scheme to preserve privacy.
Mobile agent as one of the models for distributed
applications has been used for data mining tasks. Sev-
eral agent-based data mining methods were devel-
oped, such as creating an accurate global model using
a modified decision tree algorithm (Baik et al., 2005),
and a bidding mobile agent scheme (Peng et al., 2005)
to achieve privacy. The paper (Cartrysse and van der
Lubbe, 2004) addressed the privacy problems in agent
technology and offered several solutions.
Distributed data mining is one of the distributed appli-
cations for which there are potential risks of leaking
data privacy when distribute sites communicate to ob-
tain global knowledge. In this paper, we proposed an
agent-based approach to address this problem to mine
association rules securely from data resides across
multiple sites. The privacy preserving characteristics
of this approach relies on the encryption and decryp-
tion techniques that are applied to the calculation of
the union of the frequent k-itemsets and the sum of
the support counts. In the proposed method, several
types of agents are used to perform the encryption and
decryption of the secure union and secure sum oper-
ations. In an experiment with about 8,000 transac-
tions, the result (globally frequent k-itemset) by our
approach applied to the data distributed cross three
sites is the same as the result that would be obtained
from the Aprior algorithm with the same data reside
on a single host. And, the data carried by the agents
are scrambled, indistinguishable and only being en-
crypted and decrypted when all the hosts participate.
Although our agent system is capable of securely
computing the frequent itemsets, there are areas that
need further study such as system stability (e.g. re-
cover from single site crash) and security improve-
ment (e.g. trustworthiness of the agent server).
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