In the work reported in this paper we have proposed
an approach to detect MCs in digital mammograms
using the DT-CWT. The approach consists of the
DT-CWT application to obtain a mammogram’s
subband decomposition, mammogram’s denoising
by applying an optimal threshold at each
decomposition level, suppression of mammogram’s
low-frequencies, application of morphological
operators to enhanced MCs visualization, and
finally, the reconstruction of the mammogram. The
results obtained using the DT-CWT are compared to
the results obtained using the SWT and the Top-Hat
transformations. The proposed approach shows the
best performance to detect MCs in mammograms.
The SWT detects the MCs but other details are also
observed as MCs. Another inconvenient presented
by the SWT is the computational complexity, O(n
in contrast, the computational complexity of the DT-
CWT is O(2n) only. From results obtained
morphological filtering is the worst method to detect
MCs, because MCs are not well appreciated, in
addition tissue and breast glands are presented in the
reconstructed mammogram. The approach presented
in this work can be used as a basis to develop an
automatic diagnostic system to aid the results on
mammogram’s interpretation and to get an earlier
and opportune diagnostic for breast cancer.
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