DIGITAL RADIO AS AN ADAPTIVE SEARCH ENGINE - Verbal Communication with a Digital Audio Broadcasting Receiver
Günther Schatter, Andreas Eiselt, Benjamin Zeller
This contribution presents the fundamentals for the design and realization of an improved digital broadcast receiver. The concept is characterized on the one hand by a content repository, which automatically stores spoken content elements. On the other hand a speech-based and a graphical interface are implemented, which enable users to directly search for audio and data content. For that purpose a DAB/DMB receiver is augmented to simultaneously monitor a variety of information sources. Other digital communication methods such as Satellite and HD RadiosTM or DVB are applicable as well. Besides broadcast receivers, the system can be integrated into next-generation mobile devices, such as cell phones, PDAs and sophisticated car radios. Priority is given to the idea of establishing a compact embedded solution for a new type of receiver, promoting the convergence of service offers familiar to users from the internet into the broadcast environment.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Schatter G., Eiselt A. and Zeller B. (2009). DIGITAL RADIO AS AN ADAPTIVE SEARCH ENGINE - Verbal Communication with a Digital Audio Broadcasting Receiver . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications - Volume 1: SIGMAP, (ICETE 2009) ISBN 978-989-674-007-8, pages 157-164. DOI: 10.5220/0002234401570164
in Bibtex Style
author={Günther Schatter and Andreas Eiselt and Benjamin Zeller},
title={DIGITAL RADIO AS AN ADAPTIVE SEARCH ENGINE - Verbal Communication with a Digital Audio Broadcasting Receiver},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications - Volume 1: SIGMAP, (ICETE 2009)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications - Volume 1: SIGMAP, (ICETE 2009)
TI - DIGITAL RADIO AS AN ADAPTIVE SEARCH ENGINE - Verbal Communication with a Digital Audio Broadcasting Receiver
SN - 978-989-674-007-8
AU - Schatter G.
AU - Eiselt A.
AU - Zeller B.
PY - 2009
SP - 157
EP - 164
DO - 10.5220/0002234401570164