelli Fontana
, Ferrante Raffaele Formato
and Remo Pareschi
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milano, Italy
Università del Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Università del Molise, Italy
Abstract. Our assumption here is that the relationships between networks of
concepts (ontologies) and people networks (web communities) is reciprocal and
dynamic. ontologies identify communities and communities through practice
define ontologies. Ontologies describe complex domains and therefore are
difficult to create manually. Our investigation aims at building tools and
methodologies to drive the process of ontology building. In particular we
define a model by which ontologies evolve through Web community extraction.
In this paper, we observe that tags in Web 2.0 are mathematical objects called
clouds and studied in [11]. And we introduce NetMerge, an algorithm for
transforming an ontology into a complex network.
1 Introduction
Ontology design is actually performed by a panel of experts. The organization of
design follows the structure of the ontology. Ontology engineering is defined as the
set of methods used for building from the scratch, enriching or adapting an existing
ontology in a semi-automatic fashion, using heterogeneous information sources
([15]). This data-driven procedure uses text, electronic dictionaries, linguistic
ontologies and structured information to acquire knowledge.
Recently, with the enormous growth of the Information Society, the Web has
become a valuable source of information for almost every possible domain of
knowledge. This has motivated researchers to start considering the Web as a valid
repository for Information Retrieval and Knowledge Acquisition. However, the Web
suffers from problems that are not typically observed in classical information
repositories: human oriented presentation, noise, untrusted sources, high dinamicity
and over-whelming size. Even though, it also presents characteristics that can be
interesting for knowledge acquisition: due to its huge size and eterogeneicity it has
been assumed that the Web approximates the real distribution of the information in
humankind. The present research aims to introduce a novel approach for ontology
design and learning, presenting new methods for knowledge acquisition from the
Web. The adaptation of several well known learning techniques to the web corpus, the
exploitation of particular characteristics of the Web environment and the search for
Arcelli Fontana F., Raffaele Formato F. and Pareschi R. (2009).
Ontology Engineering: Co-evolution of Complex Networks with Ontologies.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ontology for e-Technologies OET 2009, pages 33-40
DOI: 10.5220/0002222300330040
Web community unsupervised by a semi-automatic and domain independent approach
distinguishes the present proposal from previous works ([18], [.22]).
In [1],[2] we sketched a model in which ontologies are generated by human
expertize and then they evolve according to laws of complex networks in Web 2.0.
We built also an algorithm that extracts some Web communities using a combination
of HITS ([17]) and a visual Web Crawler called TouchGraph. In that paper we started
by giving some definitions and propositions in order to show how to merge semantic
web into complex networks and then we showed how to interpret ontologies with a
network of Web communities. Then we described the dynamic process of the
interaction between an ontology and Web communities through a max-flow based
approach to Web communities discovery.
In this paper, we refine our model by which ontologies evolve through Web
community extraction and we observe that tags in Web 2.0 are mathematical objects
called clouds (studied in [11]). We introduce NetMerge, an algorithm for transforming
an ontology into a complex network, by associating a Web community to some nodes
of a network. We have analysed several other tools and applications that assist experts
in the generation of ontologies, that help the knowledge engineer to build a taxonomy
or enrich an existing one, among them we analysed OntoGen [14], KAON and
Text2Onto [7], OntoLearn, [8] Jatke and Ontobuilder [21].
The paper is organized through the following sessions: in Section 1 we introduce
some aspects and concepts related to ontologies engineering and learning; in Section
3 we discuss some problems on ontologies learning through the web; in Section 4 we
formulate our hypothesis that an ontology can be interpreted by a complex and
dynamic network and we introduce the prototype we have developed, called
NetMerger, based on focus crawling and able to merge an ontology and a significant
portion of the web. Finally in Section 5, we conclude and outline some future
directions of this research, in particular relating to an an algorithm for cloud
2 Ontology Engineering and Ontology Learning
The set of activities that concern the ontology development process, the ontology life
cycle, the principles, methods and methodologies for building ontologies, and the tool
suites and languages that support them, is called Ontology Engineering ([8,15,18]).
With regard to methodologies, several proposals have been reported for developing
ontologies manually.
Considering Guarino’s classification ([16), philophical ontologists and artificial
intelligence logicians are usually involved in the task of defining the inalterable basic
kinds and structures of concepts (objects, properties, relations and axioms) that are
applicable in every possible domain. Those basic principles are contained in the
mentioned Top-level ontologies, also called Fondational or Upper ontologies.
