Efthymios Alepis, Maria Virvou
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou St., 18534, Piraeus, Greece
Katerina Kabassi
Department of Ecology and the Environment, Technological Educational Institute of the Ionian Islands
2 Kalvou Sq., 29100 Zakynthos, Greece
Keywords: e-Learning, Affective Interaction, Bi-modal interaction, Generation of emotions, OCC theory, Decision
making theories, Educational agents.
Abstract: This paper presents an educational system that incorporates two theories namely SAW and OCC in order to
provide an improved affective e-learning environment. Simple additive Weighting (SAW) is used for the
recognition of possible emotional states of the users, while the cognitive theory of emotions (OCC) is used
for the generation of emotional states by educational agents. The system bases its inferences about users’
emotions on user input evidence from the keyboard and the microphone, as two commonly used modalities
of human-computer interaction. The actual combination of evidence from these two modes of interaction
has been performed based on a sophisticated inference mechanism for emotions and a multi-attribute
decision making theory. At the same time, user action evidence from the two modes of interaction also
activates the cognitive mechanisms of the underlying OCC model that proposes emotional behavioural
tactics for educational agents who act for pedagogic purposes. The presented educational system provides
the important facility to authors to develop tutoring systems that incorporate emotional agents who can be
parameterized so as to reflect their vision of teaching behaviour.
One of the major scientific challenges is the
exploration of how humans interact with their
environment and with each other. Perceiving,
learning and adapting to the world around us are
commonly labelled as intelligent behaviour (Pantic
& Rothkrantz, 2003). In many situations human-
computer interaction may be improved by
multimodal emotional interaction in real time
(Jascanu, 2008), (Bernhardt, 2008). Affective
computing has recently become a very important
field of research because it focuses on recognizing
and reproducing human feelings within human
computer interaction. Human feelings are considered
very important but only recently have started being
taken into account in software user interfaces. Thus,
the area of affective computing is not yet well
understood and needs a lot more research to reach
In the last decade, education has benefited a lot
from the advances of Web-based technology.
Indeed, there have been many research efforts to
transfer the technology of ITSs and authoring tools
over the Internet. Past reviews (Lane, 2006,
Brusilovsky, 1999) have shown that all well-known
technologies from the areas of ITS have already
been re-implemented for the Web. Some important
assets include platform-independence and the
practical facility that is offered to instructors of
authoring e-learning courses at any time and any
place. However, this independence from real
instructors and classrooms may cause emotional
problems to students who may feel deprived of the
benefits of human-human interaction. This may
affect the educational process in a negative way. A
remedy for these problems may lie in rendering
human-computer interaction more human-like and
affective in educational software. To this end, the
incorporation of speaking, animated educational
agents in the user interface of the educational
application can be very important.
Alepis E., Virvou M. and Kabassi K. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 273-280
DOI: 10.5220/0002242802730280
Indeed, the presence of animated, speaking
educational agents has been considered beneficial
for educational software (Johnson et. al., 2000,
Lester et. al., 1997). Instructors that may use
educational authoring tools should not necessarily be
computer experts and should be helped to develop
sophisticated educational applications in an easy and
cost-effective way (Virvou & Alepis, 2005).
Affective computing may be incorporated into
sophisticated educational applications by providing
adaptive interaction based on the user’s emotional
state. Regardless of the various emotional
paradigms, neurologists/psychologists have made
progress in demonstrating that emotion is at least as
and perhaps even more important than reason in the
process of decision making and action deciding
(Leon et al., 2007). Moreover, the way people feel
may play an important role in their cognitive
processes as well (Goleman, 1995).
Indeed, Picard points out that one of the major
challenges in affective computing is to try to
improve the accuracy of recognizing people’s
emotions (Picard, 2003). Ideally, evidence from
many modes of interaction should be combined by a
computer system so that it can generate as valid
hypotheses as possible about users’ emotions. It is
hoped that the multimodal approach may provide not
only better performance, but also more robustness
(Pantic & Rothkrantz, 2003).
In previous work, the authors of this paper have
implemented and evaluated with quite satisfactory
results from the users’ perspective, other educational
systems with emotion recognition capabilities
(Alepis et al. 2007). As a next step we have
extended our affective educational system by
employing fully programmed educational agents that
are able to express a variety of emotions.
Educational agents may be parameterized in
many aspects, the way they speak, the pitch, speed
and volume of their voice, their body-language, their
facial expressions and the content of their messages.
Educational agents are able to express specific
pedagogical emotional states by the incorporation of
the OCC (Ortony et. al., 1990) model. The resulting
educational system incorporates an affective
authoring module that relies on the OCC theory. The
system uses the OCC cognitive theory of emotions
for modelling possible emotional states of users-
students and proposing tactics to the instructors for
improving the interaction between the educational
agent and the student while using the educational
application. Through the incorporation of the OCC
model, the system may suggest that the tutoring
educational agent should express a specific
emotional state to the student for the purpose of
motivating her/him while s/he learns. Consequently,
the educational agent may become a more effective
instructor, reflecting the instructors’ vision of
teaching behaviour.
However, as yet there are no authoring tools that
provide parameterization in user interface
components such as speech-driven, animated
educational agents. The present educational system
provides the facility to authors to develop tutoring
systems that incorporate speaking, animated
emotional agents who can be parameterized by the
authors-instructors in a way that reflects their vision
of teaching behaviour in the user interface of the
resulting applications.
The educational application is installed either on a
public computer where both students and instructors
have access, or alternatively each student may have
a copy on his/her own personal computer. The
underlying reasoning of the system is based on the
student modelling process of the educational
application. The system monitors and records all
students’ actions while they use the educational
application and tries to diagnose possible problems,
recognise goals, record permanent habits and errors
that are made repeatedly. Help is provided through
the tutoring agents that not only support the
students’ educational process, but also interact
affectively with the students by expressing
emotional states. The incorporated model that
controls the tutoring agents’ behaviour is described
in section 4. The inferences made by the system
concerning the students’ characteristics are recorded
in their student model. Hence, the system offers
advice adapted to the needs of individual students.
The system’s database is used to hold all the
necessary information that is needed for the
application to run and additionally to keep analytical
records of the performance of all the students that
use the educational application.
While using the educational application from a
desktop computer, students are able to retrieve
information about a particular course. In the
example of Figure 1 a student is using the e-learning
system for a medical course about anatomy. The
information is given in text-form while at the same
time an animated agent reads it using a speech
engine. Students may choose specific parts of the
theory and the available information is retrieved
from the system’s database.
Figure 1 illustrates the main form of the
educational application on a desktop computer.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: The main form of the application with the
presence of the tutoring agent.
Similarly, students are able to take tests that
include questions, answers, multiple-choice, etc,
concerning specific parts of the theory. The tutoring
agent is also present in these modes, in order to
make the interaction more human-like and to assist
the student by providing pedagogical assistance
when it is needed.
The educational applications that result from the
authoring process described in this paper incorporate
a tutoring agent that is a cartoon-doctor. The
cartoon-doctor is a fully programmable agent who
can move around the tutoring text and can show
parts of the theory in real time (Figure 2). It has also
incorporated features of human body-language. The
educational agent may show patience while the
student reads the theory, boredom if the student is
not responding to the system, wonder if the student
makes an unexpected move, etc. The cartoon-
doctor’s behaviour is programmatically controlled
by an underlying mechanism that relies on the OCC
theory, described in the next section.
Instructors may choose from 27 available speech
engines that the system incorporates. These speech
engines are synthesisers that produce different
voices. The system also offers the facility of parame-
Figure 2: The cartoon-doctor.
terising these voices by changing the pitch, speed
and volume, as illustrated in figure 3. Thus, the
resulting tutoring system may use the voices
differently in different contexts to show enthusiasm,
when the student is doing particularly well, to
imitate whisper, when it judges that the student
needs help, or even to show anger when the student
is consistently careless and does not pay any
attention to the educational system.
Figure 3: Setting parameters for the voice of the tutoring
In order to produce an “angry” tone of speaking for
the animated agent, as an example, instructors may
increase the pitch the speed and the volume of the
speech engine. This may also be achieved by
selecting an appropriate speech engine from the ones
that are available. Additionally, the instructor may
use the form of Figure 4 that provides more specific
and detailed controls. In this form instructors have
also the ability to set the exact pronunciation of a
word by using phonemes.
Figure 4: Detailed controls for the voice of the tutoring
The system incorporates built in tools, to which only
the instructors have access. These tools help the
instructors modify the behaviour of the characters
further, with the agents’ emotion generation facility
as the final objective. Not only can the instructor
command the assistant to say something under
certain circumstances, but s/he can also add
commands in the text that will be spoken, in a way
that the agent may seem to express a specific
emotional state. These commands are understood by
the system and are interpreted into changing speech
attributes, body movements, facial expressions, etc.
4.1 Recognizing Emotional States
A user monitoring component has been used to
capture all user input data during the interaction with
the educational application. The monitoring
component is illustrated in figure 5. Input data
consist of audio information that has been collected
through the keyboard, as well as audio information
that has been collected through the microphone.
The analysis of the data collected by the
monitoring component, revealed some statistical
results that associated user input actions through the
Figure 5: Snapshot of operation of the user modelling
computer’s keyboard and microphone with possible
emotional states of the users. More specifically,
considering the keyboard we have the following
categories of user actions: a) user types normally b)
user types quickly (speed higher than the usual
speed of the particular user) c) user types slowly
(speed lower than the usual speed of the particular
user) d) user uses the “delete” key of the keyboard
often e) user presses unrelated keys on the keyboard
f) user does not use the keyboard.
Considering the users’ basic input actions
through the computer’s microphone we have 7
cases: a) user speaks using strong language b) users
uses exclamations c) user speaks with a high voice
volume (higher than the average recorded level) d)
user speaks with a low voice volume (low than the
average recorded level) e) user speaks in a normal
voice volume f) user speaks words from a specific
list of words showing an emotion g) user does not
say anything.
Therefore, whenever an input action is detected
the system records a vector of input actions through
the keyboard (k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6) and a vector of
input actions through the microphone (m1, m2, m3,
m4, m5, m6, m7).
All the above mentioned attributes are used as
Boolean variables. In each moment the system takes
data from the bi-modal interface and translates them
in terms of keyboard and microphone actions. If an
action has occurred the corresponding attribute takes
the value 1, otherwise its value is set to 0. Therefore,
for a user that speaks with a high voice volume and
types quickly the two vectors that are recorded by
the system are: k= (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) and m= (0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0). These data are further processed by the
decision making model for determining the emotion
of the user.
A previous empirical study revealed the attributes
that are taken into account when evaluating different
emotions (Alepis & Virvou, 2006). However, these
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
attributes were not equally important for evaluating
different emotions. In this study human experts
resulted that one input action does not have the same
weight while evaluating different emotions.
Therefore, the weights of the attributes (input
actions) were calculated in order to be used by the
decision making model.
For the evaluation of each alternative emotion the
system uses SAW (Fishburn, 1967, Hwang & Yoon,
1981) for a particular category of users. According
to SAW, the multi-attribute utility function for each
emotion in each mode is estimated as a linear
combination of the values of the attributes that
correspond to that mode.
The SAW approach consists of translating a
decision problem into the optimisation of some
multi-attribute utility function
defined on
The decision maker estimates the value of function
for every alternative
and selects the
one with the highest value. The multi-attribute utility
can be calculated in the SAW method
as a linear combination of the values of the n
UX wx
where X
is one alternative and x
is the value of the i
attribute for the X
In view of the above, for the evaluation of each
emotion taking into account the information
provided by the keyboard is done using formula 2.
Similarly, for the evaluation of each emotion taking
into account the information provided by the second
mode (microphone) is done using formula 3.
is the probability that an emotion has
occurred based on the keyboard actions and
is the probability that refers to an emotional state
using the users’ input from the microphone
take their values in [0,1].
In formula 1 the k’s from k1 to k6 refer to the six
attributes that correspond to the keyboard. In
formula 2 the m’s from m1 to m7 refer to the seven
attributes that correspond to the microphone. The
w’s represent the weights of the attributes. These
weights correspond to a specific emotion and to a
specific input action and were calculated in the pre
mentioned empirical study.
In cases where both modals (keyboard and
microphone) indicate the same emotion then the
probability that this emotion has occurred increases
significantly. Otherwise, the mean of the values that
have occurred by the evaluation of each emotion
using formulae 1 and 2 is calculated.
The system compares the values from all the
different emotions and selects the one with the
highest value of the multi-attribute utility function.
The emotion that maximises this function is selected
as the user’s emotion.
4.2 Agents that Act Emotionally
Through the incorporation of the OCC theory, the
system may suggest that the educational agent
should express a specific emotional state to the
student for the purpose of motivating her/him while
s/he learns. Accordingly, the agent becomes a more
effective instructor.
In OCC theory, emotional states arise from
cognitive models that measure positive and negative
reactions of users to situations consisting of events,
agents and objects. Correspondingly, events match
user goals that are key elements in the OCC theory.
Table 1: Variables for calculating the intensity of events
for the OCC theory.
Event variables
a mistake (the user may receive an error message
by the application or navigate wrongly)
many consecutive mistakes
absence of user action for a period of time
action unrelated to the main application
correct interaction
many consecutive correct answers (related to a
specific test)
many consecutive wrong answers (related to a
specific test)
user aborts an exercise
user aborts reading the whole theory
user requests help from the agent
user takes a difficult test
user takes an easy test
user takes a test concerning a new part of the
user takes a test from a well known part of the
Table 2: Variables for user actions through the
microphone and the keyboard.
