Christian Bunse, Hagen H
opfner, Suman Roychoudhury and Essam Mansour
International University in Germany
Campus 3, 76646 Bruchsal, Germany
Energy awareness, Software engineering, Adaptivity, Mobile information systems.
Reducing the energy consumption of mobile systems in order to prolong their operating time has been an
active research topic for quite some time. Such systems are typically battery powered and thus, their uptime
depends on the energy consumption of the used hardware and software components. Novel strategies that
allow software systems to dynamically adapt themselves at runtime can be effectively used to reduce energy
consumption. The focus of this paper is based on a case study that uses an energy management component
that can dynamically choose the “best” sorting algorithm during a multi-party mobile communication. The
results indicate that Insertionsort is the most optimal sorting algorithm when in comes to saving energy.
Mobile and embedded devices become more and
more important in all areas of the daily life. Nowa-
days, they also form the basis of the ubiquitous or
pervasive computing paradigm. Information is acces-
sible everywhere at any time via mobile phones, small
sensors collectively measure environmental parame-
ters, and micro controller based computers are em-
bedded in many devices starting from toys and end-
ing with cars or air planes. In fact, the landscape of
embedded computing changes dramatically. Unfortu-
nately, all these small components share a need for
a (mobile) power supply. As smaller the device, as
more the uptime depends of the efficient usage of the
limited energy resource. Hence, all parts of a mobile
or embedded system have to be energy aware.
Recently signifcant research effort has been spent
on optimizing hardware related energy consumption.
Only littlesearch has been done regarding the energy
efficient usage of hardware components by optimiz-
ing the underlying software. The aspect of software
optimization is addressed in this paper. Devices con-
tain several hardware components (e.g. CPU, external
memory, communication devices), which have differ-
ent levels of energy consumption. Therefore, the soft-
ware must be able to adapt itself to meet the under-
lying user requirements while conserving maximum
energy. In previous works (H
opfner and Bunse, 2007)
we therefore introduced the concept of resource sub-
stitution. Preliminary results (Bunse et al., 2009) have
shown that different implementations of algorithms
result in varying energy consumptions. In particu-
lar, we implemented various sorting algorithms be-
cause sorting efficiency is relevant to almost all appli-
cations. Furthermore, many database management al-
gorithms that implement join (e.g. Sort-Merge-Join)
or set operations implicitly use sorting algorithms.
Our experiments revealed that memory intensive im-
plementations consumed much more energy than in-
place implementations. However, if processing speed
is given priority over energy, Insertionsort performs
slower than Quicksort, thus resulting in a longer ex-
ecution time. Therefore the question is, how much
data can be sorted by an algorithm implementation
by keeping an optimal balance between energy com-
sumption and processing speed.
In this paper we present our approach for energy
saving software by choosing the appropriate algo-
rithm. Based on experimental results we introduce
trend functions for each implementation of the ex-
amined sorting algorithms. These trend functions are
then used to decide on which algorithm to use under
certain conditions or based on the users needs (faster
speed vs. saving energy). Furthermore, we describe a
dynamic optimization approach that changes the used
implementation at runtime.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 describes the related work. Section 3
briefly introduces the researched sorting algorithms.
Section 4 introduces the optimizer component and the
trend functions. Section 5 explains the experimental
Bunse C., Höpfner H., Roychoudhury S. and Mansour E. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 199-206
DOI: 10.5220/0002245401990206
setup and the experiments performed as proof of con-
cept. Section 6 includes the interpretation of the ex-
perimental results. Section 7 discusses the validity of
these results. Section 8 summarizes and concludes the
paper and gives an outlook to future research.
Due to the orientation towards mobile- and embed-
ded systems, several research projects have been con-
ducted regarding the topic of energy consumption.
Optimizing energy consumption is one of the most
fundamental factors for an efficient battery-powered
system. Research on energy consumption falls into
one of the following categories: (1) Hardware, or (2)
Software (Jain et al., 2005). Research that belongs to
the hardware category, attempts to optimize the en-
ergy consumption by investigating hardware usage,
such as (Chen and Thiele, 2008; Liveris et al., 2008),
and innovating new hardware devices and techniques,
such as (Tuan et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2006). Re-
search in second category attempts to understand how
the different methods and techniques of software af-
fect energy consumption. Research in this category
can be further classified according to the main factors
affecting energy consumption: networking, commu-
nication, application nature, memory management,
and algorithms. Concerning networking work such
as (Feeney, 2001; Senouci and Naimi, 2005), provide
new routing techniques that are aware of energy con-
sumption. Other efforts of this category focus on pro-
viding energy-aware protocols for transmitting data in
wireless networks (Seddik-Ghaleb et al., 2006; Singh
and Singh, 2002) and ad-hoc networks (Gurun et al.,
2006). Memory consumption is an important factor
concerning a system’s energy consumption. In this
regard work such as (Koc et al., 2006; Ozturk and
Kandemir, 2005) have provided energy-aware mem-
ory management techniques. In battery-powered sys-
tems, it is not sufficient to analyze algorithms based
only on time and space complexity. Energy-aware al-
gorithms such as (Jain et al., 2005) supporting ran-
domness, (Potlapally et al., 2006) focusing on crypto-
graphic, and (Sun et al., 2008) investigating into wire-
less sensor networks were published.
In the first days of computing, sorting data (numbers,
names, etc.) was in focus of research. One reason
might be that although sorting appears to be “easy”,
its efficient execution by machines is inherently com-
plex. Even today, sorting algorithms are still being
optimized or even newly invented. When it comes
to mobile systems and information retrieval, efficient
sorting is a major concern regarding performance and
energy consumption. In the following we describe the
set of sorting algorithms that were used in the con-
text of this study. This set was defined to include ma-
jor algorithms that are either used in form of library
functions (e.g., Quicksort), are easily programmable
(e.g., Bubblesort) or that are regularly taught to IT
students. In other words, our goal was to cover those
algorithms that are in widespread use. More details
on them can be found in standard text books on algo-
rithms and data structures such as (Lafore, 2002).
Bubblesort belongs to the family of comparison-
based sorting. It works by repeatedly iterat-
ing through the list to be sorted, comparing two
items at a time and swapping them if they are
in the wrong order. The worst-case complexity
is O(n
and the best case is O(n). Its memory
complexity is O(n).
Heapsort is a comparison-based sorting algo-
rithm and part of the selection sort family. Al-
though somewhat slower in practice on most ma-
chines than a good implementation of Quicksort,
it has the advantage of a worst-case time complex-
ity of O(nlogn).
Insertionsort is a naive algorithm that belongs to
the family of comparison-based sorting. In gen-
eral insertion sort has a time complexity of O(n
but is known to be efficient on data sets which
are already substantially sorted. Its average com-
plexity is O(n
/4) and linear (O(n)) in the best
case. Furthermore insertion sort is an in-place
algorithm that requires a linear amount O(n) of
memory space.
Mergesort was invented by John von Neumann
and belongs to the family of comparison-based
sorting. Mergesort has an average and worst-case
performance of O(nlogn). Unfortunately, Merge-
sort requires three times the memory of in-place
algorithms such as Insertionsort.
Quicksort was developed by Sir Charles Antony
Richard Hoare (Hoare, 1962). It belongs to the
family of exchange sorting. On average, Quick-
sort makes O(nlogn) comparisons to sort n items,
but in its worst case it requires O(n
) compar-
isons. Typically, Quicksort is regarded as one of
the most efficient algorithms and is therefore typ-
n represents the size of input; the number of elements
to be sorted
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
ically used for all sorting tasks. Quicksort’s mem-
ory usage depends on factors such as choosing the
right Pivot-element, etc. On average, having a re-
cursion depth of O(logn), the memory complexity
of Quicksort is O(logn) as well.
Selectionsort belongs to the family of in-place
comparison-based sorting. It typically searches
for the minimum value, exchanges it with the
value in the first position and repeats the first two
steps for the remaining list. On average Selection-
sort has a O(n
) complexity that makes it ineffi-
cient on large lists. Selectionsort typically outper-
forms bubble sort but is generally outperformed
by Insertionsort.
