A Comparison between the North West of England and the Province of Genoa
R. Dyerson, G. Harindranath, D. Barnes
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, U.K.
R. Spinelli
DITEA – Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi di Genova, Via Vivaldi 5, I-16126 Genova, Italy
Keywords: Information and communications technology (ICT), Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), Adoption,
Abstract: This paper explores patterns of adoption and use of information and communications technology (ICT) by
small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in both the North West region of England and the Genoa region
of Italy. Here we present the results of this two region survey drawn from two economically significant
sectors: high technology manufacturing and food processing. Our main objectives were to explore and
compare ICT adoption and use patterns by SMEs in the two regions to identify factors enabling or inhibiting
the successful adoption and use of ICT, and to explore the impact of ecommerce on the SMEs. While our
main result indicates a generally favourable attitude to ICT amongst the SMEs surveyed, it also suggests a
number of differences between the two regions. English SMEs report greater uses of sophisticated ICT
applications but Italian SMEs make more use of basic ICT functionality. English SMEs also report more
focus on operational matters and often ignore strategic considerations, unlike their Italian counterparts.
Having said that, the English SMEs pay less attention to applying ecommerce but appear to make more
effective use of the Internet than the Italian SMEs.
The most recent report available from e-Business
watch (2008) makes the point that small and
medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are not deploying
information and communications technology (ICT)
in the same manner as their larger sized cousins.
That is, SMEs view ICT as a way of cutting costs
and boosting productivity but are largely ignoring
the potential of ICT to enhance strategic
opportunities (Ordanini, 2006; Maguire et al., 2007)
such as market expansion. This is important not only
because SMEs form a significant part of the
European business community contributing to value
added, employment and tax revenues but also since
globalisation is affecting SMEs.
In this paper we present an exploratory survey of
two areas; the province of Genoa in Italy and the
North West region of England. We focus on two
contrasting sectors important to both regions, high
technology manufacturing and food processing and
focus our attention on SMEs; defined as a firm with
250 or less employees. Our intention through the
survey is to probe the factors important in relation to
the use and application of ICT and to compare
possible differences in approach between the two
regions. Thus, we examine how SMEs in the two
regions use ICT and explore whether a common
attitude to ICT exists across both countries.
In this section we briefly explore the regional profile
of the North West of England and the province of
Genoa. We find that the two regions share many
broad characteristics with both areas undergoing a
process of renewal having once been dependent on
the wealth brought in from former great trading
Dyerson R., Harindranath G., Barnes D. and Spinelli R. (2009).
ICT USE IN SMES - A Comparison between the North West of England and the Province of Genoa.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 244-251
DOI: 10.5220/0002233502440251
2.1 The North West of England
The North West of England comprises of five local
authority districts and includes two major UK cities,
Manchester and Liverpool. The decline of the
traditional heavy industries has brought with it the
challenge of industrial regeneration and witnessed a
shift towards the service sector. Nonetheless, the
North West remains the single biggest contributor to
UK manufacturing, some 13% of total turnover in
2005 (ONS, 2008). When gross value added is
calculated on a per head basis, the region is ranked
seventh out of nine. The region has a collective
population of 6.8 million people, of which 2.97
million are employed in 186000 firms (ONS, 2008)
covering an economically diverse range of industries
(NRDA, 2006). Some 99.5% of firms in the North
West have less than 250 employees. (ONS, 2007).
2.2 Genoa
With a different economic structure and dynamic
from the Milan and Turin, Genoa has always stood
out as the weak ugly duckling of the so-called Italian
“industrial triangle” (Caselli, 2003). The gross per
head value added generated in the province is €
23067, ahead of the Italian average (€ 21806) but
below Turin (€24564) and Milan (€ 33605) (ISTAT,
2008a), placing Genoa 38th out of 103 Italian
provinces. Average firm size is very small – as
everywhere in Italy – and only 0.1% of firms have
more than 250 employees (Benevolo et al., 2008).
With the retreat of the State from the economy and
the closure of most public-owned heavy industry,
Genoa has been undergoing a process of industrial
reorganisation. Indeed, manufacturing accounts for
no more than 8.8% in terms of firms and 16.8% in
terms of employees. From a total population of
around 880000 people, 285000 are employed in
67000 firms; as regards manufacture, 5900 firms
employ more than 48000 people (ISTAT, 2008b).
Here we briefly review the more recent literature as
it relates to SMEs use of ICT in the UK and Italy,
ignoring more general studies of ICT adoption by
SMEs for space reasons.
A feature of ICT research within SMEs in both a
British and Italian context is the essentially
uniformity of findings. For instance, most studies
find that SMEs use ICT in a reactionary manner in
response to customer needs and that they are rarely
strategically oriented (see Hicks et al.’s, 2006;
Cioppi, et al., 2003; Maguire et al., 2007 for recent
examples). Additionally, Harindranath et al.’s
(2008) found that in sectors such as food and
transport SMEs were also being influenced by
compliance requirements to adopt certain types of
ICT. Exceptionally, Drew (2003) found that some
firms in high-technology sectors linked their use of
ICT to business strategies. This may reflect the
unique characteristics of high–technology sectors,
although, Ordanini (2006) found a growing
awareness of the strategic role of ICT by Italian
SMEs owner/managers.
Several studies have questioned the validity of
various stage adoption models to the SME (Martin et
al., 2001; Levy et al., 2003; Zheng et al., 2004),
characterising SME owner-managers as essentially
cautious. Cioppi et al.’s (2006) results showed a
high level of heterogeneity in ICT adoption paths,
with some Italian SMEs using a naïve approach
while others followed a more structured approach to
ICT investments. This may be influenced by the
owner manager not having a sufficiently technical
background to be able to understand the potential of
ICT (Gramignoli et al., 1999; Pavic et al., 2007).
Balocco et al. (2006) found that top-management
commitment, the presence of a pivotal figure (not
necessarily the owner or CEO), and the work of a
competent and effective IT department were all
important determinants of ICT adoption by Italian
That cautious nature is also reflected in Owens et
al. (2001) survey of SMEs adoption of ecommerce.
They found the Internet being used for
communication and “window shop” marketing
rather than for on line ordering. Marasini et al.’s
(2008) recent study of ecommerce adoption also
concluded that SMEs were apt to improvise rather
than plan such adoption. There is some, albeit
limited, evidence that planning does take place but is
of a more informal character than in larger
organisations (Cragg, 2002). Although, those that
are able to implement ecommerce may go on to
claim a competitive advantage (Poon, 2000).
The relevance of non financial drivers in ICT
adoption is corroborated by other studies. Buonanno
et al. (2005) found that “[Italian] SMEs disregard
financial constraints as the main cause for ERP
system non adoption, suggesting structural and
organizational reasons as major ones”. Fontana et al.
(2008) found in the adoption of LAN technologies in
Italian SMEs that increased operational efficiency,
ICT USE IN SMES - A Comparison between the North West of England and the Province of Genoa
Table 1: Size of Firms by Sector.
technology-based innovation and growth, and better
risk management were the key factors affecting
adoption. In contrast, factors such as cost,
technological uncertainty and lack of relative
advantage seemed to be the most important obstacles
to adoption.
In summary, SMEs in both the UK and Italy
seem to face similar challenges and opportunities in
terms of ICT adoption and use. SMEs in both
contexts are constrained in their technological and
management capabilities and need external sources
of support not merely with the diffusion of new
types of ICT but in terms of building internal
capabilities to innovate using these technologies.
Firms are seen to benefit more when ICT is used
strategically than when ICT is tied to mainly
operational activities.
Genoa and the North West of England were chosen
because of their similarities: both are based around
old, once thriving, ports in the process of
regeneration with similar profiles in terms of
business activity. Both look to the SME sector to
provide the employment opportunities once offered
by much larger businesses. Trying to control as
much as possible for the primary regional
characteristics would then allow us to explore
differences in response between the regions as an
outcome of the different business systems, public
policy initiatives, history and traditions between
Italy and England. We chose high tech
manufacturing (SIC 30-33) and food processing as
contrasting sectors both of which are economically
important to the two regions. The density of SME
activity is higher in the Genoa region than in the
immediate environment of Liverpool and this
dictated the wider survey range for the UK part of
this research. In the North West, regions were
selected on a postcode basis and the firms chosen
randomly from a generated list derived from the
FAME (Financial Analysis Made Easy) database,
which provides information on over 3 million
companies in the UK). In Genoa, all joint-stock
SMEs in the selected industries were considered for
the survey, using the AIDA database (the Italian
equivalent to FAME) as a source for contact data.
A questionnaire was constructed comprising 26
questions generally requiring discrete responses. It
asked for details about the business, the extent of
current IT and Internet use (including applications,
benefits and problems), IT investment decisions and
sources of IT supply and advice. We choose closed
ended responses partly to contain differences in
language expression but also because the
questionnaire was to be administered in slightly
different ways in the two regions: telephone
interviews in the North West; an online
questionnaire via email in Genoa with the
respondent filling in the questionnaire themselves.
Simple questions requiring categorical type answers
were thus used in an attempt to reduce respondent
bias. The questionnaire was developed in English
and subsequently translated into Italian.
The questionnaire was first applied in the North
West region in 2007 as part of a larger national
survey (Dyerson et al., 2008) and then applied in
Genoa in 2008. The responses were collated and
brought together into a single data file with 35 firms
for the North West (response rate 7.8%) and 44
firms for Genoa (response rate 41%). These are
relatively small sample sizes and so the results must
be viewed with this limitation in mind. The higher
response rate achieved in Italy may be due to the
convenience and flexibility offered by the Internet to
respondents compared to the telephone method use
in England. It may also be due to better targeting and
the more active follow-up of respondents. In the next
Size of Firm (Number of replies)
Total 0-9 employees 10-49 employees 50-250 employees
UK Sector Manufacturing
3 8 14 25
Food processing
1 5 4 10
Italy Sector Manufacturing
7 18 1 26
Food processing
5 10 3 18
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
section we present some of the data from the
surveys, due to space constraints not all results are
Here we present and discuss the main results arising
from our survey. In doing so, we will highlight
similarities and differences between the SMEs in the
two regions.
5.1 Firm Profile
Most of the replies received were from firms that
have been trading for ten years or more irrespective
of sector. The firms from Genoa display a slightly
younger profile but this is not significant but a
difference exists in terms of firm size. Table 1
indicates that the North West manufacturers were
typically larger than their counterparts in Genoa and
indeed larger than food processors irrespective of
country. The picture is less clear for food processors
although on balance the majority of replies suggest a
size profile of 50 or less employees.
5.2 Types of ICT used
As we would expect, there is a high reported
diffusion of basic ICT such as personal computers,
(all almost 100%). Table 2 shows the technologies
deployed by our survey firms. Here, Italian firms
reported greater diffusion of ICT within basic or
more routine business applications; for example a
greater proportion of Italian firms use ICT to process
orders, record sales, manage stock and
documentation than their English counterparts.
Notable exceptions in this general finding relate to
ERP and market research. Here, English firms
reported greater diffusion of such applications than
the Italian firms, although, as one might expect,
manufacturing firms recorded the highest use of
ERP systems irrespective of region. If ICT diffusion
in terms of basic functions, is generally more
widespread in our Italian firms then specific,
arguably more sophisticated, functions such as
market research and ERP are used more
proportionally by the English firms surveyed.
5.3 ICT Benefits
Our survey firms with one exception all report in
high numbers that the greatest single benefit of ICT
is in improving productivity. Results are reported in
Table 3. The exception is the Italian food producers
who see ICT as primarily important in helping to
meet changing regulatory requirements (70% of all
Italian food producers in our survey). English food
producers also see ICT as helpful in this respect
although in not such high proportions (40%).
Perhaps this is not surprising given the European
Union’s emphasis on traceability in food production
but the differing proportional response is more
difficult to explain. Even more puzzling is the
differential response of the manufacturers in our
survey with more than twice the number of Italian
manufacturers citing this as a benefit compared to
the English firms. There is a country divide in two
further aspects of reported benefits. Italian firms in
proportionately greater number cited faster
responses to customers and competitors as benefits.
Italian firms also see ICT as helping to improve staff
satisfaction in far greater proportions than English
firms. Indeed, English manufacturers failed to cite
improved staff satisfaction as a benefit. As a general
rule though, all the SMEs in our survey generally
thought that their ICT represented value for money;
English manufacturers were the most pleased (92%)
and the Italian food producers the least pleased
5.4 Factors Influencing ICT
Our survey suggests that both sets of firms are
preoccupied by similar pressures to increase sales
and reduce their costs. Very few firms wish to
maintain the status quo. Within that broad strategic
pattern, English manufactures appear to want to
expand their number of trading locations and
increase collaboration in contrast to Italian
manufacturers’ intention to increase the number of
markets served. Turning to the food processors,
Italian firms place greater emphasis on reducing
costs and increasing the number of markets served
compared to their English counterparts. This may be
indicative of a greater sensitivity towards exports
than their English counterparts.
The actual benefits reported above broadly
correspond to the SMEs stated reasons for investing
in ICT. Thus for example all the SMEs place
productivity very highly as a motivator for ICT
investment. In this sense, the ex ante motivation and
the ex post experience of ICT are in alignment for
our firms, albeit that our SMEs in general appear to
underestimate the ex post benefits. There are
ICT USE IN SMES - A Comparison between the North West of England and the Province of Genoa
Table 2: Applications by Country.
Table 3: ICT Benefits by Country.
however some exceptions. Most Italian food
processors, 88%, for example cite productivity as a
motivator for investment but only 47% report actual
benefits of this kind. This suggests that Italian food
producers may be struggling to exploit productivity
gains from their ICT investment. Similarly, 71% of
English manufacturers cite keeping up with
competitors as a motivation for investment but only
13% report this as an ex post benefit. On the other
hand, 31% and 18% of Italian manufacturers and
food producers cite keeping up with competitors as a
reason for ICT investment but 58% and 41% of
manufacturers and food producers respectively
report this as a benefit. This suggests that Italian
SMEs are underestimating the effect of ICT
Part of the explanation for this mismatch
between expectations and outcomes might lie in the
methods used to evaluate their ICT investment.
When asked whether they used formal techniques to
evaluate their ICT investments there was a striking
country effect in the SMEs responses. The English
food producers (60%) generally used formal
techniques as too did the English manufacturers
although less proportionately (48%). In contrast,
both Italian manufacturers and food processors (88%
respectively) indicated that they did not use formal
techniques to evaluate their investments. At the
same time, 45% and 47% of Italian manufacturers
and food producers respectively were uncertain over
the business benefit of their ICT investment
compared to 33% of English manufacturers and 25%
of food producers. Of those that indicated using
formal techniques, such techniques were typically
conducted not in house but by outside consultants,
especially with respect to the Italian SMEs (79% and
92% of manufacturers and food producers
As might be expected, consultants formed the
single largest group to whom the SMEs turned for
advice. Beyond that though, suppliers appeared
popular with the Italian manufacturers and food
producers (48% and 53% respectively) whereas the
English food producers (40%) preferred to use their
own personal networks. English manufacturers by
and large appeared to use ICT consultants (56%)
with far lower dependence on suppliers (24%) or
ICT Applications (% of replies within each sector, rounded)
Stock and
control E.R.P. Design
67 79 46 63 42 58 63 54
Food processing
70 70 60 70 50 60 50 70
96 85 73 19 39 35 62 85
Food processing
77 94 82 12 0 6 35 77
ICT Benefits (% of replies within each sector)
Reducing costs
Kept up
Kept up with
87 44 44 22 26 13 17
Food processing
80 40 10 20 0 30 40
92 65 85 15 42 56 50
Food processing
47 35 65 12 41 41 71
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
personal networks (20%). Perhaps more intriguingly,
just one SME in the entire survey acknowledged
using Government or the local authority as a source
of advice. This pattern is somewhat repeated in
determining the factors important in choosing the
ICT supplier. Here for all but the English food
producers, past experience appeared as important
(running from 63-73% compared to 22% of English
food producers). English food producers reported
personal recommendation (56%) as most important.
Finally, Italian SMEs were also influenced by the
availability of after sales service by their suppliers
(50-60%) compared to the English firms surveyed
5.5 Internet Applications and Impact
An interesting pattern emerges in internet use by our
survey firms. As Table 4 shows, the Italian
manufacturers reported more extensive use of the
internet than any other grouping. These
manufacturers display high levels of use in sharing
information with customers and suppliers, gathering
information and both trading and making payments
to their suppliers. English manufacturers in
comparison reported very low levels of internet
usage. Both sets of food producers reported high
internet use to gather information. However
although 80% of all the English food SMEs use the
internet to share information both with customers
and suppliers, this is not carried through into
electronic payment. It is also worth pointing out that
very few SMEs in our survey use the internet to
trade with or receive direct payments from
customers – Italian manufacturers making the most
use at 38%. Somewhat surprisingly, given this, it is
the food SMEs that report highest impact: 20% of
English food producers indicated that on line
ordering accounted for 5% or less of total sales and
another 20% indicated that on line sales accounted
for 25% or less; 28% of Italian food producers
indicated that on line sales were up to 5% of their
total sales. In comparison, just 12% of Italian and
8% of English manufacturers reported that on line
sales took up 5% or less of their total sales. It may
be that food products are inherently more tradable
over the internet than the manufactured products
surveyed, although this remains conjecture at
Having noted this, the English firms reported
proportionately greater success in using the internet
to attract sales in addition to existing customers.
Both English manufacturers (53%) and food
producers (56%) found that the internet attracted
new domestic customers. This was not the case for
the Italian SMEs in which just 4% of manufacturers
and no food producers attracted additional domestic
customers. The pattern is repeated in terms of
attracting new international customers in which 27%
of English manufacturers and 33% of food producers
reported additional sales compared to no Italian
manufacturer and just 6% of Italian food SMEs.
Thus, although the English manufacturers reported
less internet use, those that do, report additional
sales both domestically and internationally.
A number of similarities and differences emerge
from our survey of the two regions. While SMEs in
both regions find that ICT offer benefits to their
businesses, much of this benefit remains rooted in
operational matters. Given the mainly long
established nature of the SMEs in our survey this is
disappointing. This is in line with previous studies
on an individual country basis but is the first time to
our knowledge that the two countries have been
explicitly compared.
There are differences in reported behaviour
between the two regions although we have to keep in
mind the exploratory nature of this survey and the
small number of replies. Thus the results have to be
treated with caution and remain to be confirmed in a
larger study. The North West SMEs generally
reported not so high a diffusion of ICT technologies
than the Italian SMEs. On the other hand, the Italian
SMEs appear to be more orientated towards basic
functionality. The indication is that while the Italian
SMEs generally does more with basic ICT, the
English SMEs are more sophisticated in how they
apply ICT. One possible explanation for this is that
English SMEs generally possess greater financial
and human resources to devote to ICT than their
Italian counterparts, although this needs to be
explored further. Certainly, the English SMEs in our
survey tend to spend more than the Italian SMEs -
50% of all the Italian firms spent less than £25k on
ICT in the previous year compared to 32% of all the
English firms.The English SMEs also reported
greater use of formal techniques to evaluate their
ICT investments, perhaps reflecting the larger sums
involved. The Italian SMEs also reported cost as a
concern more frequently than the English SMEs.
More broadly, while the Italian SMEs reported
less sophisticated use of ICT, they were proportiona-
ICT USE IN SMES - A Comparison between the North West of England and the Province of Genoa
Table 4: Use of Internet by Country.
tely more proactive in seeking new markets and
complying with new regulations. What remains
unclear is whether this eagerness towards
compliance merely reflects a process of catch up in
relation to the English SMEs. In contrast, the
English SMEs were more concerned with
competition and increasing the number of trading
locations. They appear to have more internal
expertise and wider personal networks to draw on
for help that their Italian counterparts. In contrast,
the Italian SMEs appear more reliant on after sales
support and express greater concerns over staff
attitudes to ICT.
Perhaps as a result, the Italian SMEs are more
enthusiastic about internet’s potential but achieve
less with it than the English SMEs. Thus for
example, the English SMEs are much more
successful in generating additional custom despite a
wariness to adopt on line ordering. For the Italian
SMEs, the internet is having the effect of market
substitution but in for the English SMEs market
extension appears to be happening. So although the
Italian SMEs appear to be more entrepreneurial and
strategic in outlook, it is the English firms that
appear to be achieving practical success. This is an
interesting result but we are mindful that this is an
exploratory study involving just two regions and two
sectors. Further work is required to delve deeper into
the SMEs surveyed to tease out organisational and
cultural factors. In the future we also plan to extend
the analysis into other sectors and other regions to
explore the robustness of these findings.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance and
support of Nammis (http://www.nammis.co.uk) in
helping the survey process for the North West of
England. We would also like to recognise the
financial support received from the Italian National
Research Council (CNR).
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ICT USE IN SMES - A Comparison between the North West of England and the Province of Genoa