IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICAL WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS - Unique Operating System Architecture and Transceiver Standards

David A. Border



Hallmarks of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) include their use in demanding environment, autonomous and untethered operation, low power requirements, miniaturization and low costs. Such hallmarks led to the understandable requirement that WSN sensors contain a specialized microprocessor unit; an innovative microcontroller unit which is strikingly dissimilar to general purpose CPUs found in the marketplace today. This paper examines two important aspects of current sensor node development work, that of microcontroller Operating System (OS) architectures and transceiver standards. The choices of OS designs are intended to match and complement the usefulness of the sensor node itself, while meeting hardware constraints (e.g. memory limitations). The paper details these design choices and how they are being met. Of equal interest, the paper discusses how the choice of transceiver standards for the WSN is determined by the overall design goal of device autonomy. One such “device autonomy discussion topic” relates to the reader how device power consumption levels are being reduced through the use of a newly developed transceiver standard.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Border D. (2009). IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICAL WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS - Unique Operating System Architecture and Transceiver Standards . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems - Volume 1: WINSYS, (ICETE 2009) ISBN 978-989-674-008-5, pages 38-44. DOI: 10.5220/0002244700380044

in Bibtex Style

author={David A. Border},
title={IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICAL WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS - Unique Operating System Architecture and Transceiver Standards},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems - Volume 1: WINSYS, (ICETE 2009)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems - Volume 1: WINSYS, (ICETE 2009)
TI - IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICAL WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS - Unique Operating System Architecture and Transceiver Standards
SN - 978-989-674-008-5
AU - Border D.
PY - 2009
SP - 38
EP - 44
DO - 10.5220/0002244700380044