In the earlier research, the process repository archi-
tecture design for exception handling was mostly
done by the subjective judgement of the domain
experts. This paper presented an alternative
approach which utilized the C5.0 algorithm to obtain
the decision tree structure that provided the optimal
path to store and retrieve the exception handling
processes. The use of ‘situation variable’ and
‘decision variable’ structure for the context
description of the exceptional problem is an efficient
way to identify the problem context and to find the
best fit exception handling process. Since the search
tree is constructed based on the ID-3 algorithm, each
step of the tree traversal from the root down to the
leaf node proceeded in such a fashion to maximize
the information gain.
As more and more exception handling processes
are added to the repository, we need to update the
search tree. As long as we keep describing the
exceptions in terms of the situation variable and
decision variable, updating the search tree for
renewal of the optimality will be a handy task since
we simply have to run the C5.0 algorithm with the
updated data set. Since we can anticipate a
substantial change in the search tree organization
every time we update the search tree, we have to
provide the facility to accommodate the tree
structure change into the database implementation.
And this should be the topic for future research.
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ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business