An XML Integrated Processing Environment
Anguel Novoselsky and Zhen Hua Liu
Oracle Corporation, 400 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065, U.S.A.
Keywords: XML, XQuery, XQuery Scripting Extension, XQuery Update Facility, XSLT, XPath, XML DB, Software
Abstract: As XML becomes a common flexible data model for data exchange and representation, more and more
adoptions of “XML-only application design paradigm start to appear. This pure XML based approach
views XML as a logical data model and uses the high-level XML declarative and imperative programming
languages, such as XQuery, XQuery scripting extension, XQuery Update Facility, XQuery Full Text,
XPath, XSLT, as the primary languages for application development. The “XML onlyparadigm has its
merits because it promotes the opportunities of global cross-tier optimisations and eliminates the impedance
mismatches between different data models and different programming language styles that exist in the
alternative “multi-language” approach. In this paper, we present a “pure” XML Integrated Processing
Environment (XIPE) built around an XML Virtual Machine (XVM) and XML Data Repository (XDR). We
present the XIPE key components - XCompiler, XVM, XQDOM, XML Tree Index, etc, that are needed
to build such a programming environment. We also show the design rationale and principles we apply to
build each one of the components. The goal is to make the XIPE itself open, flexible and scalable. In order
to achieve that, we use an interface-based component interaction model and use the so called “light” and
“heavy data repositories, which helps XIPE to scale seamlessly with different sizes, shapes and
characteristics of the underlying XML.
XML and its associated technologies have been
widely used for application development. With the
emergence of high-level XML languages, such as
XQuery/XPath (Fernandez, 2007), XSLT (Kay,
2007) and with the help of the recent XQuery
extensions XQuery/UF (Chamberlin, Florescu,
2008), XQuery/FT (Amer-Yahia, 2008), XQuery/SE
(Chamberlin, Engovatov, 2008), the number of
“pure XML applications started to grow. The “pure
XML approach is characterized with using XML as
a single data model and using an XML high-level
language for application development.
The design of XSLT, XPath and especially
XQuery was heavily influenced by SQL and this is
why they are considered as declarative languages.
Declarative languages let the users to specify what
they want instead of how to do it. The XML
languages can be used and processed as queries but
unlike SQL they are not restricted to be used in SQL
like way only. Therefore, there have been
considerable efforts from programming language
and database communities to find an efficient
processor implementation for them. XQuery
scripting extension (SE) further adds imperative
procedural constructs, such as statements and
assignments, which from one hand improves the
language expressiveness but on the other hand adds
more problems to processors designers.
XML data can range from highly structured data
to non-structured one, which affects the way XML is
stored. For example, the structured data can be
stored in relational DB with SQL language access
whereas unstructured data can be stored in a file
system in some kind of binary form with file system
interface to access it. In addition to that, the XML
Schema (Thomson, 2004) defines a wide range of
data characteristics, which widens the range of
possible XML representations. However, for
application builders, XML provides a single data
interface (DOM) plus type information (PSVI). In
this paper we call the combined interface XQDOM.
In a multi-tier application, tiers are usually
programmed in different languages using different
Novoselsky A. and Liu Z. (2009).
XIPE - An XML Integrated Processing Environment.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 85-92
data models. For example, in a typical Web
application, the front web tier is coded in scripting
languages, such as Perl, PHP, manipulating XHTML
based text. The application server mid-tier is coded
in Java or C# using object oriented data model and
the database backend is coded in SQL with
relational data model. Optimization among tiers is
not feasible automatically and usually the decision
of what tier runs what code to manipulate what data
has to be determined ahead of time. If the same
application is build with one XML language
(XQuery) and uses XML data model only then a
global optimization among tiers is feasible with
possibility of applying data shipping or code
shipping techniques or both.
Based on our experience with XIPE, we believe
that a full-blown “pure” XML application
development environment should support both
declarative and imperative XML language
extensions and it should use a single data interface
for accessing the different underlying XML
representations. Also, it should allow users to easily
create a broad range of XML applications starting
from “light” standalone one to “heavy” multi-tier
DB based application.
This paper describes our experience of building
XIPE and how its design satisfies the above
requirements. In order to achieve that we comply
with the following design paradigms:
XIPE components are self-contained
and plug-able. They communicate with
each other through well-defined
abstract interfaces, which hide the
implementation details. That allows
each component to be swapped when
necessary in order to satisfy the new
The “light” and “heavydata repository
models allow XIPE to scale seamlessly
when deployed on variety of platforms
dealing with wide range of XML
volume-processing requirements.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 gives an architecture overview of various
components to support XIPE and discusses the most
important XIPE components in details. Section 3
discusses related work. Section 4 concludes the
2.1 Architecture Overview
The XIPE consists of the following components:
XCompiler - it compiles XPath, XSLT,
and XQuery/SE/UF/FT into a machine
and platform independent XML byte-
code. Because the byte-code is platform
independent it can be compiled, stored,
distributed and executed on XIPE on
different tiers;
XVM, an XML Virtual Machine
component that runs the byte-code
produced by the compiler. The virtual
machine uses stacks for function calls,
single-assigned variables, parameters
and intermediate results and a heap for
multi-assigned variables and some
intermediate XML data;
XML Data Repository (XDR) provides
an XML data abstraction on the top of
underlying XML data. The data
abstractions is implemented as an
extended DOM interface (XQDOM)
that abstracts out the XML tree
creation, traversal, modification, node
type retrieval and XML document
deletion. The XDR provides both
“heavy weight” XML Data Base (XDB)
and light weight” in-memory only
XQDOM implementations;
XML Schema Processor - it includes
schema repository, schema compiler
and a validator. The schema compiler
compiles XML Schemas into an
internal schema object. The XIPE
components can access the schema
objects via an abstract XML Schema
Interface. Like XDR, schema objects
offer both “heavy weight (XDB
schema) and “light weight” (in-memory
only) schema implementations;
XML Parser component that provides
fast XML parsing, implementing both
SAX, DOM and XQDOM (with XML
schema processor) output over textual
XML input data;
XDebugger a symbolic debugger that
is able to control the XVM execution
and to provide an introspection of the
run time stack and variables via JDWP
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
(Java 2 SDK) protocol to the external
debugger agent, such as JDeveloper;
XEditor provides a language sensitive,
GUI based, editing for XIPE supported
XML languages.
XIPE components are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: XVEE architecture.
All XML languages supported by XIPE share the
same XQuery data model (XQDM) (Liu and,
Novoselsky, 2006) and the same function and
operator library (Liu and Krishnaprasad, 2005).
Therefore, they share a common compiler internal
representation and a common byte-code instruction
set. The byte-code is platform independent it can be
distributed to XIPE running in potentially different
tiers and platforms and executed without
recompilation. The instruction set is RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computing) like. However, it may
interleave with CISC (Complex Instruction Set
Computing) style instructions that can compute
certain XQuery expressions more efficiently by
delegating the computation to other processors.
The XVM runs byte-code that manipulates data
on the main stack where all function calls, XSLT
template invocation, local variables and expression
results reside. Execution can be stopped with
debugger instructions. The debugger component
communicates with external GUI debugger agent via
JDWP protocol.
As it was mentioned earlier XIPE addresses the
scalability requirement by using light and heavy
XDR. When the XML document size is small,
creating DOM tree in memory is sufficient and the
most efficient method to implement XQDM
interface. However, when XML document size is
large or large document collections are to be
processed, then XIPE uses page-able XML Tree
Indexing to implement XQDM interface, which can
scale with limited memory environment.
Direct XPath expression evaluation or value
comparison via XQDOM interface may not be
efficient with large XML document collection
containing millions of XML documents. In such an
environment, XMLIndex (Murthy, 2007) (Liu,
2007) is built on the document collection and for
XIPE the leveraging of that index becomes critical.
In such a case the XCompiler generates CISC like
instructions that use the host-indexing component to
efficiently evaluate certain fragments of the XQuery
Similar to scale with large size XML document,
scaling large size XML Schema also needs to be
addressed. XML Schema component may have its
own XML Schema and index support. However, this
is hidden from the rest of the components as the
schema information is obtained only through XML
Schema Interface.
2.2 XIPE Components
2.2.1 XCompiler
XCompiler is traditionally multi-phased designed
where the compilation consists of four processing:
Parsing and semantic analysis.
Platform-independent optimizations.
Platform-specific optimizations.
Code generation.
During the first phase, the input program is
parsed, semantically analyzed and converted into an
Intermediate Language (IL) representation. The IL
forms a graph, where graph nodes represent
XML Parser
XML data
XML Schema
Schema Compiler
XIPE - An XML Integrated Processing Environment
operations and semantic entities, forward arches
represent control flow and backward arches stand for
function and variable references. The second phase
uses data-flow analysis in order to perform loop
optimizations, let clauses code replacement, constant
propagations, type dependent optimizations, etc.
The third phase applies platform-specific iterator-
based CISC optimizations, if the corresponding
plug-able components are registered with the
compiler. The last phase generates the XVM byte-
Figure 2: XCompiler Architecture.
Traditional imperative programming languages, such
as C/Java, require user to write code as a sequence
of computation steps. Side effects from each step are
visible to all subsequent steps. The computational
state for each step, is not explicitly saved because it
is captured by the result and side effects of the step.
Therefore, expressions in imperative language are
compiled into a set of RISC style instructions that
compute the result of an expression from each of the
sub-expressions in bottom up fashion. Some
processors may use a stack where results from sub-
expressions are pushed and popped. We call this
eager evaluation strategy.
On the other hand, the query execution engine
for declarative query languages uses lazy evaluation
(iterator) execution in order to avoid materialization
of large intermediate results (Graefe, 1993; Florescu,
2003). That is, results are not fully computed and
materialized until when they are absolutely needed
for consumption. Side effects are not applied
directly. Instead, they are recorded and are not
applied until the entire query is finished. This is
known as snapshot semantics. Consumer of query
language typically uses iterator interface to fetch a
subset of results at a time instead of the entire result
set at once. Therefore, expressions in declarative
query language are compiled into an expression
iterator tree, which is a tree of nodes, each of which
is responsible for computing one expression using an
iterator interface with its computational state stored
as part of the node. Execution is driven top down.
That is, consumer requests the top tree node for the
next set of results, then the top tree node passes
down the result fetching requests to the rest of the
nodes recursively and each node computes next set
of results from its previous computational state
stored in the node and derives the new computation
state stored in the node.
XQuery/SE and XSLT have both imperative
procedural and declarative query semantics.
XQuery/UF (Chamberlin, Florescu, 2008) explicitly
defines snapshot semantics for its updating
expressions while XQuery/SE (Chamberlin, 2008)
has a pure imperative semantics.
There is a trade-off between processing
declarative query construct using lazy evaluation
model versus eager evaluation model. The lazy
evaluation model scales with large data size but does
not scale with large program size because the entire
execution tree with all of its intermediate
computational have to be tracked. The eager
evaluation strategy scales with large program size
but not with large data size because intermediate
results have to be materialized. Eager evaluation
strategy is more efficient than lazy evaluation when
all intermediate results are needed to determine an
answer. However, eager evaluation strategy is sub-
optimal if only partial results are needed. In our
compiler design we try to combine both eager and
lazy strategies in order to achieve a sub-optimal
balance of the two.
XCompiler compiles sequential expressions into
sequential instructions so that they are evaluated in
eager evaluation manner. In run-time, XVM
executes the instructions and immediately consumes
the results. On the other hand, XCompiler can
compile non-sequential expressions into an iterator
CISC instruction, which contains a serialized
expression iterator tree, stored as part of the byte
code data segments. In run-time, the CISC tree is de-
serialized and executed. The result of the execution
is an iterator data object, whose elements are
consumed in an iterator manner.
XVM byte-code is a platform independent
sequence of two byte units. It has a header and a
body. The header contains byte-code description,
Parsing & Semantic Analysis
Platform-Dependent Optimizations
XVM Byte-code generation
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
XQuery or XSLT or XPath version, total lengths and
offsets to each body section (Novoselsky, 2008).
The body contains sections for the byte-code itself
(which are referred as XVM virtual instructions),
strings, numbers (as strings), string-tables, types,
patterns, pattern tables, external function tables,
etc. All byte-code references are in the form of
relative offsets (as a number of units) from the
beginning of the corresponding section or offsets
from the current address. Each virtual instruction has
op-code, operands and flags. The flags carry
information about the operand type, XPath step
modes, sequential type occurrence, … etc.
XCompiler implements both static and dynamic
(default) modules linking. If the static linking mode
is set, all dependent modules are compiled together
with the main module, all external references are
resolved and one composite executable byte-code
module is generated. The result byte-code contains
all dependent modules with no demarcation
boundary between them. If dynamic mode is set, all
modules are compiled separately and their byte-code
has an extended header containing tables for
imported and exported entities. The exported entities
are top-level function and variables while the
imported ones are all external references that refer to
entities in other modules plus type references. When
compiler compiles an import statement, it reads the
imported module header and adds all module export
entities to the symbol-table. If the compiler
encounters a reference to imported entity, it adds it
to the current module import-table. All external
references are resolved by name and module id,
quite like references in Java classes. In run-time,
when XVM executes an instruction that refers to
unresolved imported entity, it checks if the
corresponding module is loaded. If the module is not
loaded, the XVM loads it and allocates a table for
the module external references. As it was said
earlier, the external references are resolved lazily on
demand. The XVM dynamic module linking is
better suited for larger applications that use module
libraries. Also, it has a smaller run time memory
footprint. On the other hand the static linking has a
minor performance advantage over the dynamic one.
When XIPE works with aheavy XDR (usually
an XML DB) some of CISC instruction can be
executed directly by XDR host processor. To
accomplish this, XCompiler provides a Query Push-
Down Interface, which allows the host XDR to plug
in a host query optimizer. The host query optimizer
has a detailed knowledge of the underlying XML
data indexing so it can decides what part of the input
program will be compiled into CISC instructions. In
run-time the corresponding host iterator-executer
will be invoked by the XVM as an external function
and will perform the iterator tree execution. The
returned iterator data object does not materialize the
result sequence. Instead, it provides an iterator
interface (open-fetch-close) to its consumer.
2.2.2 XML Virtual Machine (XVM)
The data model all XML languages referred here use
the XQMD (Fernandez, 2007), which treats data
objects as sequence of items. The item type can be a
basic built-in type, such as number, string, dates etc,
or an XML node reference. The size of the sequence
is dynamic and so is the size of strings.
XQuery/UF/FT, XSLT and XPath are functional
languages. They don’t allow side effects and their
variables are single-assigned only. That means that a
single stack can be used to hold their intermediate
results during execution. This is why XVM uses
stacks to hold XQDM instances in order to minimize
dynamic memory allocations. Intermediate results
that have a fixed data size, such as number, dates
etc, are loaded into the system main-stack. The
content of the intermediate results with a dynamic
data size, such as strings and sequences, is stored
into complimentary content stacks with an object
descriptor in the main-stack. That way, since
intermediate results are transient, the majority of the
intermediate computation results do not require
additional memory allocation. Only when the stack
is full, XVM dynamically grows that stack with an
additional segment. Also, all single-assigned
variables, function and template parameters,
function and template call-frames reside in the main
stack. Logically, XVM doesn’t need more than one
stack but because run-time objects have a dynamic
size the loop variables can’t be hold in pre-allocated
slots in the main stack. This is why XVM uses a
second stack (context-stack) for loop and context
variables. Both, the main-stack and the context-stack
have the corresponding item, string and node stacks
for dynamically sized objects.
However, XQuery/UF/SE introduces some
sequential (non-functional) construct such multi-
assigned variables and DOM updates. That means,
that dynamically sized multi-assigned variable
values can’t be stored in the complimentary stacks
anymore. To hold such variable values XVM uses a
non-stack based dynamic memory (heap). Garbage
collector techniques are applied to free the memory
when the results are no longer needed.
XVM execution architecture is quite simple.
There is a set of functions, one for each instruction,
XIPE - An XML Integrated Processing Environment
implementing the instruction semantics. The XVM
main loop moves the instruction pointer over byte-
code instructions and calls the corresponding
function. The default instruction pointer step is one
instruction. Only instructions like „branch‟ or „call‟
can change the instruction pointer according to their
operand values. Each instruction takes its operands
from the main-stack and pushes back the result.
Figure 3: XVM Architecture.
When a function is called or an XSLT template
is activated, the corresponding function or template
stack frame is pushed into the XVM-stack. The
frame contains the return address, current stack
pointers, current node, a descriptor address plus (if
needed) slots for parameters and local variables. The
result of an execution is a sequence, which XVM
provides with an iterator interface to allow XML
applications to fetch the result. However, XVM also
provides alternative interfaces to serialize the output
so the embedding applications can fetch the result in
the form of DOM trees, SAX events or XML text. In
such a case of non-sequence output, XVM generates
SAX-like events and depending on the current
output mode, the events are directed to the DOM
builder, Streamer or SAX event generator.
2.2.3 XML Data Repository (XDR)
XVM interacts with XML data layer via XQDOM
interface. XQDOM interface provides full
navigation capabilities of the DOM tree in order to
implement the XPath child-parent-sibling axis
traversal semantics and provides a virtual XML
storage layer for XVM.
When XML input size is small, building a
“light” in-memory DOM tree that implements
XQDOM interface is efficient. However, when the
input XML is large or in a case of “heavy XML
DB, a scalable XQDOM implementation is required.
To accomplish this, an intermediate XML Tree Index
(XTI) layer is used. XTI works as a mediator
between XML users and the actual XML
representation. It provides XQDOM interface for
XML users and it accesses the physical XML
storage via a simple XML Content Interface (XCI).
XCI has the classical file system methods such as
open, read, write, seek and close plus few other
methods for data storage and retrieval. XTI manages
a set of fixed size pages, where each one of them
contains a constant number of XTI nodes. Since
nodes have a constant size, they can be addressed by
an offset (number of nodes) from the beginning of
the document. Nodes contain their parent, child and
sibling node addresses (offsets), making that way the
full axis traversal more efficient. For element or
attribute nodes, the encoded qualified-name (Bray,
2006) is stored in the node in order to speed up name
comparisons during XPath evaluation. For text,
comment and processing-instruction nodes, only a
locator to the content of the nodes is stored in the
node. This approach efficiently separates the
XQDOM navigational fixed size component (XTI)
from the physical variable size XML data
representations. This separation allows applying
significantly more efficient memory management
algorithms for the fixed size XTI nodes. Also, XTI
can be viewed as an index that provides efficient
node navigational access over the physical XML
content, which remains opaque to the XTI layer. Not
all XTI pages are needed to be loaded into memory
at a time. Instead, they are cached as an in memory
page cache, which keeps frequently accessed pages.
This “heavyDOM scales very well with any XML
document size compared to the “light” in-memory
DOM approach where all DOM nodes have to be
loaded in memory.
XVM byte-
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
2.2.4 XML Schema Component
Unlike relational data schema where schema is
typically much smaller than actual data, XML
Schema can be large and complex. In fact, XML
Schema is served as data validation constraint
instead of playing the traditional meta-data role.
Although some XML schemas are small, others can
be large. Therefore, the design of building DOM tree
for XML schema and providing XML schema access
through in memory data structures backed up by
DOM tree may not be scalable solution with large
XML schema. XIPE handles XML schemas similar
to the way it handles XML data. There is a “light-
weight” in-memory schemas and heavy-weight
scalable schemas stored in schema repository. XIPE
schemas are accessed by XIPE components via an
XML Schema Interface. The interface contains all
the methods needed for schema navigation and
validation. When XML schema is initially loaded
into the system, it goes through a schema
registration process where the schema compiled
into an internal format and stored as a set of
dependable modules. Each module can be separately
loaded into memory. The module has logical
pointers to imported modules, which are loaded into
memory only when needed. The idea is similar to
the one of XTI page cache so that not all schema
information needed to be loaded in memory at once.
There are lots of research effort of processing XML
programming languages from both SIGPLAN and
SIGMOD communities. There are also both
commercial and open source efforts of providing
XML language processing in variety of
environments. Our XIPE approach is different from
others in the way that we combine both declarative
and imperative language processing paradigms in
one place with the help of XCompiler and XVM.
The idea of handling imperative languages by using
a byte-code and a virtual machine is not new.
However, processing XQuery/SE/UF/FT and XSLT
using an imperative virtual machine is not common
mainly because these languages have been primarily
studied as an XML database query languages. To
our knowledge, XSLT VM (Novoselsky, 2000) is
the first virtual machine built for processing XSLT.
XVM is the first single virtual machine capable to
process all XQuery/SE/UF/FT, XPath and XSLT
(Novoselsky, 2008). This paper is the first to show
the advantages of combining both declarative and
imperative approaches of handling XML
programming languages. Furthermore, this paper
addresses XML Tree Indexing as a scalable way of
handling large XML documents. Brothner (Brothner,
2004) proposes compiling XQuery into a Java byte-
code so that JVM can be used to execute XQuery.
However, the idea of combing both declarative and
imperative language processing technique is not
mentioned plus JVM is not designed to work with
XQuery Data Model.
Our second unique approach is that we design
XIPE with different size of XML data and XML
schemas in mind. We have articulated the key
concepts of XML Tree Indexing component and
XML Schema Indexing component that are essential
to scale large size XML document and schema.
However, they are all abstracted using XQDOM
interface and XML Schema Interface from the rest
of components. This is particularly different from
other approaches where decisions of XML storage
are typically hardwired with the XQuery/XSLT
In this paper, we propose the concept of XIPE with
various key components and the component
architecture paradigms. We follow the interface
based design approach so that implementations for
these interfaces can be open and flexible. Then when
XIPE is embedded into different host system,
platform-specific native components can be plugged.
In fact, since XML data and schema size can vary
within a broad range, these components are designed
with light-weight” vs. “heavy-weight” XML data
design paradigm in mind.
For XML languages processor architecture we
follow the classical programming language compiler
and virtual machine design paradigms as the basis.
We anticipate that for pure XML application
environment, using XQuery/SE/UF/FT languages to
write business application logic will be the main
stream. Imperative XQuery/SE language constructs
will be used heavily and many XQuery modules will
be independently developed and shared to build
large-scale XML application programs. This is the
perfect use case for XVM imperative or “eager” type
of processing. Meanwhile, the XML language
compiler and virtual machine allow declarative
XQuery and XSLT constructs to be efficiently
processed by using lazy evaluation technique
whenever needed. These declarative constructs
XIPE - An XML Integrated Processing Environment
processed in a “lazy non byte-code execution
manner are like CISC instructions embedded within
a stream of RISC instruction and are executed on a
native co-processor. This so called “mixed
RISC/CISC” way of processing XML languages
achieves the best balance between eager and lazy
evaluation and generally yields better performance
compared with systems that use one technique only.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies