be a multi-dimensional vector based on the
structural components of UML
2. A closeness value will also be required for the
CTT component values which reside within the
adaptive system so that the network is able to
adapt in a logical fashion. Each Judgement will
be assigned a closeness value and during
adaptation mapped to a similar Judgement as
required by the error value of the network
represented as the closeness values between the
actual and required UML diagrams resulting
from the initial network.
This methodology is feasible due to the restriction
on the adaptive system inherent in the
multidimensional closeness measurement.
A hybrid system for addressing the significant
practical problems of Model Transformation for
difficult problem domains such as Reverse
Engineering is proposed which combines the
advantages of rule-based and adaptive techniques for
Model Transformation in such a way that the
advantages of both techniques are retained whilst
alleviating the disadvantages inherent within both
This research was supported at the Department of
Electronics at University of Kent though the
European Union ERDF Interreg IIIA initiative under
the MODEASY grant.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies