automatic generate security requirements. On the
same modeling approach and similar developing of
modeling tools is possible to design other security
requirements as: Identification, Authentication and
Authorization, Trust, Privacy and so on.
Several improvements and extensions need to be
addressed in future work. Currently our approach
focuses on static design models, which are relatively
close to the implementation. It is worth considering
whether the efficiency of the development process of
secure applications can be improved by annotating
models at a higher level of abstraction (e.g. analysis)
or by annotating dynamic models. Moreover, some
critical questions concerning the development
process are still open, e.g. how are roles and
permissions identified? Beyond that, the current
prototype does not yet demonstrate the platform
independence of our concepts. Future work will
focus on modeling security requirements and design
information using dynamic models. Furthermore, the
development process for secure systems starting
with the initial analysis up to the complete secure
system design will be investigated. In this context,
we will examine the possibility of propagating
security requirements between analysis and design
models and ways to verify the compatibility of
requirements and design information given at
different levels.
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