Developing Towards an Internet Service for Desktop and Mobile Users
Shih-Fang Chang
Industrial Technology Research Institute, 195 Sec. 4 Chung-Hsing Rd., Chutung, Hsinchu 310, Taiwan
Keywords: Digital Rights Management, Software as a service, Platform as a service, Web 2.0, Web Service.
Abstract: In November 2002 the Open Mobile Alliance starts to work out standard protection mechanism on digital
content, so-called digital rights management (DRM). Then the OMA DRM 1.0 and 2.0 were approved in
June 2004 and March 2006. Lots of industries and companies not only use the technology to protect their
own media content, but also make sure the content should be revealed and retrieved in reasonable and
secure manner. However, the cost and the availability for operating and integrating the technology would be
very huge. Therefore, the proposed system is named DRMaaS that redesign the scenarios, those traditionally
DRM technology has, with concept of Software as a Service (SaaS). In addition, we preserve the feasible
feature to conjunct with other optional functionalities, like storage service and certification service. The
proposed system is a work in progress towards an internet service for both desktop and mobile applications.
For the past decade, the main technology used in
digital content and copyright protection is DRM, the
digital rights management. The DRM system aim at
protecting ownership and copyright of electronic
content by restricting what actions an authorized
recipient may take with respect to that content. It is a
most common research direction and application
field when projecting the environment to be the
versatile heterogeneous network.
The transmission requirement of DRM would
perfectly fulfilled by the advantages of the network
that for example, a client device with heterogeneous
network accessibility can utilize wired broadband to
carry heavy and encrypted multimedia data and
retrieve authorization of the content via a more
closed and secure cellular network. Recently, in
addition to the already in place wired high speed
xDSL and cable network infrastructure, the wireless
network technologies also elevate themselves with a
more competitive bandwidth, e.g. WiFi, WiMax,
3G, 3.5G. This grants more possibilities for newer
DRM technical and service models.
In August 2003 Dhamija and Wallenberg had
illustrated and evaluated the existing and potential
DRM frameworks at that time. They pointed out
several aspects to identify what a good DRM
solution should have, and described that there are
many tradeoffs to establish and operate such a
complicated system. Besides, they have made
conclusions that a successful technical solution
would be in combination with models where the
incentives to circumvent are limited, and the motives
to cheat will depend on the price per copy of digital
works and the restriction that are placed on usage.
Therefore, a flexible and low-cost system with
privacy and efficiency issues considered will be
In 1999 Bennett brought he concept of “software
as a service” (SaaS). SaaS could provide flexible
environment which supports software solutions to
grow easily and rapidly. Based on the concept of
SaaS, an open platform of digital content and
copyright protection service is described within this
The proposed system tends to develop a platform
system considering the needs of content providers,
service providers and end users, and architects the
system as a service-oriented solution. It defines
consistent interfaces for technical solutions and an
integral services’ mechanism for different roles. The
new approach would be more secure and effective
than conventional client-server approaches, and
bring more opportunities for independent solution
providers and low-budget content service providers.
Chang S. (2009).
DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT AS A SERVICE - Developing Towards an Internet Service for Desktop and Mobile Users.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 176-179
DOI: 10.5220/0002230401760179
We briefly review two related works, “Digital
Rights Management (DRM)” and “Software as a
Service (SaaS)”. Digital rights management is a
technology used in digital content and copyright
protection. Software as a service is a model of
software deployment where an application is
licensed for use as a service provided to customers
on demand.
We employ DRM into the architecture of SaaS to
expand the scenarios for fast and easy usage, and to
increase interest to people. In the followings we will
only describe the functions and architecture of these
two works.
2.1 Digital Rights Management
Digital rights management (DRM) refers to access
control technologies those are used by copyright
holders, publishers, and hardware manufacturers to
limit usage of digital media or devices. It enables the
publisher to control what can and cannot be done
with a single instance. For example, a publisher can
limit the number of viewings, number of copies, or
which devices the media can be transferred to.
Digital rights management is widely being used by
companies such as Sony, Apple Inc., Microsoft and
the BBC.
The Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) pronounced
the OMA DRM 1.0 which was started in November
2002 and approved in June 2004. It is basic DRM
standard without strong protection. There are three
main methods within the standard, Forward Lock,
Combined Delivery (combined rights object and
media object), and Separate Delivery (separated
rights object with encrypted media object). Forward
lock prevents the user from forwarding content such
as ringtones and wallpapers on their phone.
Later, the OMA also pronounced the OMA DRM
2.0 which was started in July 2004 and approved in
March 2006. It is the extension of the OMA DRM
1.0 separate delivery mechanism. Each participating
device in OMA DRM 2.0 has an individual DRM
PKI certificate with a public key, and the
corresponding private key. Each Rights Object (RO)
is individually protected for one receiving device by
encrypting it with the device public key. The RO in
turn contains the key that is used to decrypt the
media object. Delivery of Rights Objects requires a
registration with the Rights Issuer (RI, the entity
distributing Rights Objects). During this registration,
the device certificate is usually validated against a
device blacklist by means of an “Online Certificate
Status Protocol (OCSP)” verification. Thus, devices
known to be hacked can be excluded once they try to
register with an RI and receive new ROs for content
Figure 1: The structure of OMA DRM.
Since 2006, OMA has been working on DRM
2.0.1 and 2.1, and on new features such as SRM
(Secure Removable Media) and SCE (Secure
Content Exchange). It seems that DRM is the most
common use for media protection; however, it’s
extremely growing cost and preparation for system
initial always let companies cowardly to invest and
integrate. These drawbacks devalue DRM in practice,
despite how remarkable it is.
2.2 Software as a Service
The concept of “software as a service” started to
circulate prior to 1999 and was considered to be
“gaining acceptance in the marketplace” in Bennett
et al., 1999 paper on “Service Based Software”.
SaaS is generally associated with business
software and is typically thought of as a low-cost
way for businesses to obtain rights to use software as
needed versus licensing all devices with all
applications. It enables the benefits of commercially
licensed use without the associated complexity and
potential high initial cost of equipping every device
with the applications that are only used when needed.
Using SaaS can also conceivably reduce the up-
front expense of software purchases, through less
costly, on-demand pricing from hosting service
providers. The key characteristics of SaaS software
i. Network-based access to, and management of,
commercially available software;
DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT AS A SERVICE - Developing Towards an Internet Service for Desktop and Mobile
ii. Activities that are managed from central
locations rather than at each customer's site,
enabling customers to access applications
remotely via the web;
iii. Application delivery that typically is closer to
a one-to-many model than to a one-to-one
model, including architecture, pricing,
partnering, and management characteristics;
iv. Centralized feature updating, which obviates
the need for downloadable patches and
v. Often used in a larger network of
communicating software, either as part of a
mash-up or as a plug-in to a platform as a
service. Service oriented architecture (SOA)
is naturally more complex than traditional
models of software deployment.
Figure 2: The architecture conceptual view of SaaS.
In the traditional world of software platforms, the
cost of the first copy of the platform was enormous,
often requiring companies to invest hundreds of
millions before they could offer the platform to their
very first customer. So, to lighten the heavy burden
in using the software or services, the SaaS would be
a fast and flexible model for general software
The proposed DRMaaS is based on the structure of
OMA DRM technology, and extends the usage and
behaviours with the philosophy of SaaS. It is
implemented and presented as web native interface
which allows content issuers, service providers, and
end users may easily to follow their own scenario
and achieve the flows and functionalities needed.
Like the typical digital rights management
solutions, DRMaaS has the same main roles and
scenarios. The content issuers generate the digital
media content, while the service providers
publishing the content which is authorized by
content issuers. Thus, the end users purchase and
download the protected content and suitable access
rights, and then play or view it. Users of the
platform may play as different main roles, content
issuers, service providers, and end users, at the same
time with the same interface.
Figure 3: The architecture conceptual view of DRMaaS.
The content issuers may upload their own media
content online, edit the related metadata, like ID3
tag, and then authorize it to service providers. The
authorization means that content issuers allow
specified or not specified service providers to deal
with the content. The service providers may decide
using which kind of DRM protection, adjust the
parameters, like the number of viewings, number of
copies, total time or expire date of viewings, etc, and
publish the content at last.
Once the content was published, the content will
be queued to encrypt with the settings gave by
individual service provider. Then the end users may
browse and find it in the content list through the web
native interface. The content may with different
offers that indicate service providers could use to
provide kinds of programs for consumption.
According to the information revealed by service
providers, they can check it and to see if the content
is what they want. When they decide to download
one among the content listed, what they needed is
only to have a single click. Thus both the content file
and access rights document will be downloaded
simultaneously to end users as long as the payment
is made and confirmed. Finally, the end users use the
DRM client, which is reachable and downloadable
from DRMaaS, to view or play the content
according to the access rights.
DRMaaS treats DRM solutions as part of
configuration which can be easily substituted and
WINSYS 2009 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
replaceable. It uses the application programming
interface (API) which is based on http or https
protocol with the “JavaScript Object Notation
(JSON)” or the “Extensible Markup Language
(XML)” format to communicate with service
providers and achieve the goal. The service
providers can choose for using which kind of DRM
mechanism supported before publishing the content.
Currently, we only support the standard of OMA
DRM 1.0 and OMA DRM 2.0, while Windows
Media DRM (WMDRM) is still underway.
Besides above, the DRMaaS still keep the
flexibility and capability in conjunction with
supporting services extensively, like storage service
and certification service. It use the storage service to
enforce the capability of storing digital media
content, and use the certification service to verify the
users’ identity and certificate used to encrypt and
decrypt the media content. The communication
between DRMaaS and all other supporting services
is also through individual APIs. Simply transmission
with json or xml format data, both sides of DRMaaS
and supporting services may capable to maintain the
system states and exchange corresponding
The DRM technologies and solutions have been
followed and practiced for years. However, the
prevalence in many ways seems not to satisfy DRM
solution providers. Most people know the important
of the technology and have the will to experience it,
but feel the gap between the technology and the
reality. With the proposed system, DRMaaS, the
significant benefit would be reducing the threshold
to enjoying the world of digital rights management.
People who want protect their content but less
experienced in security or computer science, will be
still easy to use the system without numerous
parameters and troubling settings.
DRMaaS implements the most familiar scenarios
among digital rights management solutions among
content issuers, service providers, and end users. It
basically doesn’t break any behaviour that the
traditional DRM technology has, but extends the
possibility in growing of digital rights management
solutions. However, we think DRMaaS is not
suitable for all the services that DRM used for. To
conjunct with DRMaaS, DRM solutions need to
develop extra appropriate API to maintain the
original behaviours. Thus, the close systems or the
complicated solutions of DRM may result in a
burden. Furthermore, the privacy and trust issues
also perplex the model. Normally it will lead to be
driven the service by government eventually.
There are some future works based on DRMaaS
that require continuous efforts. Since the system is
base on web technologies, the adjustment in
appearance and embellishment on handset model is
underway. We also study the improvement of the
storage management, like connecting within the
environment of cloud computing. By the mechanism
of it, the proposed system may spread out rapidly,
and reduce the response time obviously for
operations. In the long run we will try to enhance
DRMaaS with architecture of cloud computing.
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DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT AS A SERVICE - Developing Towards an Internet Service for Desktop and Mobile