From Component-based Engineering to SOA Design
Diana Berberova and Boyan Bontchev
Dep. of Software Engineering, Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Design by Contract, Service Contract, SOA Design.
Abstract: Modern SOA research is focused more and more on fundamental service design issues such as means for
creation of formal, standardised service contracts. A possible way for achieving standardised service
contracts goes through application of the design by contract approach. Such an approach promises offering a
lot of benefits especially when applied for description and management of quality of services. The paper
tries to reveal the potential advantages of design by contract when applied for SOA design. It discusses
similarities and differences between component based software engineering and SOA, as far as design by
contract has been successfully used for component design. Also, it shows the importance of service contract
and traces usage of design by contracts for Web service design and how it could be applied for SOA.
Design by contract (DbC) is a methodology based
on the principle that the interfaces between modules
of a software system, especially the critical ones,
should be governed by precise specifications
(Meyer, 1991). The main goal of Design by Contract
(DbC) is to improve correctness and robustness of
software systems. The contracts cover mutual
obligations called pre-conditions, benefits called
post-conditions, and consistency constraints called
invariants. DbC was first introduced by Bertrand
Meyer in Eiffel programming language. This
methodology is very powerful and has already been
approved as a technique for building high-quality,
reliable solutions in object-oriented architectures.
The concept solves an age-old problem of having
accessible, up-to-date and readable documentation
of the code without requiring additional resources.
In addition, exception handling is guided by precise
definition of “normal” and “abnormal” cases
(Meyer, 1999). The faults occur close to their cause
and all this helps to find the problems earlier and
In the last years, software technologies have
changed tremendously and the software products
have become more complex and more critical than
ever. New paradigms like Component Based
Software Engineering (CBSE) and Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) have come in the place of
object-oriented programming. With the evolution of
software architectures, DbC concept has also
evolved. It was successfully used in CBSE (Owe,
Schneider and Steffen, 2007) and, currently, it is
applied in Web Service development (Warmer and
Kleppe, 2007). It seems obvious that next step is to
apply the DbC concepts in SOA but still there is no
solution that provides support for DbC on a
conceptual level.
As fas as DbC has been used in CBSE, which
relates in many aspects to SOA, some good practices
regarding DbC usage can be transffered from CBSE
to SOA. Thus, article describes principles of CBSE
and SOA and relation between these two
methodologies. It continues with the nature of
service contract and finished with explaination of
DbC usage for Web services and its potential
benefits when applied for service contracts.
2.1 Principles of CBSE
The CBSE introduces a new software development
paradigm in which systems are no longer
implemented from scratch, but glued together from
existing components. Component Based Software
Engineering is concerned with the assembly of pre-
Berberova D. and Bontchev B. (2009).
USAGE OF DESIGN BY CONTRACT - From Component-based Engineering to SOA Design.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 299-304
DOI: 10.5220/0002244402990304
existing software components into larger pieces of
CBSE emerged from the failure of object-
oriented development to support effective reuse
(Sommerville, 2004). Single object classes in OOP
are too detailed and specific. Components are more
abstract entities than classes. Each component is a
single standalone service provider. Component
based software development goal is to reduce
development costs by promoting rapid development
of software systems that are agile, flexible and easily
Component Based Software Development
encompasses two processes:
developing reusable components.
assembling software systems from software
Some of the main principles of Component
Based Software Engineering are as follows
(Breivold and Larsson, 2007):
Multiple reuse
Composability (with other components)
Encapsulation and hidden component
implementation – the component is accessible
only through its interfaces
Exactly specified communication interfaces
Independent deployment and versioning
Component independence – the components
do not interfere with each other
2.2 Principles of SOA
2.2.1 SOA Definitions
There are different definitions of Service Oriented
Architecture. One of the most widespread
understandings of that SOA provides a framework
for design and implementation of rapid, agile, high
quality and low-cost systems. Another definition is
that SOA unifies business processes by structuring
large applications as a collection of services. The
goal of SOA is to provide a way of software
development in which the developers do not need to
provide redundantly the same functionality over and
over again.
The interfaces of software applications that
provide common logic should have the same look
and feel and the same level and type of input data
SOAs build applications using software services.
Services are independent components of
functionality. A service can be a simple business
capability, a more complex business transaction or a
system service. Each service no matter if smaller or
bigger does not call implicitly other services.
Services provide a new way of software reuse on a
larger scale. The goal of SOA is to build
applications of fairly large pieces of functionality.
This goal leads to some amount of processing
overhead so a thorough performance consideration
should be done.
There are three types of roles in SOA
Service provider - owns and provides the
business information content of services, and
in addition a specification for accessing these
Service consumer - incorporates services into
applications and designs the flow of the
Service registry – used by Service provider to
register and make accessible the service and
by Service consumer to find a service and
access it.
In a SOA environment, the service consumers
can access independent services without knowledge
of their underlying platform implementation.
2.2.2 Service Interface and Service
The service in SOA is a stand-alone unit of
functionality available only via a formally defined
interface. The interface defines the required
parameters and the result - the nature of the service,
not the technology used to implement it. The system
must manage the invocation of the service and
management includes many aspects (Erl, 2007):
Security - authorizaton of requests,
encryption and decryption of data, data
Deployment - allows the service to be moved
around to maximize performance and provide
maximum availability
Logging - provides auditing and metering
Dynamic rerouting - provides fail-over or
load-balancing capabilities
Maintenance - manages efficiently the new
versions of the service
Figure 1: Service interface.
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The Service interface describes the behaviour of
the service and the messages required to interact
with that service. The service interface should
The operations that a service provides
The format for information being passed to
and from operations
The message exchange patterns that the
service implements (request/reply, one-way,
and duplex)
2.2.3 Principles
The guiding principles of SOA concern the rules for
development, maintenance and usage of services.
These common principles include issues as follows:
Reuse, granularity, modularity,
composability, componentization, portability,
and interoperability (Erl, 2007)
Standards compliance (both common and
Services identification, categorization,
provisioning and delivery, monitoring and
There are also specific architectural principles
that concern the system’s design and behaviour (Erl,
Service statelessness – in order to promote
reusability and scalability, state data should
be carried by exchanged messages but not
retained at the service
Service encapsulation – logic is encapsulated
by a service so that it becomes an enterprise
resource capable of functioning beyond the
boundary for which it is initially delivered
Service loose coupling - services relationship
should have minimum dependencies and only
requires that the services maintain an
awareness of each other
Service contract - services adhere to a
communications agreement
Service abstraction - services hide all logic
from the outside world that is not included in
the service contract
Service reusability – logic is divided into
services with the intention to be reused
Service composability - collections of
services can be assembled to form composite
Service autonomy – services have control
over the logic they encapsulate
Service optimization – all else equal, high-
quality services are generally considered
preferable to low-quality ones
Service discoverability – services are
designed to be most descriptive so that they
can be found and accessed via available
discovery mechanisms
Services independence - service operates as
“black box”. Service consumers do not know
or care how the services perform
2.3 Comparison Study
There is no clear division between Service Oriented
Architecture and Component Based Architecture
(Petritsch, 2006). SOA can be considered as
enhancement of components methodology. Each
service is a single component and can be linked to
gain new business logic, new services or a new
2.3.1 Differences
The big difference between SOA is CBA is the
connection between units and the possibilities of
offering single services for third parties. Other
important differences are:
The services provide better granularity of the
functionality, than the components
The services provide better abstraction and
easier usage
The services are more loosely coupled than
components and hide completely their
In SOA the division between server and
provider is bigger and more clearly specified
In SOA the communication is message driven
and in CBA is communication is object
The services provide a more dynamic linking
of resources, than components
2.3.2 Similarities
Component based architectures and Service-oriented
architectures seem to have the same goals. They
provide a foundation for loosely coupled and highly
interoperable software architecture. They enable
efficient, error-free, highly reusable software
development. The similarities are:
Main goal is reuse of software functionality
Both services and components provide a way
to communicate units developed on different
operational systems, programming languages
and hardware platforms.
Both components and services offer
predefined services
USAGE OF DESIGN BY CONTRACT - From Component-based Engineering to SOA Design
Both services and components are a higher
abstraction of the objects
Both techniques lead to decreased
performance due to the processor and system
Both architectures use the idea of the Facade
software design pattern
An exact differentiation between service oriented
architecture and component based architecture is not
easy. These techniques have the same goals but
provide a different way of handling the same issues
but in different situation. In this SOA can be seen as
a normal extension of CBSE.
3.1 The Service Contract Concept
A service contract represents the terms and
conditions by which a service is provided and
consumed (Berre, 2008). The service contract is the
specification of collaboration between the provider
and consumer – it specifies the roles each party
plays, the interfaces they offer and the behavior of
enacting the service. It is an exchange agreement
between specific bound participants, also called
signed contract. The service contract represents
service’s collective metadata is a single specification
of a service without regard for implementation or
dependencies and is defined by the service provider
(fig. 3). This representation is required to be in
formal, standardized form (Erl, 2007). Thus, the
service contract consists of several documents
describing technical contract (i.e. technical content
such as WSDL, XSD and WS policies – consumed
run time) and non-technical information such as
Service Level Agreement (SLA). It plays
cornerstone role in SOA, as far as it supports other
principles in a consistent way (table 1). For example,
a standardized contract improve consistency and
coupling between services. It should be well
balanced, as far as very detailed contracts restrict
service abstraction. It is required for a consistent
composability but its constraints restrict the reuse.
Figure 2: The place of service contract.
Table 1: Service contract’s support of other SOA
Service contract
loose coupling and
provides metadata for
is used for searching, i.e.
is required for
granularity and
delivery, monitoring and
A service contract needs to have the following
Header – containing name of the service,
version of this service contract, owner and
persons in charge of the service (Responsible,
Accountable, Consulted, Informed)
Type - the type of the service helps for
distinguishing the layer in which it resides.
Different implementations will have different
service types such as Presentation, Process,
Business, Data and Integration.
Functional requirements – service operations
and their invocations
Non-functional requirements – information
about security constraints, Quality of Service,
SLA, semantics and process.
Services express their purpose and capabilities
via a service contract. The principle for Standardized
Service Contract is probably the most fundamental
one in service orientation design. It specifies that
specific considerations should be taken into account
when the service’s public technical interface is
The goal of this principle goal is to define the
specific aspects of contract design in way that
service contracts are optimized and in standardized,
granular and in the same way usable, consistent
granular and governable.
3.2 SOA Patterns Related to Service
The software patterns provide description of a
solution for a problem that appears often in software
design, architecture and development. There are two
SOA design patterns introduced (Erl, 2008) that
relate directly to the service contract creation and
management: Contract Denormalization and
Contract centralization patterns.
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3.2.1 Contract Centralization Pattern
Contract centralization pattern resolves the issue of
direct coupling between consumer and
implementation. The service consumer programs can
access the functionality provided by a service using
different entry points. This leads to different forms
of implementation dependencies that can influence
on the service in a way that the service is not able to
change and evolve.
The solution provided by the Contract
centralization pattern is to limit the access to service
logic and in this way force the customers to avoid
implementation coupling and references. This
pattern of course can lead to performance overhead
and also requires additional effort for
standardization. To implement it properly the
Service Abstraction principle should be applied
when service is designed and created.
3.2.2 Contract Denormalization Pattern
Contract denormalization pattern provides solution
for the service contract to facilitate consumer
programs with differing data exchange requirements.
A problem that often rises in SOA development is
that services which have strictly normalized
contracts can impose unnecessary functional and
performace demands on some service consumer
The solution that is provided is to denormalize
the service contracts to a measured extent. By this
contract denormalization it will be possible that
provide multiple core functions of the service in
different ways and multiple capabilities. Each type
of capability will be created for a different type of
service consumer programs. This pattern should be
used extremely cautiously because if overused, it
can increase enormously the service contract size
and make it difficult to interpret and use effectively.
4.1 Usage of Design by Contract for
Web Services
Design by Contract concept is similar to the notion
of establishing a legal contract. The contract
describes what a service component expects of its
clients and what the service clients can expect. The
service contract defines the responsibilities of both
parties and how these are accomplished.
The notions of contracts for Web services allow
the usage of Design by Contract both on provider
and requestor’s side.
To inform the service consumer about its rights
and obligations, the service contracts have to be
transferred from the service provider to the service
consumer. To achieve this, the representation of
contracts during the development process of a Web
Service can appear on three different levels (Heckela
and Lomanna, 2005) - implementation level, XML
level and Model level.
There are two approaches that can be used for
developing Web services contracts - code-first and
contract-first approaches. The schema based
contract-first design is the better approach as it
defines the service messages in XML using SOAP
standard and makes the services more interoperable.
It is easier to define the contract first and then
generate the code specific for the concrete platform
and programming language. The biggest challenge
in this approach is the lack of modelling concepts
and tools support. Generally there are five steps in
the contract-first design approach:
Modelling data and defining data structures
which should be exchanged in messages
Modelling messages that should be
exchanged by using XML Schema
Modelling interface and operations provided
to the Web service consumer.
Generate code skeletons and defines message
and interface contracts code
Iterate contract design and code generation.
The Web Service Contract First (WSCF) tool is
a Schema-Based Contract-First Web Services code
generator and WSDL wizard. It supports designing
messages, interfaces and data for contract-first style
web services, acting as a replacement for XSD and
WSDL. It removes all exhaustive details of WSDL
and does not allow making errors and wrong
assumptions when trying to use and apply the
original WSDL specification. WSCF provides
means for defining the schema for service types,
messages and WSDL definitions before creating
implementation. There are two steps in WSCF – first
design contract's data, messages and interface and
then generate code from the contract.
4.2 SOA DbC Concept
For achieving standardised service contracts, DbC
i.e. “contract-first” design approach should be taken.
It should be supported by tools importing
customized service contracts. One of the great
challenges here is Quality of Service (QoS)
USAGE OF DESIGN BY CONTRACT - From Component-based Engineering to SOA Design
management. The service oriented enterprise
systems should be dynamic, flexible, secure and
high quality. To achieve all these characteristics
QoS management must be integrated into service-
oriented enterprise architectures. It must support the
most common and valuable QoS characteristics and
provide comprehensive services.
SLA is used to establish agreements on the
quality of a service between a service provider and a
service consumer. SLA sets the expectations
between the consumer and provider and helps
defining the relationship between the two parties.
Properly defined SLAs cover the following aspects
(Bianco, Lewis and Merson, 2008):
The provider obligations
How delivery of the service at the specified
level of quality will be realized
Which metrics will be collected, and how
Actions and penalties to be taken when the
service is not delivered at specified QoS
How and whether the SLA will evolve as
technology changes.
Thus, the service level agreement defines mutual
understandings and expectations of a service
between the service provider and service consumers.
The service guarantees are about what transactions
need to be executed and how well they are executed.
The parameters and metrics defined in an SLA
define the Quality of Service of the service. QoS
parameters may include response time, availability,
throughput, latency, etc. The QoS defines contracts,
and obligations between service provider and
consumer. To perform this task the service level
agreements include negotiation, agreement,
quantifying service levels, and clarification of
responsibilities (Blackwell and Dixon, 2005). The
Quality of Service provisioning and management is
of great importance for development of Service
Oriented Architecture solutions. It is also one of the
greatest challenges and there is still no solution for
continuous handling of QoS attributes. There are
works in the area of definition and enforcement of
QoS service management, but there is no systematic
way to do this. The existing gap with QoS may be
filled by several efforts:
1) Creation of a unified QoS specification
supporting the most important QoS characteristics
and providing a way to describe the requirements,
contracts and policies based on them;
2) A language and compliant tools that supports
SLA and QoS attribute management;
3) Intensive usage of contract-first approach
which will facilitate QoS management and will bring
better consistency, maintenance and reuse in SOA.
Design by Contract methodology has already been
proved as a technique for building high-quality and
reliable solutions in Object Oriented and Component
based architectures. With the evolution of software
architectures DbC concepts have also evolved and
currently they are successfully applied in Web
Service development. The next step is to apply the
Design by Contract concepts in service oriented
development but still there is no solution that
provides support for DbC on a conceptual level.
The Design by Contract can extend the service
contracts with additional logic about the processes
and quality attributes which cannot be expressed
with simple schema descriptions. There are issues of
modeling, implementing and assuring the QoS
characteristics in large scale infrastructures and
domain services that should be resolved. The goal
set for our future investigations and practical work is
integration of QoS management in SOA architecture
using Design by Contract concept.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies