Anastasios Savvopoulos and Maria Virvou
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Karaoli & Dimitriou St, Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: User modelling server, e-Commerce, m-Commerce, Adaptivity, Clustering, Stereotypes.
Abstract: Recommending applications are used by many researchers as the main means of achieving personalization.
However, the difficulty is to apply the same recommender and personalization techniques to a totally
different system that belongs to a different domain and uses a different medium. Furthermore the difficulty
level rises when we want to apply the previous recommendation techniques without changing major
components or process attributes. In this paper we propose a server that can be used to achieve
personalization to a product recommending system. The main advantage of this server is that works both for
e-commerce and mobile commerce. We present a case study that we incorporated the user modelling server,
which is a mobile e-shop, and discuss within the case the obstacles and breakthroughs we have achieved.
The case study clearly shows that the same user modelling server can enhance e-shop application behaviour
towards adaptivity and customer personalization.
e-Commerce applications have become very popular
since they provide easy access to all kinds of
products. However, most of existing applications are
generic and do not address specific needs,
preferences and attributes of individual customers. A
remedy to this problem can be achieved by web
personalization techniques. As De Pessemier
(Pessemier 2008) suggests, new technologies
such as Internet, iDTV, and mobile applications
create the possibility to advertise in a different, more
attractive manner than the traditional commercial
breaks. This leads to a rise of interactive
commercials on websites, banners on the internet,
and commercials on mobile devices. Thus the
market moves towards more converged architectures
corresponding to different types of mediums such as
mobile phones, internet. A solution to convergence
can be found within user modelling servers (Kobsa,
2001). In this paper we will propose a user
modelling server for e-commerce and m-commerce
applications that incorporates a clustering algorithm
in order to create groups of similar users, concerning
their needs and interests. The paper is consisted of
five sections: Introduction, Related Work, User
Modelling Server Architecture and the Case Study.
There are many e-shop applications that try to make
recommendations using many techniques. These
techniques usually involve the construction of user
models that are either based on explicit user
information or on data about the user behaviour that
is collected implicitly by the system. User models
can be constructed using many techniques like
stereotypes (Rich 1979), adaptive hypermedia
(Brusilovsky, 2001) or individual user models.
Another approach that goes beyond attributes
exploitation like the work mentioned previously is
done by J. Alspector (Alspector 1997).
This approach builds a CART network with the help
of three main adaptive techniques: feature-based,
clique-based and linear model. Their study showed
that an effective movie-recommendation system
should combine all these approaches in order to
maximize performance. A very interesting technique
also, based on a rating system has been conducted
by Q. Li and B. M. Kim (Li & Kim, 2004). The
system acquires rates and then calculates fuzzy
inferences and extracts similarities between users.
Their method proved very successful according to
the evaluation presented. Another recommending
system that uses clustering to provide
recommendations has been made by Ardissono and
Torasso (Ardissono & Torasso, 2000). In their
Savvopoulos A. and Virvou M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 297-302
DOI: 10.5220/0002243202970302
research they created a web-store shell using
dynamic user models.
In the field of mobile-shopping little work has
been done. An interesting approach has been made
by Billsus et al (Billsus et al 2002). In their work
they have created and adaptive interface for mobile
devices that makes personalised suggestions based
on search questionnaires. Despite that fact that their
work can be very efficient, it mainly focuses on
filtered lists of suggestions on various areas such as
restaurants, presented to the user’s mobile device.
Their adaptive user interface lacks the generality of
a user modelling server that can be applied in both
internet and mobile shopping applications.
Despite the fact that all the above systems provide
users with recommendations, they are so domain and
problem depended that lose the ability to be applied
with easy in different media or products. In this way
every time a new application is built a new
architecture must be constructed from scratch in
order to address the specific application’s problems.
Few systems have tried to create user modelling
servers that can be applied to any product and help
users in an adaptive way. A very important research
on this field has been made by Brusilovsky et al.
(2005). Their research is focused on user modeling
and adaptation in distributed E-Learning systems.
They describe CUMULATE, a generic student
modeling server developed for a distributed E-
Learning architecture, KnowledgeTree. They also
introduce a specific, topic-based knowledge
modelling approach which has been implemented as
an inference agent in CUMULATE and used in
QuizGuide, an adaptive system that helps students
select the most relevant self-assessment quizzes. We
also discuss their attempts to evaluate this multi-
level student modeling. On the other hand our user
modelling server applies to entirely different
domain. Its role is not distribute student models but
create adaptive customer models in real time as the
customer navigates through the specific application.
Another significant work towards convergence
has been done ns Personis by Kay et al. (Kay et al.,
2002). Personis is a server for user models that every
user can control his/her personal user model. Their
user model server gives every application its
monitoring a different view of the user model
database. This structure of this database is based on
objects. Our system has a user model server but
instead of just control it creates user models
dynamically. Our user modelling server provides
components that help systems create
recommendations and effectively classify new
customers without any prior knowledge of their
In this paper we propose the main architecture of
a server that can be applied in any product
recommending application in order to transform it
into an intelligent application. This framework is
product and media independent. The main advantage
is that it can be applied on any product
recommending application without consideration of
the products used such as personal computers,
mobile phones or even cars. The architecture of the
user modelling server includes user modelling
techniques, intelligent user interfaces and clustering
algorithms in order to produce recommendations.
We also propose the basic steps on how to build the
user modelling server and present two case studies
in which we incorporated our server. The case
studies sell movies. The first one is an e-shop
applications and the second a mobile shop
application. The incorporation of our user modelling
server on both cases proves that this server can be
easily applied on any product recommending
The architecture of the user modelling server follows
the logic of “two modules” (figure 1). The first
module consists of components that perform
reasoning about users’ actions and users’
preferences (indirect components). More specifically
the first module consists of the following
Explicit Information User Profiles: information in
a database about users provided to the system in an
explicit way (answering interview questions or
rating products). Every time a new user is registered
in the application that incorporates the user
modelling server, this component collects this
information from demographic data, educational
data and interest data that the user provides through
the registration process
Monitoring Agent: includes information about
user’s interactions with the system. Monitoring in
real time user actions throughout system usage. This
component contains information about the main
product categories that this user has visited, specific
products that user visited, products that user moved
in or out of his cart and products that user bought
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
from the shopping cart. In this way this component,
is product independent because it monitors user
behaviour and not products characteristics. The
Monitoring Agent component also contains a
statistics database of all users’ actions and features
collected by the systems.
Clustering Algorithm Process: uses k-means
clustering algorithm in order to group similar users.
These groups are then processed and result in users’
representatives that the user modelling server can
use as the basis of users’ interests. The k-means
clustering algorithm takes as input the statistical data
of all the explicit and implicit information that the
system infers and collects about users. This data is
saved on the statistics database of the Monitoring
Agent. This data include the visits in products
specific pages, products general categories, search
queries made by the user, products moved to the
shopping cart and products eventually bought. Every
category and product characteristic is a calculated by
the algorithm. However, this calculation is not based
on degrees from products classification; instead the
calculation is based on user behaviour while s/he
interacts with the system. The data input for the k-
means algorithm are calculated based on degrees
from the features measured. An example general
equation can be seen below. This equation measures
interest degree in product category. Weights change,
depending on the application that this framework is
incorporated. However, general rules on weights
apply on all applications that use this framework.
For example, the weight concerning visits on a
specific product category is always smaller then the
corresponding weight of products moved to the cart.
The first weight is smaller, because visiting a
product may not mean that the user is necessarily
interested in this product but that s/he is just
browsing several products.
The equations above can be specialised to every
product the application that incorporates the user
modelling server. In this way user modelling server
remains product independent. The k-means
clustering algorithm processes these degrees and
provides the system with groups based on similarity.
From these groups representative feature vectors are
extracted. The representatives’ vectors work as
group leaders and show the groups tendency to
specific product features. These vectors are then
compared with the vectors of products’
characteristics and the closest vectors are extracted
and saved to the Recommendations Database
component. In this way the Recommendation
Database component is updated dynamically as
users navigate through the application.
Double Stereotypes: dynamic double stereotypes
from these representatives. Stereotypes, within the
component, follow the rule “general to specific”.
These stereotypes form a hierarchy from top to
bottom. This means a hierarchy is constructed with a
low number of generic stereotypes at the top. As the
hierarchy continues to bottom the stereotypes
participating in the same level are constructed with
more specific attributes. This hierarchy is continued
until it reaches a certain point of complexity.
Server: The Server component is involved in the
manipulation of all the information about a specific
user, the stereotype that s/he belongs to and his/her
more similar representatives. The Server also
contains all users’ models and manages them in
order to give the right information to the
components of the second module. In this way the
server acts as a service of communication between
indirect and direct components.
The second module consists of user interface
components (direct components).
Incremental Initialization Process: acquires
information from the server and provides the closest
recommendations to new users or users that the
system has little information about. Stereotypic
information is used throughout this process, from the
Double Stereotypes component, to fill the blanks of
knowledge concerning the specific user. The main
operation of this process is to choose whether a user,
according to the actions made so farm, belongs to a
group or not.
Recommendations: communicates with the Server
component and provides the users with personalised
Figure 1: User Modelling Server General Architecture.
recommendations and advice. The Recommendation
component is a database with system
recommendations about products, mistakes or other
personalised advice in a database. This main
techniques used by this component are adaptive
hypermedia and dynamic annotations. The
Recommendation’s database is built by the user
modelling server adaptively in real time as the user
provides the system with feedback along his/her
interaction with the system.
User Interface: adjusts to the medium used
automatically and changes according to the users’
interests. The whole user interface appearance
changes adaptively and personalises its behaviour
according to the specific users’ inferences and
needs. The User Interface is an entirely separate
component and adapts to any medium thus making
the user modelling server medium independent.
These two functions of the User Interface
component create a unique personalised experience
for every specific user, resulting in a friendlier and
more efficient user interface. Except the Server this
component communicates with the
Recommendation and Incremental Initialization
components in order to adapt the user interface
Adaptive Hypermedia: component with product
annotation ability and dynamic placing of
recommended products. This component has the
ability change the symbols of recommended
products depending on the degree of the
recommendation. For example, highly recommended
products by the user modelling server are tagged
with a different symbol by this component. On the
other hand, lower recommendation degrees can
result in different annotation product symbols.
Application fonts and font-sizes can also be changed
by this component in order to get user’s attention
and differ his/her behaviour. For example, if a user
is greatly interest in a specific product feature then
in adaptive hypermedia will enlarge the font of this
feature in the product page, giving it the proper
Our case study is a mobile shop that sells movies,
called mVision. MVision is built on ASP.Net
Mobile uses the mobile device resources of every
customer to create an effective user interface for
every customer. Figure 2 shows the main movies
categories page. Next from the action-adventure
movies category we have the implementation of the
adaptive hypermedia technology with the symbol
. At the top left of the screen is the “cart”
button that can be pressed to access the specific
customer’s cart. MVision is corresponding mobile
shop of Vision.Com (Virvou et al., 2007).
For every customer mVision creates a different
record at the database. There are two types of
information saved for every user, the explicit and
implicit. The explicit information is saved on the
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Explicit Information User Profiles and the implicit
are saved by the Monitoring Agent. In mVision
every customer can visit a large number of movies
by navigating through four movie categories. These
four movie categories are: social, action, thriller and
comedy movies. All customers have their own
personal shopping cart. If a customer intends to buy
a movie she/he must simply move the movie into
her/his cart by pressing the specific button. After
deciding which movies to buy a customer can easily
purchase them by pressing the button “buy now!”
All navigational moves of a customer are
recorded by the system in the statistics database by
the Monitoring Agent. In this way mVision saves
statistics considering the visits in the different
categories of movies and movies individually. The
same type of statistics was saved for every customer
and every movie that was moved to the buyers’ cart.
The same task is conducted for the movies that are
eventually bought by every customer. All of these
statistical results are moderated from one to zero and
saved in the statistics database. In particular,
mVision interprets users’ actions in a way that
results in the calculation of users’ interests in
individual movies and movie categories. Each user’s
action contributes to the individual user model by
implying degrees of interest into one or another
movie category or individual movie. For example,
the visit of a user into a movie shows interest of this
user to the particular movie and its category. If the
user puts this movie into the shopping cart this
shows more interest in the particular movie and its
category. If the user buys this movie then this shows
even more interest whereas if the user takes it out of
the shopping cart before payment then there is not
any increase in the interest counter. Apart from
movie categories that are already presented, other
movie features that are taken into consideration by
mVision are the following: price range, leading
actor, director and price.
As a consequence, every customer’s interest in
one of the above features is recorded as a percentage
of his/her visits in movie-pages similarly to
Vision.Com. MVision like Vision.Com incorporates
the AIN clustering algorithm. In mVision we also
used the AIN representatives in order create double
stereotypes that are saved in the Double Stereotypes
component of our general architecture. The
stereotypes concern both users and movies. Again,
levels 1 are the more general stereotypes and level 5
the more complex ones. The more information the
system has about a user the more complex
stereotypes it uses, until it reaches the level 5. After
level 5 the system uses an individual user model
about this user. Double Stereotypes and individual
user models use the Adaptive Hypermedia
component to suggest movies (figure 3). Figure 3
shows the implementation of the adaptive
hypermedia technology in the recommendations
page. In this example this specific customer,
according to his/her user model, likes these movies
very much, so the user modelling server provides
mVision with the right information and degrees of
interest in order for mVision to be able to make
these movies suggestions. The symbols of
show greater interest degree opposed to the
symbol. MVision does not support an animated
agent due to hardware limitations.
Figure 2: mVision User Interface from Movie Categories
Figure 3: Recommendations Page.
In this paper we proposed a user modelling server
that can be used to achieve personalization to an e-
commerce system. The main advantage of the user
modelling server is that it can be incorporated as a
component in different media such web or mobile
systems. We presented a case study that we
incorporated this user modelling server. The case
study was on a mobile device e-shop application.
This case study proves the independency of our user
modelling server and how easily it can be
incorporated to any kind of shopping system. Our
case study also showed how the component can
change the application’s user interface in order to
benefit from the adaptivity and suggest products
more efficiently.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies