calling that VRP uses source routing, i.e., data mes-
sages carry the entire route they must traverse, units
in the physical route between s and k just forward the
data message to the next physical hop.
The Global Mobile Information System Simulator Li-
brary (GloMoSim) is a simulation environment to
wireless networks. In this work, GloMoSim was
adapted to include the energy consumption function-
ality and to stop the message redirection when the bat-
tery of the unit depletes. All parameters depicted here
are from (Bannack and Albini, 2008).
The energy consumption of each unit is not only
related with the network interface, other hardwares
like CPU, display or memory contribute to it (Feeney
and Nilsson, 2001). When a message is transmitted,
it is necessary to process and even store it, consuming
energy. Without loss of generality, these values are
grouped in a constant ∆. Further, the average energy
consumed to keep the network interface in idle mode
is called δ.
The energy used to send and receive a message
can be split in the following parameters:
• Send Preparation Phase (Σ): energy used dur-
ing send message preparation phase. It includes
the encapsulation, the inter-frame times, chang-
ing mode on the network interface communica-
tion, and sending the 802.11 MAC preamble;
• Send Message (σ): energy spent to send one byte
of the message, headers and data;
• Receive Preparation Phase (Ω): energy used dur-
ing receive message preparation phase. It includes
the decapsulation, the inter-frame times, chang-
ing mode on the network interface communica-
tion, and receiving the 802.11 MAC preamble;
• Receive Message (ω): energy spent to receive one
byte of the message, headers and data.
After each simulated second, the residual energy
of the unit (γ) is decreased by energy consumption
value to keep the node and the NIC alive (if there
were no transmission / reception on the previous sec-
ond): γ
= γ
− (∆ + δ). If there were a message
transmission on the previous simulated second, the
residual energy of the unit is decreased by (where b
is the number of bytes sent in this second): γ
− (∆+ Σ + (b∗ σ)). If there were a message recep-
tion on the previous simulated second, it is decreased
by (where b
is the number of bytes received in this
second): γ
= γ
− (∆ + Ω+ (b
∗ ω)). If γ
= 0,
the unit is considered unachievable(turned off)by any
other unit of the network, and it will not send or re-
ceive any message.
The energy consumption model implemented is
linear, i.e., the energy used to transmit/receive a mes-
sage depends only on the message size. When a node
does not have sufficient energy to completely send
or receive a message, its battery is emptied and the
message discarded. The remain energy, before being
emptied, is added to the energy used to keep the node
Table 1 (Bannack and Albini, 2008) show the val-
ues for each of the above variables to send and receive
messages, respectively. These values were obtained
using the real energy consumption values of a Com-
paq WL110 connected to a HP IPAQ 3600.
Table 1: Energy used to send and receive messages.
Parameter Energy (pWh)
Σ 44,777
Ω 30,749
∆ 161,507,937
σ 161
ω 111
δ 113,055,556
Simulations were made using GloMoSim 2.03 with
the modifications specified in Section 3 and in (Ban-
nack and Albini, 2008). All simulations were per-
formed on an Intel Pentium Xeon 3.2GHz, 4GB
of RAM, running Debian Etch 4.1.1-21 with kernel
2.6.18-4-686. The network lifetime was measured
considering the time from the network initialization
until the first unit runs out of battery.
4.1 Scenarios
Three different scenarios were evaluated: varying the
network density, the maximum speed of the units
and the throughput. The common way to vary the
network density is to vary the number of units in
a constant area, though it is possible to obtain the
same results maintaining the number of units con-
stant and varying the network dimentions. Without
any impact on the results, the network density was
varied by increasing the network dimentions from
to 100.000.000m
, while maintaining the num-
ber of units and their transmission range constant.
The maximum speed of the units was varied from
0m/s to 20m/s and the throughput from 1024bps to
WINSYS 2009 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems