problem within the hardware is to be solved through
the software, an unanticipated large quantity of
software requirements arises. This may delay the
projects projected schedule. To prevent such
schedule delay, the condition in which we apply the
PM patterns should be made clear and, proven to be
satisfactory before starting the project.
Although the PM patterns are useful, non-experts
of PM can not apply the patterns to actual projects
by themselves. The non-experts cannot conceive the
whole picture of actual project management.
Therefore, it would be difficult for them to apply the
PM patterns to actual projects. The PM patterns
would be useful for experts of PM in order to
prevent the mistakes of PM. Moreover, they would
be useful for the experts to teach and lead non-
In this paper, a kind of whole picture of actual
PM is given by the framework described in
Subsection 3.1. After PM patterns are selected in
order that they may be applied to a project, the
consistency among them can be approved within
each of the PM processes specified in the framework.
Moreover, the consistency between the PM patterns
and other parts of PM can also be approved in the
same way. Thus, the consistency of approving is
restricted to each of the PM processes in order to
make it practical.
In the future, PM patterns other than the ones
described in this paper, which are aimed at
preventing schedule delay, which are caused by
requirements elicitation, should be extracted.
Furthermore, the PM patterns should be
systematized. The framework of PM patterns is one
of the most important issues in the technology of PM
patterns. Therefore, the framework should be studied
in order to make the application of PM patterns more
In this paper, we proposed seven PM patterns in
order to prevent schedule delay caused by
requirements elicitation. Moreover, we proposed a
framework for approving project goal
implementation through the PM patterns, and non
implementation contradiction among the PM
In the future, other PM patterns should be
extracted and systematized. Moreover, the
framework should be studied in order to make the
application of PM patterns more practical.
This work was funded by the Joint Forum for
Strategic Software Research (SSR). We would like
to thank our colleagues at SSR. We would also like
to thank Mr. Masao Shimoji and his colleagues at
the Yaskawa Information Systems Corporation who
cooperated on our study as interviewees.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies