Based on Decomposition of Security Requirements and Ontologies
Reijo M. Savola
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Oulu, Finland
Keywords: Security metrics, Security requirements, Decomposition, Ontologies.
Abstract: Systematically and carefully designed information security metrics can be used to provide evidence of the
security solutions of the system under development. The lack of appropriate security solutions in software-
intensive systems might have serious consequences for businesses and the stakeholders. We investigate
holistic development of security metrics based on security requirement decomposition and ontologies. The
high-level security requirements are expressed in terms of lower-level measurable components applying a
decomposition approach. Security requirement analysis of a distributed messaging system is used as an
Information security is clearly a challenging system-
level problem. One cannot accurately determine the
information security requirements outside the
context and environment of the target system.
Building security requirements is often a process of
making trade-off decisions especially between high
security, high usability and low cost.
The rest of this paper is organized into the
following sections. Section 2 presents the metrics
development approach and different parts of it.
Section 3 discusses related work and finally, Section
4 summarizes the study with some future research
questions and conclusions.
In this study, we use the following iterative process
for security metrics development, partly based on
Savola (2007). The steps for the process are as
1. Carry out threat and vulnerability analysis.
Carry out threat analysis of the system under
investigation and its use environment (use
cases). Identify known or suspected
2. Define and prioritize security requirements in a
holistic way based on threat analysis. The most
critical security requirements should be paid the
most attention. Pay attention to the coherence of
3. Identify basic measurable components from the
higher-level requirements using a
decomposition approach.
4. Define measurement architecture for on-line
metrics and evidence collection mechanisms for
off-line metrics.
5. Select basic measurable components based on
e.g. feasibility and importance.
6. Apply suitable metrics ontologies to the chosen
basic measurable components to plan the actual
metrics development.
7. Develop appropriate off-line and on-line
security metrics, and the functionalities and
processes where they are used.
Note that all steps are highly iterative and the
sequence of the steps can be varied. Steps 1 and 2
should be started as early as possible in the system
development process and elaborated iteratively as
the system design gets more mature. Steps 3 and 4
can be carried out in parallel to each other. Step 4
can also be started partially already during the
architectural design phase of the system.
2.1 Threat and Vulnerability Analysis
Threat analysis is the process of determining the
relevant threats to a System Under Investigation
(SUI). The outcome of the threat analysis process is
a description of the threat situations. In practice,
there are many ways to carry out threat analysis,
M. Savola R. (2009).
DEVELOPMENT OF SECURITY METRICS - Based on Decomposition of Security Requirements and Ontologies.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 171-174
DOI: 10.5220/0002243501710174
from simply enumerating threats to modelling them
in a rigorous way. The extent of threat analysis
depends, e.g., on the criticality of the use cases in
SUI. The following threat and vulnerability analysis
process can be used, based on the Microsoft threat
risk modelling process (Howard and LeBlanc,
1. Identify security objectives,
2. Survey the SUI architecture,
3. Decompose the SUI architecture to identify
functions and entities with impact to security,
4. Identify threats, and
5. Identify vulnerabilities.
The security objectives can be decomposed, e.g.,
to identity, financial, reputation, privacy and
regulatory and availability categories (OWASP,
2009). There are many different sources of risk
guidance that can be used in developing the security
objectives, such as laws, regulations, standards, legal
agreements and information security policies.
Vulnerability analysis can be carried out after
appropriate technological choices have been made.
Vulnerabilities in the technology and
implementation affect to threats of the system. In
vulnerability analysis, well-known vulnerability
listings and repositories such as OWASP (Open
Web Application Security Project) Top 10
(OWASP, 2009) can be used.
2.2 Definition and Prioritization of
Security Requirements
Security requirements derive from threats, policies
and environment properties. Security requirements
that are derived from threats are actually
countermeasures. Policies are security relevant
directives, objectives and design choices that are
seen necessary for the system under investigation.
Environment properties contribute to the security of
the SUI from outside.
In general, every security risk due to a threat
chosen to be cancelled or mitigated must have a
countermeasure in the collection of security
A security requirement of the SUI r
is derived
from applicable threat(s) θ
, policies p
and the
environment properties e
= (
, p
, e
, p
, e
where R is the collection of all security
requirements of SUI, Θ is the collection of all
security threats chosen to be cancelled or mitigated,
P is the collection of all security policies applied to
SUI, and E is the collection of all environment
properties that contribute to the security of the SUI
from outside.
2.3 Decomposition of Security
The core activity in the proposed security metrics
development process is in decomposing the security
requirements. In the following, we discuss the
decomposition process and give an example of it.
The following decomposition process, based on
Wang and Wulf (1997), is used to identify
measurable components from the security
1. Identify successive components from each
security requirement (goal) that contribute to the
success of the goal.
2. Examine the subordinate nodes to see if further
decomposition is needed. If so, repeat the
process with the subordinate nodes as current
goals, breaking them down to their essential
3. Terminate the decomposition process when none
of the leaf nodes can be decomposed any further,
or further analysis of these components is no
longer necessary.
When the decomposition terminates, all leaf
nodes should be measurable components. In the
following, we decompose the requirements
presented above and discuss the results. Since
adaptive security contains higher-level requirements,
we leave it to the last. It is easier to investigate the
six lower-level requirement categories first.
In general, the model depicted in Fig. 1 can be
used for the authentication decomposition (Wang
and Wulf, 1997) during the process of identifying
potential metrics for authentication performance.
Uniqueness Structure
Figure 1: Decomposition of authentication.
See (Savola and Abie, 2009) for a more detailed
discussion of security requirement decomposition
and identification of basic measurable components.
2.4 Measurement Architecture and
Evidence Collection
The next step requires identification of measurable
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
information and the mechanisms how to obtain and
process that data. Both on-line and off-line evidence
collection should be designed. In many cases, on-
line and off-line measurements can be dependent on
each other.
Identification of measurable information can be
carried out, e.g., from data flow diagrams and
protocol descriptions. As an example, Fig. 2 shows a
conceptual picture of information flows of a
distributed messaging system GEMOM, Genetic
Message Oriented Secure Middleware (Abie et al.,
2008). Security metrics of the Security Monitor
module can use information from the Broker
module, Audit and Logging module and Security
module. In addition, the metrics get information
from memory, storage and network interfaces.
Figure 2: Example of information flows to and from the
GEMOM Monitoring Tool containing security metrics.
2.5 Feasibility and Importance of
According to Jelen (2000), a good metric is Specific
(well-defined, using unambiguous wording),
Measurable (quantitative when feasible), Attainable
(within budgetary and technical limitations),
Repeatable (measurements from which metric is
derived do not vary depending on the person taking
them) and Time-dependent (takes into consideration
measurements from multiple time slices)
(“SMART”). Payne (2006) remarks that truly useful
security metrics indicate the degree to which
security goals, such as data confidentiality, are being
The feasibility of measuring security and
developing security metrics to present actual
security phenomena has been criticized in many
contributions. In designing a security metric, one has
to be conscious of the fact that the metric simplifies
a complex socio-technical situation down to
numbers or partial orders. McHugh (2002) is
skeptical of the side effects of such simplification
and the lack of scientific proof. Bellovin (2006)
remarks that defining metrics is hard, if not
infeasible, because an attacker’s effort is often
linear, even in cases where exponential security
work is needed. Another source of challenges is that
luck plays a major role (Burris, 2000) especially in
the weakest links of information security solutions.
Those pursuing the development of a security
metrics program should think of themselves as
pioneers and be prepared to adjust strategies as
experience dictates (Payne, 2000).
2.6 Use of Metrics Ontologies
After the decomposition of security requirements,
metrics ontologies can be used to help in planning
the actual metrics development process.
Fig. 3. shows an example metrics ontology for
reliability metrics, see example in Fig. 3 (Niemelä et
al., 2008). Reliability can be seen at the leaf of the
authentication taxonomy of Fig. 1. From the
example reliability metrics ontology, it can be seen
that there are reliability metrics that emphasize
either strengths or weaknesses. Strength metrics can
be divided into maturity metrics, normal case
metrics and abnormal case metrics.
Figure 3: Example of a reliability metrics ontology
(Niemelä et al., 2008).
DEVELOPMENT OF SECURITY METRICS - Based on Decomposition of Security Requirements and Ontologies
Wang and Wulf (1997) describe a general-level
framework for measuring system security based on a
decomposition approach. CVSS (Common
Vulnerability Scoring System) (Schiffman, 2004) is
a global initiative designed to provide an open and
standardized method for rating information
technology vulnerabilities from a practical point of
view. NIST’s Software Assurance Metrics and Tool
Evaluation (SAMATE) project (Black, 2006) seeks
to help answer various questions on software
assurance, tools and metrics. OWASP (2009) (Open
Web Application Security Project) contains an
active discussion and development forum on
security metrics. More security metrics approaches
are surveyed in (Savola, 2007) and (Savola, 2008).
The field of developing security metrics
systematically is young and the current practice of
information security is still a highly diverse field,
and holistic and widely accepted approaches are still
We have introduced a novel methodology for
security metrics development based on threats,
policies, security requirements and requirement
decomposition. The developed approach enables to
describe and relate different types of security metrics
in a systematic way.
Further work is needed in definition of the
measurement architecture, evidence collection and
selection of measurable components. Methods to
assess the importance, feasibility and complexity of
security metrics are needed. Furthermore, more
detailed metrics to the system under investigation
should be developed and validated in the actual
system. The future work includes more thorough
investigation of suitable generic decomposition
The work presented in this paper has been carried
out in the GEMOM FP7 research project, partly
funded by the European Commission.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies