3D Production and Visualization Framework
W. J. Sarmiento and C. Quintero
Multimedia Research Group, School of Engineering, Militar Nueva Granada University, Bogota D.C., Colombia
Panoramic videos, Immersive video, 3D production.
Panoramic immersive video is a new technology, which allows the user to interact with a video beyond simple
production line, because it enables the possibility to navigate in the scene from different points of view. Al-
though many devices for the production of panoramic videos have been proposed, these are still expensive.In
this paper a framework for production of virtual panoramic immersive videos using 3D production software
is presented. The framework is composed by two stages: panoramic video production and immersive visu-
alization. In the former stage the traditional 3D scene is taken as input and two outputs are generated, the
panoramic video and path sounds to immersive audio reproduction. In the latter, a desktop CAVE assembly is
proposed in order to provide an immersive display.
Lately, immersive video technologies have become
increasingly significant in the multimedia entertain-
ment industry. One of them is the type in which the
user has the power to control not only the time line but
also his viewing position, this allows him to observe
the scene from any point of view. Moreover, in higher
immersion levels, the user can interact with the envi-
ronment as if being present in it. These features offer
the user a higher degree of immersion and interaction
sensations. Panoramic video is the simplest version
of immersive video. In which, videos are generated
from scenes captured by a set of cameras, this allows
to reconstruct the 360 degree video, but the only avail-
able points of view are those of the capturing cameras.
Another important element of immersive sensation is
sound, because one more of the user’s senses is in-
volved in the experience. To implement it, a multiple
channel recording and a surround playing system are
The acquisition and displaying of panoramic
videos present a great quantity of research challenges.
At displaying level, many spatially immersive dis-
plays have been proposed (Gross et al., 2003; Katkere
et al., 1997; Moezzi et al., 1996a; Neumann et al.,
2000). Many of them are based on the Automatic Vir-
tual Environment (CAVE) proposed by the Electronic
Visualization Laboratory (EVL) of the University of
Illinois in 1992 (Cruz-Neira et al., 1992; Cruz-Neira
et al., 1993). It consists of a room in which video
scenes are projected from behind the walls i.e. the
user is surrounded by the projected images, giving the
sensation of being immersed on the scene. At acqui-
sition level, different applications are commercially
available, like wide angle lenses or polycameras (Lin
and Bajcsy, 2001; Nielseni, 2002; Nielsen, 2005),
which capture different videos simultaneously from
real scenes to assemble the panoramic video (Moezzi
et al., 1996a). These systems are composed by a spa-
tial configuration of cameras for each particular ap-
plication. Some applications like Google Street View
or immersivemedia demos are produced using these
On the other hand, the implementation of 3D tech-
nology has allowed to reduce costs in audiovisual pro-
duction. By using tools such as Maya, Softimage or
3D Studio, it is not necessary to built physical stages
for production anymore, because they can be built and
assembled in digital 3D post-production stage. Like-
wise, these tools allow to place virtual cameras on the
scene, which have parameters that can be adjusted ac-
cording to the needs of the producer and are usually
in line with real cameras. Currently, these tools are
low cost and accessible by even multimedia develop-
ers. Moreover, free software like Blender, Anim8or
or DAZ 3D produce similar results and are available
on the web.
Sarmiento W. and Quintero C. (2009).
PANORAMIC IMMERSIVE VIDEOS - 3D Production and Visualization Framework.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 173-177
DOI: 10.5220/0002235901730177
Figure 1: Schema of general architecture of proposed framework.
In order to make this applications closer to multi-
media developers and final users, this paper presents
a framework for production of virtual immersive
panoramic videos, using only 3D production soft-
ware. The second section introduces the proposed
framework. In the third section details of the virtual
panoramic video production are presented. Likewise,
details of a low cost CAVE assembly, in which the
panoramic video can be reproduced, are illustrated in
section four. Finally, section five presents conclusions
and future work.
Figure 1 illustrates a scheme of the proposed frame-
work. The initial point is a traditional 3D scene, cre-
ated after pre-production stage. This 3D scene defines
the background scenario, characters, objects and cam-
era path. With all these parameters already set, the
framework presents two independent branches, which
may be implemented in parallel: video creation and
audio path generation. The panoramic view produc-
tion process starts with the building of the camera set-
tings, followed by a rendering process which should
be carried out individually for each camera and fi-
nally, a video registration process that stitches all ren-
dered images together. On the other hand, audio path
is generated parenting the sounds to the virtual scene,
the 3D software creates the path where the virtual
sound is placed and exported. Finally both panoramic
video and audio paths are reproduced in a simplified
desktop CAVE system.
3.0.1 Building of Camera Setting
In order to obtain a panoramic view, this framework
requires covering at least 360
degrees in the horizon-
tal line of vision. Therefore, N cameras are created
with a different rotation value over the y axis from
the main camera in the 3D scene. The number (N) of
cameras depends on the horizontal aperture angle of
the main camera. For example, a 35mm format cam-
era has a horizontal angle of 49.3
. Because of this,
the implementation of 8 virtual cameras, with rota-
tions of 45
from the main camera, for covering the
degrees, is needed. This assembly is similar to
the hardware device used to capture real panoramic
videos. Figure 2 shows an illustration of a camera set-
ting corresponding to this example: a configuration of
8 cameras.
3.0.2 Rendering of Multiple Point of View
Before performing the rendering process it is required
that each N
camera is parented with the main cam-
era, this way each of them has the camera path drawn
by any traditional 3D production software. Then, N
videos of the same scene are produced by rendering
images generated by each camera separately. These
videos correspond to the different points of view of
the scene. Figure 3 shows an example of 8 images
obtained by carrying out the rendering process on the
camera set proposed in figure 2.
SIGMAP 2009 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 2: Camera configuration to production of panoramic
3D videos. Each camera is a rotated version of the principal
Figure 3: Scene render results obtained using the proposed
set of cameras.
3.0.3 Registration of Rendered Image
Registration stage allows to stitch the scenes rendered
in the previous stage in order to generate a single
panoramic scene. The approach used in this stage
depends on the camera features used to generate the
scenes. If the rendering was performed using real
camera features, resulting scenes are overlapped in
the y axis. In this case a video registration approach
should be applied (Shah and Kumar, 2003) . A sim-
ple registration approach which maximizes a similar-
ity measure between adjacent scenes can be sufficient
for stitching the videos in this case because the vir-
tual cameras can be fixed on selected places in the
scene. Figure 4 shows a portion of the panoramic
scene generated by registering the images in figure
3. In this case a mutual information similarity mea-
sure was used, and minimization process was opti-
mized assuming that at most a 10% overlapping ex-
ists. However, users not trained on image process-
ing topics, can adjust the overlapping manually be-
tween images in a post-production software which
can be batch propagated to all cameras. Moreover,
if cameras are virtually placed on integer angle sep-
arations (45
, 30
) the rendering process is perfectly
adjustable, simplifying the registration process.
Figure 4: Image obtained by registration of scenes at figure
3.1 Audio Path Generation
3.1.1 Parent Audio Sources
In this framework, audio production requires that an
audible atmosphere was defined in pre-production
stage of the 3D scene. Likewise, a set of mono-
phonic sounds should be defined for specific moments
in the video. This can correspond to moving au-
dible sources such as people steps or object move-
ments. The sounds should be parented with their 3D
object generator. For this, a graphical primitive (a
sphere) should be created in the 3D production soft-
ware which represents the sound in the scene. Any
defined audio source should be parented with the cor-
responding object in the scene.
3.1.2 Export Sound Animation Curves
Once the audio primitives are parented with the ob-
jects on the 3D scene, these get the objects move-
ment features i.e. they are moved according to de-
veloped animations. In this way, for any animated au-
dio source in the scene a movement path is generated.
Then, this can be exported to a text file indicating the
sound position in each frame with respect to the posi-
tion of the main camera.
For panoramic video visualization an application that
generates a cylindrical surface used as video projec-
tion canvas based on a texture mapping strategy is
necessary. According to the video that is reproduced
the texture is updated to a new video frame. Nav-
igation is achieved by the rotation and scaling of a
3D volume view which is located in the center of the
projection surface as illustrated in figure 5. This de-
velopment requires tools for generating 3D graphics
and audio. For this, libraries such as openGL or Di-
rectX3D can be used.
Simultaneously immersive audio is reproduced,
keeping in mind that the audio movement path for
each source was built by the 3D production software
PANORAMIC IMMERSIVE VIDEOS - 3D Production and Visualization Framework
Figure 5: Visualization surface, the frame of video update
the surface texture and the user may be change the camera
zoom and rotation.
and exported to a file. Using the library for devel-
opment of applications with 3D audio, each sound
is placed in its spatial coordinate, which is changed
when the video is in reproduction. Perception of sur-
round sounds is achieved by the use of a 5.1 audio
system with a sound board that codes the channels
adequately. Systems with these features are commer-
cially available and their costs are low.
Figure 6: Simplify CAVE system diagrams, (a) show a im-
mersive volume view with 2 screen, an the (b) show a im-
mersive volume view with 3 screen.
In order to fool the user, to provide a feeling of
immersion in the virtual environment, a large display
device is required that allows the user to navigate on a
full vision field, as well as an enveloping audio repro-
duction. Immersion environment can be achieved dis-
playing the panoramic video in any CAVE assembly
(Quintero et al., 2007; McGinity et al., 2007; Moezzi
et al., 1996b). However, in order to provide an af-
fordable solution, we proposed the implementation of
a desktop cave, which can be constructed using cor-
rectly placed flat panels. The only additional tech-
nical requirement is that the PC used for playing the
video needs multiple independent video outputs (at
least two) (Cer
on et al., 2007; Jacobson et al., 2005;
Quintero et al., 2007). Different immersive environ-
ments can be used according to the number of flat
panels. Figure 6 shows the top view of two possible
assemblies with 2 and 3 panels. The main parameters
that should be set are the aperture angle and the near
plane. Clearly, in a scheme all volume views have
the same configuration parameters and coordinate ori-
gin, only the observation angle is changed. Based on
the selected scheme a volume view is created for each
designed panel using the 3D graphic library, keeping
in mind that the video navigation should update the
volume views simultaneously. Figure 7 shows two
photographies of desktop CAVES with 2 and 3 pan-
els displaying immersive videos generated using this
In this paper a simple framework for producing and
displaying virtual immersive videos has been pro-
posed, which can be used without any specialized
acquisition hardware device. On the contrary, this
framework proposes the use of conventional functions
on available 3D production software as 3D animation
developing applications and 3D graphics and audio li-
braries. Video production is achieved by a sequence
of simple implementation stages, which do not re-
quire advanced knowledge of mathematical issues.
This fact allows this framework to be used by mul-
timedia and art developers of any area. On the other
hand, immersive videos are displayed on affordable
equipments that allow immersive sensations similar
to those achievable in complex visualization devices.
This framework can be used for developing and
displaying immersive applications in restricted condi-
tions of space and economical resources allowing a
major access to these technologies to developing re-
gions and research areas such as basic education and
training environments.
SIGMAP 2009 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 7: Pictures to desktop CAVE system corresponding
to schema with the figure 6, (a) 2 screens and (b)3 screens.
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PANORAMIC IMMERSIVE VIDEOS - 3D Production and Visualization Framework