Wang and Wulf (1997) describe a general-level
framework for measuring system security based on a
decomposition approach. CVSS (Common
Vulnerability Scoring System) (Schiffman, 2004) is
a global initiative designed to provide an open and
standardized method for rating information
technology vulnerabilities from a practical point of
view. NIST’s Software Assurance Metrics and Tool
Evaluation (SAMATE) project (Black, 2006) seeks
to help answer various questions on software
assurance, tools and metrics. OWASP (2009) (Open
Web Application Security Project) contains an
active discussion and development forum on
security metrics. More security metrics approaches
are surveyed in (Savola, 2007) and (Savola, 2008).
The field of developing security metrics
systematically is young and the current practice of
information security is still a highly diverse field,
and holistic and widely accepted approaches are still
We have introduced a novel methodology for
security metrics development based on threats,
policies, security requirements and requirement
decomposition. The developed approach enables to
describe and relate different types of security metrics
in a systematic way.
Further work is needed in definition of the
measurement architecture, evidence collection and
selection of measurable components. Methods to
assess the importance, feasibility and complexity of
security metrics are needed. Furthermore, more
detailed metrics to the system under investigation
should be developed and validated in the actual
system. The future work includes more thorough
investigation of suitable generic decomposition
The work presented in this paper has been carried
out in the GEMOM FP7 research project, partly
funded by the European Commission.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies