Marius Ioan Podean and Lucia Rusu
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babes Bolyai University, Teodor Mihali, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Content management, e-Workspace, Virtual and distributed organisations, XML, Workflow, Access control.
Abstract: An important factor in the efficiency of distributed and virtual organisations is the ability to manage the
content involved in every day activities, content that most often resides in documents. A collaborative
document editing system that can automate and coordinate content production processes and provide
flexible content manipulation, like combining data from multiple sources, can increase team efficiency and
allow users to concentrate their efforts on content development. This paper presents a model implementing
this approach in order to provide an efficient e-workspace that can be customized for wide variety of virtual
organisations. The use of XML proves to be an efficient solution to provide a single source and multi
publishing channels approach.
Among distributed organisations and teams the
ability to work together from different locations
(Marca, 2008) and using different devices is an
important aspect. As a great amount of information
present in distributed groups is stored in documents,
a key factor in their efficiency is the ability to
manage the content of these documents. The
development of web capabilities is significantly
changing the way that people work, facilitating
content creation and providing easy means for
distribution. Taking in consideration the great
interest that structured documents gained in the
recent period, the aforementioned requirements are
rarely placed in this context and at this moment
technology offers just partially solutions for these
As shown by Salminen (2005), structured
documents have a range of benefits, well-known
even before XML existed, that can significantly
reduce the work involved by document creation and
publishing and ensure long-term information
accessibility. Recently, the use of XML as a basis
for document production has been largely adopted in
a wide range of organisations and working teams
(e.g. research (Yongguo, 2008), legislative system
(Heero, 2002)) thanks to its ability to be both a
document and a metadata format.
Discussing about e-business innovation, Marca
(2008) defines a model based on a highly flexible
front-end and a highly standardized back-end
(enabling thus cost-effective operations). XML is
identified as the required technology in order to
implement the concept of flexibility with
standardization. In their attempt to provide a greater
support for collaboration and content management,
new software architectures (e.g. cloud computing,
software as a service) take advantage of just a small
range of benefits provided by XML technologies. In
order to be able to provide a coherent e-workspace
that integrates heterogeneous systems and
organisations, orchestrate web services and provide
rich user interface capabilities, a flexible data
interchange format is required.
A system that aims to improve collaboration in
distributed organisations should provide efficient
and flexible means for content management in order
to allow user to spend more time creating valuable
content rather than handling technology.
Such a system should try to remove space and
time limitations and provide intuitive user interfaces
capable of making content creation and management
as easy as possible requiring no or minimal
knowledge about the technology involved. In the
following we will present a framework that tries to
handle the aforementioned requirements using XML
documents as a basis for content management,
independent from the field of application of a
Ioan Podean M. and Rusu L. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 252-257
DOI: 10.5220/0002234802520257
particular type of organisation (e.g. business,
legislative, research etc.). The main characteristics
of the framework are based on the principle of single
source and multiple distribution channels and
formats. Documents are regarded as both a data
source and a presentation format, enabling thus the
use of links between documents and document
elements. Combining data from multiple sources is
another key concern and our framework tries to
impose minimal restrictions regarding the structure
of the documents being used.
This work is structured as follows: we start by
presenting theoretical aspects concerning document
and content management in Section 2. We continue
in Section 3 with the design of the Faust framework,
the model proposed, and present some technical and
implementation related aspects in Section 4.
Concluding remarks and future work will be
presented in Section 5.
In the following we will present some of the
theoretical aspects that influenced the design of our
framework and briefly highlighting main
characteristics of the current technologies
approaching this field.
Document management systems (DMS) focus on
tracking and storing documents created and
exchanged by their authors (Aversano et al. 2001).
They provide components for defining metadata for
the documents (i.e. date of creation, authors, version
etc.), indexing (usually based on metadata), storage
and retrieval (based on the unique document
identifier). On the other hand, content management
systems (CMS) focus on creating, editing and
publishing managed content which is most often
stored in relational databases. Workflow
management systems (WMS) allow the automation
of processes within an organization, enabling greater
coordination and control among geographically
distributed teams (Nallaparaju et al. 2005). Using
WMS, the organization can integrate different
software technologies, leading to the improvement
of the collaborative activities (Aversano et al. 2001).
Structured documents have evolved from
basically one simple need: to provide the reader the
means to interpret documents in the way that the
writer intended. This approach provides a series of
important benefits (Salminen, 2005) like consistency
and correctness support, rich information retrieval
capabilities, information reuse and multichannel
publishing, software independence and long-term
accessibility of information. The Extensible Markup
Language (XML) is a highly flexible tool that
supports de definition of custom markup languages
and it's possibility to be used as both a document and
metadata format has driven researchers to develop
advanced management models (Mahboubi, 2009).
Models concerning XML data warehousing and
XML OLAP have proven XML flexibility and
efficiency and taking in consideration that in
organisations metadata has sometimes same
importance as the data itself has lead to the
development of advanced searching techniques like
XML data mining (Ding, 2009 and Nayak, 2009).
The Faust framework combines key features
from the aforementioned technologies (DMS, CMS
and WMS) and uses XML documents as a storage
support for the managed content. The framework
provides DMS functionality in order to handle
document creation and retrieval and WMS
functionality by automating and coordinating all
processes involved in data manipulation. Content
management is based on XML technologies and thus
implementing a very flexible system for content
handling and publishing. This approach enables the
definition of documents as sets of layers on top of
which application layers can be applied in order to
provide intuitive interfaces that allow content
interaction. XML technologies can facilitate the
single source approach by providing the means to
define links between elements residing in different
documents, enabling thus the combination of data
from multiple sources.
Several solutions concerning some of the
aforementioned aspects have already been developed
dealing more or less with content management in a
collaborative context. Docbook (Walsh, 2005) is a
XML vocabulary that allows users to create
documents in a presentation neutral form. Using
several transformation schemas the content can be
published in different formats, dealing especially
with technical documentation. The OpenDocument
Format is a XML based file format for office
productivity applications that defines documents as
resource collections based on the separation of
content and presentation. It is a complex
specification that doesn't place content management
in a collaborative context and offers limited support
for user defined document definitions. On the other
hand, XMetal, a XML based solution, offers support
for personalized content using a single source and
multiple publishing channels approach, providing
though limited workflow capabilities.
The Faust framework is a web based system
designed with the software as a service architecture
in mind, although not fully complying with it. It is
build around the concept of louse coupling, the main
components working as independent units that
provide functionality through web services. The
main components of the framework handle the
management of access, workflow and documents,
defining a core functionality that enables the system
to be built incrementally.
Figure 1: Main architecture.
The Document Manager component handles the
interaction with the documents, manages metadata
attached to them and provides the means to define
new document types. The access to this component
is controlled by a local policy enforcement point
(PEP) and the functionality is provided as web
The Document Designer component allows users
to define new types of documents or extend existing
ones. In order to create a new type of document an
XML Schema must firstly be defined or imported,
and based on this definition the additional layers will
tailor the required functionality and presentation. In
order to implement this functionality, the framework
defines several vocabularies, the most important
being represented by the document editing and
rendering rules. The document editing rules define
the means to create editing stages for a document
type, and for each stage, permissions and restrictions
regarding viewing and editing are set according to
the roles involved in the process. By this mean
document level workflow can be defined, enabling
thus more flexible project level behaviour to be
The document rendering rules represent a very
flexible vocabulary that allows the definition of a set
of display rules, independent from the export format,
that ensures an uniform representation of the
document. These rendering rules allow users to
define elements like page set-up and styling in terms
close to an usual word editor, and also to associate
document structures or elements with certain
dynamic editing or data representation elements. The
dynamic editing elements represent a binding
between the structured documents and rich user
interface capabilities that allow users to easily
modify the documents inside a web browser
concealing the structured nature of the document
they are working on (e.g. creating a new paragraph,
editing data inside tables or lists is done similar to
usual word editors). Data can also have graphical
representations (e.g. charts) or represent captions of
elements defined in other documents (e.g. link:
dynamic caption enabling auto-update when original
source is modified; view: static caption, representing
the value at a particular moment of time). Based on
the property of being independent of export format,
elements defined by the document rendering rules
are enabled, disabled or enhanced according to user
options (e.g. XForms, PDF).
Figure 2: Document layering.
The interaction with documents refers to the
actions to be performed on the main documents that
act as content containers and, in user interaction
terms, it is done through an export document. An
export document is regarded as being a collection of
layers, the choice of whom depending on the
required functionality. The basis layer is represented
by an XML document acting as content container
that instantiates a particular document definition.
The second layer is represented by the associated
editing rules, by the means of which (1) the
document level workflow is defined and (2) editing
permissions and restrictions are applied. According
to editing stage, document elements may be disabled
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
for editing or viewing for certain roles and based on
the next layer, represented by the rendering rules, an
export format can be generated. From a technical
point of view, an export format can be an XForms
application, a PDF or a HTML document.
An additional optional layer is implemented in
order to provide document level utilities (e.g. notes,
comments) that can support creativity and improve
collaboration. When using XForms as export format
the presence of these utility elements is marked with
an appropriate symbol, the content being loaded on
The Document Interaction component represents
the access point to all this functionality, providing
the required interface in order to allow the users and
the system to interact with the documents. Access is
provided in respect to user's role, the component
working closely with the local policy enforcement
point (PEP). The local PEP manages access based on
project policies, being able to grant or deny access to
functionality and resources (the local PEP can be
regarded as an Access Manager delegate that
guaranties that the policies defined at project and
system level are applied).
In order to be able to manage all layers required
to generate an export document, the roles involved
in the document level workflow and document type
definitions, the Metadata Manager component
defines a vocabulary that organises all this
information concerning a document. In this respect,
a document consists mainly in data that describes it's
nature and links to files that hold the content of each
of it's layers. This component handles the definition
of metadata associated with a document and works
in close relation with the Document Interaction pipe
based system. It thus provides all required
information in order to process the document layers
and apply them the proper transformation,
representing at document level an integration
The Workflow Manager component handles de
definition and execution of sequences of operations
required by a particular functionality at system or
project level. The system and project workflow
execution implies orchestrating the functionality
provided by the other components, representing the
level where the integration of the system as a whole
is acquired.
The sequences of operations that aggregate
functionality in order to create a process can be
defined by the appropriate roles using the Workflow
Designer component. This component provides the
proper means to combine resources, roles and
actions (functionality provided by the rest of the
system) in a coherent symphony that defines a
process either at system or project level. Processes
like creating a new account, consulting the list of
active projects (system level) or editing and
exporting a document (project level) can be defined
using a graphical user interface. In order to facilitate
the understanding of a process that is executed at a
particular moment of time, this component can
provide also a visual representation of the workflow
The orchestration of a process represents the
automatic coordination and execution of a set of
services required in order to obtain a certain output.
Each process the system is required to execute
(either at system or project level) must have a
workflow definition schema in order to be
implementable. Taking in consideration that all main
components provide a interface in order to
communicate one with another, this approach
sustains a loose coupled integration of the system.
Similar to the Document Manager, the access to the
functionality provided by these components is
controlled by a local PEP.
The framework manages access through the
Access Manager component which represents the
level where decisions regarding the set of permitted
operations that can be executed by a particular user
during a certain work session are taken. This
component implements a role based access control
(RBAC) model (Ferraiolo, 2001), relying thus on
concepts like users, roles, permissions, objects and
sessions. Users are assigned to a particular role and
roles are associated with a set of permissions, users
being able to execute operations in virtue to the
assigned role. Roles represent m-n relationships
between users and permissions (taking in
consideration the fact that a user can have one or
more roles, but just one of them can be activated
during a certain work session) and permissions
represent the authorization to execute a set of actions
upon protected object. A great advantage of this
model is that it allows the definition of hierarchic
levels inside the system, being able to emphasize the
authority and responsibility layers. In order to
eliminate issues like interest conflicts deriving from
multiple inheritances, the RBAC model introduces
the concepts of static and dynamic separation of
duty (a user being able to activate just one role
during a particular work session, or multiple roles
and define conflictual situations).
Using both static and dynamic separation of duty
the system gains a great degree of flexibility when
applying access policies, being able thus to simulate
more realistically real life organizational model.
Together with the local PEP's the Authorization
component manages access to system resources.
The Repository stores all documents required by
the aforementioned components and can be accessed
exclusively by these. Access policies, workflow
schemas, document definitions, user interface
elements, project documents etc. are all stored in this
repository, being available only to the components
delegated to process them (based on system level
roles). User created documents are organized in
libraries (a library containing all documents defined
on a server, site) and projects (a project containing
all documents created by users during the execution
of a workflow) and components can access them
using temporary links provided by path projection.
Figure 3: Repository structure.
The two main functions provided by the Session
Manager refer to authentication and session
handling, providing thus the means to identify users
and manage the connection that has been established
with them. After a user successfully authenticates,
the session handler triggers the execution of the
authorisation workflow. After the user has been
granted with a role at system level, the means to
access the functionality associated with that
particular role are provided (e.g. create new projects
or edit existing ones, define new access policies
etc.). The UI Support component provides additional
graphical elements that enhance usability and user
experience, representing extra layers added on top of
a normal web page that simulate the looks of a
desktop that provides functionality using different
applications (e.g. a Start button that provides access
to main applications like the document editor,
workflow manager etc.). The main purpose of this
component is to simplify and enhance the interaction
with the system and conceal the structured nature of
the documents by emphasizing the flexibility
provided by this approach.
The Faust framework integrates structured
documents with concepts like role based access
control and workflow management in order to obtain
an efficient user and document centric collaborative
system concerned with the management of content.
The framework philosophy is build around the
concepts of distributed organisations, data
integration and interoperability. The following
section will present certain technical aspects meant
to provide a greater understanding of the model,
concentrating only on those elements required by
this purpose.
In the following we will present certain
implementation related aspects in order to provide a
clearer view of the system, confining only to those
elements that support this goal.
As mentioned earlier, the Faust framework
provides functionality using web services following
the Representational state transfer (REST) model in
defining how resources are addressed and
manipulated. This model abstracts application state
and functionality into resources that provide a
uniform interface to support a stateless client-server
interaction. In this respect, the session handler does
not rely on sessions and cookies to manage the
interaction with the user, instead random ids and
time stamps are associated to authenticated users
after each transaction (making thus session hijacking
more difficult). This approach is possible because
the system design allows components to leave data
in a consistent state after each process execution.
The REST model provides also the means to
implement a loose coupled mechanism in order to
integrate system components.
Using XML pipelines allows the framework to
provide very flexible and powerful capability to
process documents. Starting from the metadata that
defines a document, the Document Interaction
component applies several transformations based on
the layers required by the export format in order to
provide a complete document. For example, when
exporting into a XForms application, the pipeline
first loads the document's definition in XML Schema
format and (1) based on the document metadata and
associated document editing rules the editing stage is
determined and according to this stage the elements
available for viewing/editing are extracted and
passed as instance data for the XForms application,
(2) based on XML Schema and instance model
binding elements are generated in order to associate
elements with data types, (3) following the instance
model and associated document rendering rules the
user interface components are generated. When
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
deploying the final XForms application the UI
Support component is consulted and based on the
process that is being executed an editor is provided
that wraps the XForms application in order to
improve usability.
Processes are orchestrated using Yet Another
Workflow Language (YAWL) because of the good
support for coordinating both human and computer
tasks. YAWL is based on workflow patterns and
because of its formal semantics foundation static
analysis is available. Another important feature
provided by this language is the support to integrate
other technologies like XML Schema, XPath and
XQuery in the execution of workflows.
Access management is backed by the model of
the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
(XACML). Based on this declarative access control
policy language the RBAC model can be
implemented providing thus the means to simulate
more realistically organisation models even in
distributed contexts.
The work presented in this paper addressed the
problem of integrating document and content
management functionality and workflow capabilities
into a single system in order to achieve a very
efficient solution for collaborative content
management. Allowing users to edit collaboratively
documents and supporting their needs for time and
location independence can result in increased
efficiency at organisation level. Users have to be
able to concentrate their efforts on content and
reduce as much as possible the time used to handle
and integrate technologies.
As shown in this paper, using XML technologies
as building blocks enables the system to provide
great flexibility and cover a wide range of aspects
concerning content at organisational level. The
proposed framework tackles issues concerning the
improvement of efficiency at organisation level
using flexible content management solutions and
represents a work in progress. As further work, we
intend to develop our framework in a stable system
in order to support with use-cases aspects presented
through this paper.
This work was supported by Romanian National
Authority for Scientific Research under the grant no.
92-100/2008 (PN2).
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