On the contrary, Application ontologies have a very narrow context and limited
reusability as they depend on the particular scope and requirements of a specific
application. These ontologies are typically developed ad hoc by the application
At an intermediate point, Task and Domain ontologies are the most complex to
develop: on one hand, they are general enough to be required for achieving consensus
between a wide community of users and, on the other hand, they are concrete enough
to present an enormous diversity with many different and dynamic domains of
knowledge and millions of possible concepts to model.
A global initiative such as the Semantic Web ([5, 6]) relies heavily on domain
ontology. The Semantic Web tries to achieve a semantically annotated Web in which
search engines could process the information contained on web resources from a
semantic point of view, increasing drastically the quality of the information presented
to the user. This approach requires a global consensus in defining the appropriate
semantic structures, -i.e. the domain ontologies- for representing any possible domain
of knowledge. As a consequence, there is a wide agreement that a critical mass of
ontologies is needed for representing semantics on the Semantic Web.
The construction of domain ontologies relies on domain modellers and knowledge
engineers that are typically overwhelmed by the potential size, complexity and
dynamicity of a specific domain. As a consequence, the construction of an exhaustive
domain ontology is a barrier that very few projects can overcome.
It turns out that, although domain ontologies are recognized as crucial resources for
the Semantic Web, in practice they are not available, and when available they are
used outside specific research environments.
Due to all this reasons, nowadays there is a need of methods that can perform, or at
least ease, the construction of domain ontologies. In this sense, Ontology
Learning([18.22]) is defined as the set of methods and techniques used for building
from scratch, enriching, or adapting an existing ontology in a semi-automatic fashion
using distributed and heterogeneous knowledge and information sources. This allows
a reduction in the time and effort needed in the ontology development process.
3 Ontology Learning through the Web
In the last years, as well known, the Web has become a valuable source of
information for almost every possible domain of knowledge. However, the Web
suffers from many problems that are not typically observed in the classical
information repositories. Those sources even written in natural language, are often
quite structured in a meaningful organisation or carefully selected by information
engineers and as a consequence, one can assume that the trustiness and validity of the
information contained in them is reliable and valid. In contrast, the Web raises a
series of new problems that need to be tackled:
Web resources are presented in human oriented semantics –natural language-
and mixed with a huge amount of information about visual representations.
This adds a lot of noise over the really valuable information and makes
difficult a machine-based processing approach. There have been several
attempts to improve the machine interpretability of the Web content like
using XML notation to represent concepts and hierarchies, or the definition
of some HTML extensions –like SHOE- to include tags with semantics
information, but none of them has been widely accepted.
All kinds of documents for almost every possible domain coexist. Some of
them offer valuable –up-to-date information from reliable sources; others are
simply spam that even tries to confuse the user. Everyone can post any kind
of information –fake or real- without any control and, in consequence, the
Web becomes a completely untrustable environment.
It presents a highly dynamic and uncontrolled changing nature. Web sites are
rapidly modified, updated or deleted, making difficult and outdating any
attempt of structuring the information.
The amount of available resources on one hand, can overwhelm the final
user or information engineer that tries to search specific data; on the other
hand, it makes nonviable a complex machine-biased processing for
extracting data in an automated way.
Ontology learning is performed by defining and maintaining two levels in the
ontology: a lower one that is scale-free and connects the ontology to the web sites, a
top one with a random distribution that is the proper ontology.
Usually, classical ontologies are designed by a panel of experts that gathers to
negotiate classes and relations. But this is not the way in which knowledge is
acquired. By so doing, Semantic Web is static and is being phagocyted by the
complexity and homeostatic response of Web 2.0.
4 Using Complexity to Beat Complexity
The basic research hypothesis that we formulate is that an ontology can be interpreted
by a complex and dynamic network and –at the same time- maintain the granularity
level that make ontologies abstract enough to beat complexity ([19]). By so doing,
ontologies are transformed into “meta-ontologies”, an object that grows by the law of
preferential attachment and at the same time maintains a “democratic” random
distribution of concept sufficient to abstract complex knowledge.
To investigate our hypothesis, we formulate a computable model in which
ontology classes are linked to the Web via a supervised classifier. We try to show BIB
that –in our model- the distribution of arches is exponential, according to the
asymptotic law formulated by [3,4].
In our model, ontology classes are linked to a scale-free dynamic network via
focused crawling. Each concept-or class-generates a set of URLs that are the positive
outcomes of a supervised/unsupervised classification process. Successively, these
sites are used as seeds to discover a web community focused upon the concept of the
class. Finally, the community is attached to the corresponding concept in a random
way. By so doing, the uniform distribution of the ontology is preserved.
Finally, new concepts are added to the ontology by knowledge synthesis as
follows: after a given time, the community is checked for connection and –if splitted-
two new seeds are extracted and the corresponding concepts are added to the
ontology and the process continues cyclically. This approach grants the merging of
Semantic Web into Web 2.0.
4.1 Preliminary Results
We used Gelsomino [13] a focused crawler developed according to Chakrabarty’s
architecture ([12]), Gelsomino has been used to find several communities through
the Web. Gelsomino has four modules: the first one is a classic web crawler, the
second is a Bayesian classifier, the third is the HIT algorithm and the fourth is a
module for the extraction of Web communities. Web communities are strategic
because a web site inside a web community is a highly connected site with high
business potential. On the contrary, isolated sites are mostly ignored. Therefore, tools
for extracting Web communities are the favourite candidates to replace search
engines in Web 2.0.
A Web community is a subgraph of the Web such that for any node, the number of
inner edges is greater than the number of outer edges. For example, Figure 1
illustrate a typical example of Web community Extracted from the Web through
Gelsomino and TouchGraph.
4.2 Tokenizing Concepts through Web Community Trawling
Tags have been diffused in Web 2.0 after folksnomies [23]. In [11] a mathematical
object was introduced that corresponds to tags:, called clouds.
Given a set S, a cloud is a finite subset of S. Clouds are given a geometric structure
through a similarity. A similarity is an application R: S ×S[0,1] such that R(x,x)=1,
R(x,y)=R(y,x) and R(y,z) R(x,y)*R(y,z). Then we can associate to every subset X of
S a number μ(X) expressing the “worst” degree of similarity between pairs of
elements in X, i.e.
For instance, if S = {square, polygon, rectangle} And R(square,polygon) = 0.5,
R(polygon,rectangle)=0.4 and R(polygon,square)=0.3, then μ({square, polygon,
rectangle}) =0.3. We can regard a non-empty cloud X as a sparse point and the
number μ(X) as a many valued evaluation of the claim that X is a point. Clouds have
the following interesting geometrical properties:
),()()( YXIncXY
),()()()( YXOverYXYX
),(),( yxRYXInc
Once we have extracted a cloud of concepts through ontology learning, we must
choose the concepts that are reflected into Web 2.0. To such an extent, we perform
Web community trawling upon each concept, and we discard the concepts that do not
refer to any Web community. By so doing we obtain a scale-free meta-ontology.
Fig. 1. The Web community around the event agency IsideNova discovered with Gelsomino
and TouchGraph.
4.3 The Prototype
We are working on NetMerger: a software that is based on proven classification
techniques (Bayesian inference, SVM) with the aim to merge two networks, given by,
respectively, a domain ontology (which corresponds to a lattice or a random graph)
and a significant portion of the Web, such as the portion of the Web induced by a
corresponding domain directory of Web sites (which corresponds to a scale free
network with hubs and preferential attachments).
NetMerger is a software based on the focused crawler Gelsomino and it is applied to
an ontology. The architecture of NetMerger is described in Figure 2.
Here is a brief description of the architecture’s modules:
Ontology Builder. A tool for building ontology –like Ontobuilder- with facilities for
concept generation and relation estabilishment.
Focused Crawler. A module for extracting communities and associating them to
concepts. It is based on focused crawling
Network Merger. A module for merging several Web communities focused on the
same concept. In our implementation, a network merger is just a link-based graph
Fig. 2. NetMerger architecture.
The result is a scale-free meta-network (or a meta-Web), where the ontology adds to
the sub-Web, a set of conceptual nodes, which provide an interpretation for the nodes
in the scale free network, clustering them into “interest” groups, which can be used as
channels for e-commerce and e-business agents.
4 Conclusions and Future Developments
This research aims at the integration of Semantic Web technologies into the
theoretical framework of complex dynamic network. If successful, Web 2.0 will be
open to semantic hulls that will make the Web 2.0 not only socially inhabitable, but
also machine understandable. As a consequence, knowledge will be continuously
negotiated between corporate standards of panels and Web community. Software
agents will not be clutched to static knowledge, but can enjoy the flexibility of
dynamic networks.
In the future research we aim to develop a tool, called Concept-Seeder: able to
extracts new concepts from the Web by identifying “communities” (namely highly
linked regions of the Web) and creates concepts identifiable with the content of the
sites belonging to such communities. Thus these concepts come as already “trained”
with the content they are identified with, and provide a way of evolving domain
ontologies from the “bottom-up”, by observing how the world effectively goes, as
opposed to the traditional way of evolving them “top-down” through the decision of a
committee of experts. On the other hand they provide in any case input to the experts
for revising the general architecture of the ontology.
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