Building Ontologies from Annotated Image Databases
Angelo Chianese, Vincenzo Moscato, Antonio Penta and Antonio Picariello
Department of Computer Science, University Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy
Abstract. Defining and building Ontologies within the multimedia domain still
remain a challenging task, due to the complexity of multimedia data and the
related associated knowledge. In this paper, we investigate automatic
construction of ontologies using the Flickr image databases, that contains
images, tags, keywords and sometimes useful annotation describing both the
content of an image and personal interesting information describing the scene.
We then describe an example of automatic ontology construction in a specific
semantic domain.
1 Introduction
In the last few years, an increasing number of multimedia data has been produced and
stored in distributed repositories and data bases. Despite the vast amount of work on
multimedia processing and analysis, multimedia databases and knowledge
representation, there is no commonly accepted solution to the problem of how to
represent, organize and manage multimedia data and the related semantics by means
of a formal framework. Several formal models based on ontologies have been
proposed. In particular, a great emphasis has been given to the extensional aspects of
image, video and audio ontologies, usually containing information on rough data,
format and annotation [24]: anywary, traditional domain ontologies, are substantially
inadequate to support complete annotation and retrieval by content of image
documents. There is still a great work to do with respect to the intensional aspects of
multimedia ontology: starting from the very beginning, it is still not at all clear wether
a multimedia ontology is simply a taxonomy, or a semantic network, what is the role
of concrete data (if any) or wether it is a simple organization of metadata. In addition,
the semantics of multimedia data itself is very hard to define and to capture and once
defined a suitable formal framework, still remains opened the problem of how to
build in an automatic way the extensional ontologies.
In this paper, we first propose a novel multimedia ontology framework, in
particular related to the image domain; thus, we describe a technique for building
ontologies, that operates on large corpora of human annotated repositories, namely the
Flickr [16] database, integrating both low level image processing strategies and NLP
techniques to keywords and annotations produced by humans when they store the
produced data. In particular, the key points of the proposed technique are the
1. A low level image analysis based on active vision is performed in order to
retrieve an image feature vector.
Chianese A., Moscato V., Penta A. and Picariello A. (2009).
Building Ontologies from Annotated Image Databases.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ontology for e-Technologies OET 2009, pages 41-51
DOI: 10.5220/0002223400410051
2. A text categorization process is applied to image tags and metadata extracted
from the Flickr and associated to a given image in order to retrieve the most
relevant topics
3. Rough data, features, topics and inferred semantic description are combined and
stored in an appropriateMultimedia Ontology.
We provide an algorithm for creating image ontology in a specific domain
gathering together all this different information. We then provide an example of
automatic construction of image ontology and a discussion of the encountered
problems and the provided solutions.We concluded that the framework is promising
and sufficiently scalable to different domain.
2 Multimedia Ontology Requirements
If we look at the main definition about ontology we could defined it as "an explicit
specification of a conceptualization"which is, in turn, "the objects, concepts, and other
entities that are presumed to exist in some area of interest and the relationships that
hold among them " [11]. Gruber, in the previous definition, claims that "while the
terms specification and conceptualization have caused much debate, the essential
points are the following:
"an ontology defines (specifies) the concepts, relationships, and other
distinctions that are relevant for modeling a domain".
"the specification takes the form of the definitions of representational
vocabulary (classes, relations, and so forth), which provide meanings for the
vocabulary and formal constraints on its coherent use."
Gruber stresses the conceptual nature of the ontology as a theory that can be used
to represent relevant notion about domain modeling. Domain that is classified in
terms of concepts, relationships and constraint on them. Nothing is said about what
we mean for the conceptualization of our domain. Typically when we deal with the
problem of the knowledge representation, it is not clear what is the knowledge to
represent and how this could be aware from any context. This is a key point because
we know that the knowledge modeling is an expensive operation and we would assure
that the final result could be shared. This is possible only if it is valid for all the users.
This is one of the issue that Guarino [12] expressed in his well known ontology
definition: "ontology is a logical theory accounting for the intended meaning of a
formal vocabulary, i.e. its ontological commitment to a particular conceptualization of
the world. The intended models of a logical language using such a vocabulary are
constrained by its ontological commitment. "
We note that in both definitions the ontological domain is considered sufficiently
abstract in order to manage a general knowledge; instead, if we consider multimedia
domain objects, we have to deal with a number of complex issues, and it is not simple
to capture and represent its related semantics.
Let us consider the image domain. Given an image I, a human decodes its
knowledge content after different cognitive steps. Each step is related to a human
perceptive process and some of these steps are iterated in order to derive more
complex concepts. Several steps are image processing blocks that approximate the
human vision process on the whole image or on parts of an image. Psychological
theories propose two different approaches for recognizing concepts related to an
image: the holistic and the constructive one [3]. According to the holistic theory, and
image is processed and recognized by humans considering the whole image. In
contrast, the constructive theory considers image understanding as a progressive
process: a human first recognizes an interesting part of an image and infers the
knowledge of the whole image from the knowledge of its parts, in a recursive
fashion.We follow this latter approach. In addition, we also need a further
environmental knowledge that describes all the necessary knowledge as evidences by
the classical “meaning triangle” [23]: in a given media, we detect symbols, objects
and concepts; in a certain image we have a region of pixels (symbol) related to a
portion of multimedia data; this region is an instance (object) of the certain concept.
In other words, we can detect concepts but we are not able to disambiguate among the
instances without some specific knowledge. A simplified version of the described
vision process will consider only three main levels: Low, Medium and High. In fact,
the knowledge associated to an image is described at three different levels:
Low level: raw images, computationally and abstractly thought of as discrete
functions of two variables defined on some bounded and usually regular regions of
a plane, i.e a pixel map used to structure the image perceptual organization and in
filtering processes in order to obtain new maps;
Intermediate level: an aggregation of data related to the use of spatial features -
including points, lines, rectangles, regions, surfaces, volumes - color features,
textures and shape features, for example colors are usually described by means of
color histograms and several features have been proposed for texture and shapes,
all exploiting spatial relations between a number of low level features (pixels) in a
certain region;
High level: this layer is related to axioms that involved concepts and their
relations conveyed by an image; looking at Figure 1 we could use these sentences
to define her high level: “An elephant on a green savannah with a sky
The features associated to these layers should be characterized in terms of a fuzzy
value, representing a certain degree of uncertainty that each image processing
algorithm produces, i.e we might say the shape is “highly” trapeze, or that it is “a little
bit” rectangular. Expressions such as highly, a little bit, and so on, recall this notion of
fuzziness implicitly related to the similarity of visual stimuli. We can associate this
fuzziness to some regions inside the image related to colors, shapes and textures.
Considering the running example image, the derived features are the following:
Colors:{<Green, 0.8>, <White, 0.89> <Black, 0.7>, <Brown, 0.75>}, Shapes:
{<Rectangle, 0.6>,<Trapeze, 0.9>}.Textures: {<Animal, 0.8>, <Nature, 0.6>}.
Starting from these considerations, it’s the author’s opinion that a multimedia
ontology should take into account these specific characteristic of multimedia data and
in particular of images: each image could be, in fact, decomposed into a set of regions
properly characterized (for example in terms of texture, color and shape) and in
addition, some of these regions can be associated to the instances of some concepts as
derived from image analysis algorithms. Eventually, one could infer new kinds of
concepts. More into details, an intelligent system, using a classifier, might associate
some elementary concepts to the extracted multimedia feature, related to the image
itself, e.g.{<person, horse, grass, sand>}.
Fig. 1. The Levels Description of an image, being “SIM” a label for the SubIMage inside the
given image.
We conclude that the representation requirements of image data and, more
generally, of multimedia data can be improved if there is a model that is able to
describemore complex concepts. In this context,we need a system that should allow
specifications for:
- Special Relationships that exist between the different media entities
characterizing a media object or an event - for example, geometrical, spatial,
temporal relationships and so on;
- Uncertainty that is produced by Computer Vision systems when processing and
recognizing multimedia contents - for example, object detection in an image or in
a video is always associated to a certain membership degree;
- Association between low-level properties and semantic properties of images - for
example, the semantics of an image can be enriched/learned/guessed by observing
the relationships of its color and shape with real-world concepts; technically
speaking, in order to associate a fuzzy membership among the elements of the
previous concepts, a reification pattern should be used.
- An associated reasoning service which can use the available feature
observations and concept description to infer other probable concepts in presence
of uncertain relationships - for example, some shape, texture and color properties
might be used to infer that a certain media object is an instance of a given concept:
e.g., colors=yellow with a grade μ
y, shape=circle with a grade μc may be
associated with the concept of the sun with a grade min{μ
y, μc}.
3 Building a Multimedia Ontology
3.1 Goals
The main aim here is to present an approach which could improve the
accomplishment of a multimedia ontology building task by incorporating in the
building process information derived from content features and text used to annotate
the multimedia data themselves inside an annotated database.
In this paper, we propose an image ontology that can be seen as a particular
instance of the defined multimedia ontology, taking into account only images data and
hypernym/hyponymand synonym relationships among semantic concepts (by a lexical
database), thus it can be considered as a particular multimedia lexical ontology.
To this goal, we used the animate vision based algorithms, that some of the
authors have previously designed [4] in order to capture the visual content of the
images; in addition the automatic annotation – i.e. the problem of associating images
to a semantic descriptions – has been addressed, applying NLP techniques to
keywords and annotations.
More in details, image semantic content could be represented by a multimedia
ontology that provides two kinds of information. The first one uses classical database
categories that are general concepts such as animal, landscape, etc... that can be seen
as the semantic dimensions of analysis; the second one exploits more refined
concepts, called labels (e.g. cat, sunset), obtained by a discovering image label
process and the related semantic relationships to associate to each image a specific
meaning that could be very useful for retrieval and browsing aims. We have used
Flickr [16] as a large repository of annotated images, in order to build a novel
intelligent building strategy. Flickr is one of the most popular web-based tagging
system, that allows human participants to annotate a particular resource, such as web
pages, blogs, images, with a freely chosen set of keywords, or tags, together with a
short description of the content. This kind of system has been recently termed
folksonomy [15], i.e. a folk taxonomy of important and emerging concepts within user
groups. The dynamic nature of these repositories assures the richness of the
annotation; in addition, they are really accurate, because they are produced by humans
that want to share their images and the experience they have had, using tags and an
annotation process.
3.2 The Process
The purpose of the image ontology building process is to automatically perform a low
and intermediate levels analysis by using the feature extraction module on each image
and to automatically determine an high-level description by using the Discovering
Image Labels module and to organize the obtained knowledge in the shape of a
multimedia ontology through the Image Ontology Builder module . We first describe
the Feature Extraction step and then we outline the Discovering Image Labels and
Image Ontology Building steps.
Feature Extraction. To obtain a low-level and intermediate description of the
images, we could apply different computer vision algorithm to obtain several image
features. We decide to use the salient points technique - based on the Animate Vision
paradigm - that exploits color, texture and shape information associated with those
regions of the image that are relevant to human attention (Focus of Attention), in order
to obtain a compact characterization (namely Information Path) that could be also
used to evaluate the similarity between images, and for indexing issues. An
information path can be seen as a particular data structure IP=hF
s(ps; τs),hb(Fs),ΣFs i
that contains, for each region F(p
s; τs) surrounding a given salient point (where ps is
the center of the region and τ
s is the the observation time spent by a human to detect
the point), the color features in terms of HSV histogram h
b(Fs), and the texture and
shape features in terms of wavelet covariance signatures Σ
Fs (see [5] formore
details).We could also use some confidence values obtained by the algorithm of
Animate Vision to characterize these information by means of fuzzy values. In Figure
1 we can see an example of Information Path with the intermediate description related
with it that is the results of this process.
Discovering Image Labels. Images in Flickr usually have two attached texts, namely
a content description and a title, and/or a set of keywords, namely tags. Descriptions
are very short and usually are not posted for retrieval purposes; they typically contain
sentences concerning the context of the picture, or the opinion of the user. Tags are
simple keywords users are asked (actually they may not insert any tag) to submit, that
describe the context of the image (e.g. amongst the tags for a picture of a dog playing
with a soccer ball, you will probably see the words ‘dog’, ‘ball’, etc.). Titles in the
majority of the cases contain text that summarize the content of the images, while in
other cases consist of automatically generated text that is not useful in the indexing
process. The simple use of tags does not improve the efficiency of indexing and
searching contents in our system. In fact, the absence of restrictions to the vocabulary
from which tags are chosen can easily lead to the presence of synonyms (multiple tags
for the same concept), homonyms (same tag used with different meaning), and
polysemies (same tag with multiple related meanings). Also inaccurate or irrelevant
tags result from the so called ‘meta-noise’, e.g. lack of stemming (normalization of
word inflections), and from heterogeneity of users and contexts: hence an effective
use of the tags requires these to be stemmed, disambiguated, and opportunely
selected. A similar kind of pre-processing is also needed for descriptions and titles,
which are to be analyzed by a suitable “Topic Detection algorithm” to extract a set of
relevant keywords which represent their content, and could be treated the same way
the tags are. Thus themain aim of the text categorization process is to automatically
determine a set of labels which is a subset of the whole keywords coming from Flickr
image title, description and tags, with an associated confidence value - that represents
the relative importance of those keywords with respect to the other ones in the
annotations. We can schematize such process as a function:
φ : A → {hγ
i, ǫii}
being the couple
i, ǫii a generic label with the related confidence and A the set of
tags, title an descriptions. We first compute a normalization process that has the aim
to filter emoticons and http links in the text. Then, we extract from the text (titles, tags
and descriptions) names, in particular names of people or organizations, geographical
locations, and substitute them with the related entity (e.g. the sentence “Bob works in
BMW” is transformed into “Person works in Organization”) iff they are non present
in the WordNet database. This task is accomplished by using the Annie Named Entity
Recognition (NER) module of GATE project [9]. Then, we perform the classical steps
of stemming and part of speech tagging and tokenization, with this phase we can
reject stop-words, adjective, verbs, that are not useful for our goal and then we build a
token vector that contains the selected keywords and their frequencies, computed
looking at the whole image text description retrieved from Flickr ˙Then, we
disambiguate the word senses attaching to the each keywords belonging to the
previous token vector the main meaning. We apply aWord Sense Disambiguation
(WSD) algorithm to noun words. In particular we exploit the algorithm in [21], that
disambiguates the words applying “minimum common hyperonim” considerations to
the parsed and stemmed initial sentence. In the last step, a suitable Topic Extraction
algorithm determines the set of labels that are more significant to the description of
the content of the text [17]. In particular, for each label extracted by theWSD module,
a confidence value is computed considering both the semantic similarity (by
exploiting the same algorithm used for WSD) of the token to the other ones, and the
related frequency of the token in the text. Finally, we selects the top-K of image labels
by using a a confidence threshold τ determined in an experimental way. Table 1
reports an example of the results, that are a set of labels with confidence values, of
this process after applying all these text processing steps for the image derived from
Flickr with its annotations.
Table 1. Flickr images and their related extracted information.
Image Ontology Building. In this section we describe how to perform the automatic
image ontology building process.
The image ontology is generated in an incremental way and in correspondence of
each images a pick-up operation performed by the fetching agent module from the
Flickr repository is performed. The generic inputs of the construction procedure are:
i) the set of WordNet synsets
i} related to the labels i} extracted by the Image
Discovery Labels module and the Information Path of the input image coming from
applying the Feature Extraction module on that input image. The building algorithm
checks the synsets related to the different concepts (labels) relevant to the input
image: if a node exists with the same synset in the current ontology, the image
information path and the related description are associated to such at node, otherwise
a new node with the related image information are instantiated and eventually
connected to the most semantically similar nodes in the tree, i.e. the nodes
correspondent to its closest hypernym and hyponym in theWordNet hierarchy. The
aim here is on one hand, to automatically build a taxonomy concerning different
semantic domains by exploiting the WordNet hyponym/hypernym relationships, on
the other hand, to automatically discover the semantic concepts relevant to a given
image, exploiting both users’ high-level description and tags and the low and
intermediate-level description. We state that it is possible to automatically create an
Image Ontology for a whole image database without any precategorization; or a
different tree for every pre-defined category in the database through a semi-automatic
process (during the indexing operations, administrators are required to select the
images from Flickr to be associated to each category). Finally, we want to remark that
in our approach the only supervised step is the Discover Image Labels steps, in which
human annotations from the Flickr semantic knowledge base are used to build an
index that contains the concepts useful for the retrieval tasks.
4 Related Works
In the last few years, several papers have been presented about multimedia systems
based on knowledge models, image ontologies, fuzzy extension of ontology theories.
In almost all the works, multimedia ontologies are effectively used to perform
semantic annotation of the media content by manually associating the terms of the
ontology with the individual elements of the image or of the video [22], [10], thus
demonstrating that the use of ontologies can enhance classification precision and
image retrieval performance. Instead of creating a new ontology from the scratch,
other approaches [8] extendWordNet to image specific concepts, using the annotated
image corpus as an intermediate step to compute similarity between example images
and images in the image collection. For solving the uncertain reasoning problems, the
theory of fuzzy ontologies is presented in several works, as an extension of the
ontologies with crisp concepts as the papers [13] that presents a complete fuzzy
framework for ontologies. In [19], the authors introduce a description logic
framework for the interpretation of image contents. Very interesting are the
multimedia semantic papers based on MPEG-7 [1], [6]. The MPEG-7 framework
consists of Descriptors (Ds) and Descriptor Schemes (DSs) that represent features for
multimedia, and more complex structures grouping Ds and DSs, respectively. In
particular, the MPEG-7 standard includes tags that describe visual features (e.g.,
color), audio features (e.g., timbre), structure (e.g.,moving regions and video
segments), semantic (e.g., object and events), management (e.g., creator and format),
collection organization (e.g., collections and models), summaries (e.g., hierarchies of
key frames) and, even, user preferences (e.g., for search) of multimedia. In this way
the standard includes descriptions of low-level media-specific features that can often
be automatically extracted from media types. Unfortunately, MPEG-7 is not currently
suitable for describing top-levelmultimedia features, because i) its XML Schema-
based nature prevents the effective manipulation of descriptions and its use of URNs
is cumbersome for the web; ii) it is not open to the web standards for representing
knowledge. Some efforts was also done in order to translate the semantic of the
standard in some knowledge representation languages [14], [18], [25]. All these
methods perform a one to one translation of MPEG-7 types into OWL concepts and
properties. Eventually, a very interesting work reported in [20], [2] was done in order
to define a multimedia ontology. They try to define a new multimedia ontology that
take into account the semantic of MPEG-7 standard. They started using some patterns
derived from a foundational ontology DOLCE [7]. In particular they used two design
patterns Descriptions & Situations (D & S) and Ontology of Information Objects
(OIO), which are two of the main patterns provided by DOLCE. The ontology already
covers a very large part of the standard, while their modeling approach has the aim to
offer even more possibilities for multimedia annotation than MPEG-7 since it is truly
interoperable with existing web ontology. This approach puts some constraints on the
image semantic thought the use of foundational ontology even if this work is more
focused on interoperability purposes.
5 Conclusions
In this paper we have addressed the problem of building a multimedia ontology in an
automatic way using annotated image dabases. Our proposed work differs from the
previous papers presented in the literature for different reasons. First, differently from
the previous works we propose a notion of multimedia ontology, particularly suitable
for capturing the complex semantics of images during several steps of the image
analysis process; we do not propose any extension of the usual ontology theory and
languages, but manage uncertainty implementing ternary properties by means of a
reification process, thus taking advantages of the several existing reasoning systems;
in addition, we obtain a dynamic generation of image ontologies without really asking
any user to produce ad-hoc tagging or annotation: we just use tags and annotations
that the user has produced in their social web network for themselves, when they
really want to communicate something thus publishing pictures on the Flickr(or
equivalent) system.
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