In many scenarios individuals supply their personal
informations to data collectors under privacy con-
straints (e.g., patients to the hospitals). However, it’s
important that the collaborations and the data shar-
ing does not affect their privacy. The control access
approaches for preserving privacy are used to enable
data sharing only with the authorized thirds. Con-
ventional access control models are very studied in
databases, as DAC, MAC and RBAC. Privacy-aware
RBAC (Bertino et al., 2006) use conditions evaluation
on hierarchy of roles and objects. However, the con-
ditions in this models are concern only environment
variables. In our system the conditions are expressed
on the data domain with SPARQL.
Hippocratic databases (Agrawal et al., 2002) are
distinguished by the context management and the
management of privacy preferences at the cells gran-
ularity. This approach limits itself to a centralized
DBMS and it is not well adapted for data sharing,
even less for the composition of the Web services.
There have been many research efforts (Hamadi et al.,
2007; Kagal et al., 2004; Cheng and Hung, 2005)
addressing privacy at the services discovery time.
In (Tumer et al., 2003) the proposed mechanisms
allow inferences and negotiations deal between the
users preferences and the services policies. All
these works proposes approaches to design privacy-
preserving Web services. Our approach is designed
for automatic Web services composition, allowing it
to find alternatives and authorized data sources.
Notorious efforts for standardization of languages
for privacy policies specification were made (e.g.,
P3P, XACML). It is possible to express with XACML
conditions to evaluate access authorizations. In our
approach we specify a semantic conditions over the
mediated ontology to evaluate access authorizations
through the DPWS composition. We provide also an
mediation ontology based approach to specify a high
level access rules, that reduce efforts of privacy anal-
ysis. To our knowledge no work related to the privacy
in the data integration based on the composition of
Web services. In addition, the benefits of the seman-
tic Web have been largely exploited in our solution.
In this paper we proposed a privacy-preserving frame-
work for data integration based on Web services com-
position. This work extends the mediator system pro-
posed by (Barhamgi et al., 2008) with the central-
ized access control mechanism. Allowing the high
level privacy policies and preferences specifications.
These specifications are based on the mediation ontol-
ogy and the inference process, reducing the efforts of
analyzing the privacy requirements. The access rules
are increased by conditions expressed on the medi-
ated ontology giving it more semantic richness. We
have also proposed a new method to enforce the ac-
cess rules through the Web services composition pro-
cess, based on queries rewriting techniques.
Several horizons open in our privacy approach.
First, we are studying the possibility to import stan-
dards policies specifications as XACML and we be-
lieve improve the rules inference algorithm. We have
also intend to optimize the privacy-aware Web ser-
vices composition algorithm. Finally, for lack of
space we don’t present an other privacy approach for
anonymous data integration based on Web services
composition, that can be easily combined with our ac-
cess control mechanism. These approach allows we to
find alternatives to unauthorized requests by process-
ing approximative queries.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies