as predictors. The prediction process revealed that
the Swimming service could also be suggested to
Finally, the service provisioning algorithm
checked if the current time falls into the time where
the services can be provided as specified in the
service description. Figure 7 is a snapshot describing
the services that Bob received.
Figure 7: User Personalized Service Provisioning.
In this paper we presented a generic platform for
providing users with personalized context aware
services in mobile environments. The platform
offers mechanisms (i) to register a set of mobile
users, their roles and their preferences, (ii) to register
a set of available services at different locations, (iii)
and to evaluate different context information to
provide each user with appropriate services. The
platform also provides activated services with
appropriate context attributes, so that they can adapt
accordingly. As a result, the user is provided with
personalized services that fit her/his current context
and meet her/his preferences.
We showed the feasibility of the proposed
platform architecture using a prototype scenario that
illustrated the platform’s basic concepts. A user
visiting a new location is provided by a set of
services she/he subscribed to. In addition, other
services are suggested to her/him based on
segmentation and prediction mechanisms.
We are currently in the process of implementing
basic services related to e-Tourism and integrating
mobile RFID readers as sources of context, so that
we can deploy our platform in a working
environment (i.e. city of Ifrane) to illustrate how it
can be helpful in providing support to tourism, a
vital sector in the Moroccan economy.
This research work is partly supported by a grant
from the Academics Affairs at Al Akhawayn
University in Ifrane (Grant n° 92780, 2008).
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