Figure 3: Measurement and aggregation bundles shipped
with Grand SLAM.
proxy. If no proxy is in use, the service SOAP stacks
would have to be instrumented, which is not feasible
for dynamically deployed (tradable) services. Simi-
larly, operating system-level service execution prop-
erties like per-instance CPU usage can be injected by
external tools for locally executed services.
Whenever a new contract becomes active, Grand
SLAM parses the SLA and extracts the guaranteed pa-
rameters. Any measurement bundle not yet running
will be activated at this point. Each bundle then pro-
vides a measurement task to the core bundle. Using
an observer pattern, the core bundle will be notified of
any new measurement as soon as it occurs. The core
bundle is then able to evaluate the data, store it in its
database and use a message-oriented middleware to
forward it to a higher-level instance of Grand SLAM
for further aggregation.
Grand SLAM has been introduced to perform SLA
monitoring on service marketplaces. The collection
and aggregation of monitoring information from the
system, installed services and running contracts as
well as the access to both real-time and historic infor-
mation are essential features implemented by the pro-
totype. Compared to existing projects, Grand SLAM
offers good integration with usual service market-
place and SOA components like monitoring dash-
boards, service registries and execution adaptation.
A number of service-related metrics can already be
collected and reported with the included bundles.
The addition of custom measurement and aggregation
bundles is possible at runtime whenever required by
additional negotiated SLA.
In the near future, it is planned to develop a mech-
anism which generates forecasting models from the
collected measured values. Furthermore, the MaaS
query interface will be extended to become more
generic and efficient for a variety of monitoring data
consumers. Finally, the already initiated implementa-
tion for distributed operation will be completed.
The project was funded by means of the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Economy and Technology under the
promotional reference “01MQ07012”. The authors
take the responsibility for the contents.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies