omitted. So, each class of the users can easily
confirm the correctness of transformed requirements.
Other requirements will be attached to the
transformed requirements in order to keep the
completeness of the SRS.
In order to transform into SRS of stimulus
organization, we focus on external inputs in the SRS.
There exists only one external input, that is, “stock-
in data.” There exist two representations including
“stock in data.” We can select the 3
and the 4
representation in Table 3 and transform
them into two requirements sentences whose
subjects are stock-in data as shown in Figure 4.
1) Stock-in data
Stock-in data consists of item-name and
amount. Stock-in data is transferred from
stock managing officer with keyboard to
stock-in manager.
Figure 4: SRS organized by external inputs.
In Figure 4, only external input is specified and it
is very easy to check what kind of functions receives
these inputs.
We have developed a prototype system based on
our method with Java. Although our system is based
on Japanese-base language, our method is
independent of Japanese language.
We applied our method to an SRS of stock
management system using the prototype system This
SRS consists of 27 requirements sentences with X-
JRDL and organized by functional hierarchy. We
transformed this SRS into SRS by user class and
SRS by stimulus correctly, but some requirements
such as functional hierarchy are not transformed,
because requirements of functional hierarchy are not
categorized into user-class requirements or stimulus
In (Nuseibeh, Kramer, and Finkelstein, 1994), they
claim that SRS is specified from multiple viewpoints
and propose a consistency check method among
requirements form different viewpoints.
In (Martinez, Arias, Vilas, 2005), they propose a
merging method of requirements described by
different stakeholders.
In (Heitmeyer, Jeffords, Labaw, 1996), authors
propose a consistency checking method of formally
specified SRS. The above three methods cannot
generate SRS of differently organized.
In the author’s previous work (Zhang and
Ohnishi, 2004), a scenario from a certain viewpoint
can be transformed into a scenario from a different
viewpoint. The previous method enables to
transform scenarios from different viewpoints, but it
cannot be applied to SRS transformation.
We have developed a transformation method for
SRS by different organizations. We can transform
SRSs by user-class, functional hierarchy, and
stimulus organizations. Automatic transformation of
SRSs will contribute to generate differently
organized SRSs of high quality and lessen efforts of
specifying differently organized SRSs.
In (IEEE 1998) more types of organizations are
specified. These are organization by mode,
organization by object, organization by feature. The
enhancement of the transformation method for SRS
by these three organizations is left as a future work.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies