Andreas Wiesauer, Johannes Sametinger
Security design patterns are proven solutions to security problems in a given context with constructive measures of how to design certain parts of a software system. The literature contains numerous definitions, examples, and taxonomies of such patterns. There are also a few quality criteria for them. We suggest a new taxonomy based on attack patterns in order to enhance applicability of security design patterns especially for non-experts in software security. We further suggest a combined consideration of attack patterns, security design patterns and test cases for the validation and evaluation of security design patterns.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Wiesauer A. and Sametinger J. (2009). A SECURITY DESIGN PATTERN TAXONOMY BASED ON ATTACK PATTERNS - Findings of a Systematic Literature Review . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography - Volume 1: SECRYPT, (ICETE 2009) ISBN 978-989-674-005-4, pages 387-394. DOI: 10.5220/0002232503870394
in Bibtex Style
author={Andreas Wiesauer and Johannes Sametinger},
title={A SECURITY DESIGN PATTERN TAXONOMY BASED ON ATTACK PATTERNS - Findings of a Systematic Literature Review},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography - Volume 1: SECRYPT, (ICETE 2009)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography - Volume 1: SECRYPT, (ICETE 2009)
SN - 978-989-674-005-4
AU - Wiesauer A.
AU - Sametinger J.
PY - 2009
SP - 387
EP - 394
DO - 10.5220/0002232503870394