Variables of user actions throu
h ke
and microphone
user types normally
user types quickly (speed higher than the
usual speed of the particular user)
user types slowly (speed lower than the usual
speed of the particular user)
user uses the backspace key often
user hits unrelated keys on the keyboard
user does not use the keyboard
user speaks words from a specific list of
words showing an emotion
user does not say anything
user speaks with a low voice volume (lower
than the average recorded level)
user speaks in a normal voice volume
user speaks with a high voice volume (higher
than the average recorded level)
Tables 1 and 2 illustrate representative subsets of
intensity variables concerning user input actions and
application events that are used by the system’s
adapted OCC emotion model in order to propose an
emotional state as a educational tactic for the
animated agent. The variables illustrated in tables 1,
2 have been specified in our own implementation
and adaptation of OCC in our educational
application. The application’s user interface is multi-
modal, thus it is possible for the system to monitor
and record user actions such as speed of typing
through the keyboard as well as low voice volume
through the microphone etc. The proposed authoring
system integrates the OCC model by comprising a
subset of five basic emotional states, namely
happiness, sadness, anger, fear and surprise. Each
one of the above mentioned five emotional states
can be synthesized by the animated agent, as it is
illustrated in figure 6.
Figure 6: Events-Actions of the agent for the synthesis of
an emotional state.
As an example we describe a situation where a
student is taking a multiple choice test after having
read the corresponding theory of that lesson. The
“default” goal for each user is to succeed in
answering correctly the questions of each test. In our
example we assume that the difficulty level of the
test is high and the student has already answered a
couple of questions correctly. At this point in
accordance with the system’s incorporated OCC
model the student is pleased that s/he has answered
correctly the previous questions and is also
experiencing hope that s/he will continue answering
correctly. The corresponding intensity variables for
this event are illustrated in table 1 as “many
consecutive correct answers (related to a specific
test)” and “user takes a test concerning a new part of
the theory”. The second variable indicates that
succeeding in such a test is difficult, thus can invoke
admiration by the educational agent. The user’s hope
of continuing to answer correctly may then be
encouraged by the educational agent by expressing
admiration for the student’s success and encouraging
her/him to continue answering successfully. In this
case the student has a “goal” for answering
correctly. If the student continues her/his successful
course the educational agent will express happiness,
by saying something in a “happy voice” and/or by
smiling or doing a positive gesture. This behaviour
by the agent results by the analysis of the event
variables of the interaction as well as by the goals
both the student and the agent have set. The
incorporation of the OCC theory provides the
reasoning mechanism in deciding which emotional
state is more appropriate for the agent in each
sequence of events and user actions. Finally each
one of the possible OCC states are translated by
means of the five basic emotions the agent can
express (for example confirmed hope, joy and
admiration are OCC states that the agent expresses
as happiness). Intensity variables as well as user and
agents goals are illustrated in our simplified OCC
model in figure 7.
At this point we may also describe a situation
with a negative emotional state issue. A student has
already made many mistakes (consecutive mistakes
event variable) in taking a test concerning parts of
the theory that s/he is expected to know well. The
educational agent makes a remark about this,
advising her/him to be more attentive. More
consecutive mistakes will trigger the state of
reproach for the educational agent and finally will
conclude in the expression of the agent’s anger or
sadness. In both cases (positive and negative) other
event variables may be triggered at the same time.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 7: Incorporation of the OCC model for specifying the agent’s emotional state.
For example, if a user spends time without using the
educational application, the “absence of user action
for a period of time” variable is triggered and the
OCC model of the agent may suggest the expression
of the agent’s boredom. In addition, if the user
aborts taking a test this would trigger the “user
aborts an exercise” variable and the agent is going to
express sadness or anger.
In this paper we have described how two theories,
one from the field of decision making and one from
the field of cognitive psychology, have been adapted
and incorporated into an affective educational
system. More specifically, we describe the
implementation of an affective educational
application that recognizes students’ emotions based
on keyboard and microphone input actions and
proposes tactics for the behaviour of educational
agents based on pedagogical procedures. The
resulting educational application employs a bi-modal
user interface.
It is among our future plans to evaluate the
affective educational system in order to determine
the degree of the system’s usefulness for the
students and also for their instructors. Furthermore,
we intend to enrich multi-modal interaction by
incorporating a third mode of interaction, visual this
time (Stathopoulou & Tsihrintzis, 2005).
Support for this work was provided by the General
Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece,
under the auspices of the PENED-2003 program.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies