messages required to complete the protocol transac-
tions. The next column (dynamic) denotes whether
the protocol is dynamic or not, Auth denotes whether
authentication is provided and Verif denotes user ver-
ifiability and PS denotes provably secure.
The table shows that the proposed protocol, in-
spite of offering the verifiability and mutual authen-
tication property, is comparable to the existing works.
Apart from (Boyd and Nieto, 2003), the rest of the
protocols also use 2 exponentiations. The (Boyd and
Nieto, 2003), despite being computation efficient uses
n broadcasts which is expensive. In the proposed
protocol, most of the computations performed by the
users, i.e. encryption, hash computation and signa-
ture can be computed offline. Thus only a bit-wise xor
is the main operation to be performed online. More-
over, the offline computations are also less expensive
as the user performs a hash computation and one pub-
lic key encryption which is not expensive as a public
key (3− 16 bit) is short.
In this work we have provided an efficient and scal-
able solution for true-contributory group key agree-
ment in an heterogeneous environment, which con-
sists of both nodes with limited and relatively higher
computational resources. The protocol transfers most
of the computation and communication load to the
powerful node, whereas the only online computation
performed by a low power user is a single XOR com-
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