Shakersort (Brejov
a, 2001) is a variant of Shell-
sort that compares each adjacent pair of items in a
list in turn, swapping them if necessary, and alter-
nately passes through the list from the beginning
to the end then from the end to the beginning. It
stops when a pass does no swaps. Its complexity
is O(n
) for arbitrary data, but approaches O(n) if
the list is nearly in order at the beginning.
Shellsort is a generalization of Insertionsort,
named after its inventor, Donald Shell. It belongs
to the family of in-place sorting but is regarded
to be unstable. It performs O(n
) comparisons
and exchanges in the worst case, but can be im-
proved to O(nlog
n). This is worse than the opti-
mal comparison-based sorts, which are O(nlogn).
Shellsort improves Insertionsort by comparing el-
ements separated by a gap of several positions.
This lets an element take “bigger steps” toward its
expected position. Multiple passes over the data
are taken with smaller and smaller gap sizes. The
last step of Shellsort is a plain Insertionsort, but
by then, the list of data is guaranteed to be almost
To dynamically adapt/optimize the energy consump-
tion of a mobile and/or embedded system, we devel-
oped an architecture (see Figure 1) that closely fol-
lows the idea of the energy management component
presented in (Bunse and H
opfner, 2008). EMC aimed
at optimizing the communication effort of a system.
Here the focus is on using the “optimal” algorithm
concerning energy and processing speed.
At its core the experiment system defines a family
of sorting strategies (algorithms), encapsulates each
of these, and makes them interchangeable. This is
nicely supported by the strategy pattern defined by
Host 1
Qu c so t
se t o so t
e geso t
Figure 1: Algorithm-Energy Optimizer.
(Gamma et al., 1995). The strategy pattern supports
the development of software systems as a loosely cou-
pled collection of inter-changeable parts. The pattern
decouples a strategy from its host, and encapsulates it
into a separate class. It thus, supports the separation
of an object and its behaviour by organizing them into
two different classes. This allows switching to the
strategy that is needed at a specific time.
There are several advantages of applying the strat-
egy pattern for an adaptable software system. First,
since the system has to choose the most appropriate
strategy concerning performance and energy it is sim-
pler to keep track of them by implementing each strat-
egy by a separate class instead of embedding it in
the body of a method. Having separate classes al-
lows simply adding, removing, or changing any of
the strategies. Second, the use of the strategy pattern
also provides an alternative to sub-classing an object.
This also avoids the static behavior of sub-classing.
Changes therefore require the creation/instantiation
of a different subclass and replacing that object with
it. The strategy pattern allows switching the object’s
strategy, and it will immediately change how it be-
haves. Third, using the strategy pattern also elim-
inates the need for various conditional statements.
When different strategies are implemented within one
class, it is difficult to choose among them without re-
sorting according to the conditional statements. The
strategy pattern improves this situation since strate-
gies are encapsulated as an object that is interchange-
able at runtime.
To select the most appropriate strategy/algorithm,
the optimizer has to be aware of the cost of its execu-
tion with respect to energy. Therefore, a cost model
is needed that provides a “rough” estimate of an al-
gorithms energy consumption based on the input size.
However, it has to be noted that the used cost model
instance is only valid for the actually used platform.
Basically we followed the empirical data gathered in
the context of (Bunse et al., 2009) concerning the en-
ergy consumption of sorting algorithms running on
AVR processors.
Figure 2: Trend functions - excerpt.
We used the extrapolated trend functions of the
different sorting algorithms (see Figure 2) as a basis
for the cost functions. The trend function calculates
an estimation of the required energy for 1,000 execu-
of an algorithm, based on the input size n. In
detail, the trend functions listed in Table 1 were ex-
trapolated, whereby the R
value that represents the
goodness of fit was 1.
Table 1: Trend functions.
Algorithm trend function
Quicksort F(n) = n
· 0.1533
RQuicksort F(n) = n
· 0.1467
Insertionsort F(n) = n
· 0.09121467
Mergesort F(n) = n
· 0.1912
RMergesort F(n) = n
· 0.3221
Heapsort F(n) = n · 0.2324 + 0.0286
Shellsort F(n) = n
· 0.0071 + n · 0.0047
Selectionsort F(n) = n
· 0.013 n · 0.0236
Since our goal was to find the optimal balance be-
tween sorting performance and energy consumption
it was not sufficient to simply use the trend functions
as cost function. Due to the linear nature of the trend
function the result would always indicate Insertion-
sort as the most energy-efficient algorithm. Keeping
these formulas and assumptions in mind the following
selection algorithm can be defined:
1. By using the size n of the set as an input the
to level out measurement errors
energy-related costs for all algorithms are calcu-
lated and stored.
2. The minimum result and thus the most energy-
efficient algorithm is identified.
3. Based on the algorithmic complexity, the mini-
mum value is compared to those values that are re-
lated to algorithms of “lower” complexity classes.
4. If the difference in energy-consumption is below
a predefined threshold or delta the “faster” algo-
rithm is chosen.
The goal of an adaptive application (e.g., our
experimental system) is to optimize the Quality-of-
Service (QoS) perceived by the user. Unfortunately,
often optimization approaches either enforce prede-
termined (fixed) policies or offer only limited mech-
anisms for controlling optimization. According to
(Sousa et al., 2008) those limitations prevent adap-
tive systems from addressing these important issues.
User goals often entail trade-offs among different as-
pects of quality (e.g., enhancing battery life or faster
execution times).
The Optimizer architecture (see Figure 1) allows
users to actually determine the trade-off between per-
formance and energy consumption, simply by chang-
ing the cost function delta. As larger the delta be-
comes as higher the sorting performance and as lower
the battery-lifetime of the system. Thus, the delta de-
termines the size of data-sets to be sorted by a specific
algorithm. In the context of our experiments we ex-
perimented with different delta values and observed
that defining the delta as 1,200 provides the “best”
optimization results.
Our previous experiments provided some insight into
the area of software-related energy consumption. In
these experiments we collected data concerning the
energy consumption of sorting algorithms as well as
algorithms that apply them. The results show that en-
ergy consumption is driven by factors such as memory
consumption and performance leading to the fact that
the fastest algorithm (e.g., Quicksort) is not the most
efficient algorithm concerning energy-consumption.
In this sense we developed a simple system (see
Figure 3). An embedded node wirelessly receives
data-sets, sorts them and sends the sorted set to an-
other recipient. The goal of the node is to primarily
sort data. However, since the node is battery powered
and the end-user expects short response times, sort-
ing is optimized according to response time and av-
erage energy consumption (i.e., maximize up-time).
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 3: Experiment System Overview.
On application scenario for such a node is a wireless
sensor network that collects position or life-data of
cattle. Notes are communicating wirelessly (e.g., Zig-
Bee or Bluetooth), whereby the controller-node (i.e.,
the node that pre-processes the data) finally provides
the pre-processed data to a PC. In the context of our
experiments we use a simplified version for brevity of
The system comprises a micro controller (i.e., AT-
Mega128, external SRAM, running on a STK500/501
board) and two Bluetooth interfaces (i.e., BlueSmirf
modules). The system establishes two data-
connections to different hosts via its Bluetooth mod-
ules. It reads values (variable size sets of unsorted
integers) via on data-connections, selects the most ap-
propriate sorting algorithm according to its optimiza-
tion goal, and transmits the sorted set to another host
via the second data-connection.
5.1 Experimental Runs
Within this experiment we compared three different
approaches to optimization concerning their perfor-
mance (time and size) and their energy consumption.
In the first run the data was sorted by only using the
Quicksort algorithm, Thus, this run was optimized
for speed. In the second run,the data was sorted by
only using the Insertionsort algorithm. This repre-
sents an optimization for energy-efficiency (max. bat-
tery lifetime) based on our previously reported find-
ings(Bunse et al., 2009). In the third run we then
made use of the algorithm optimizer/selector (see
Figure 1). The Optimizer aims at balancing speed
(performance) and energy efficiency to increase the
amount of sorted data and processing speed while at
the same time increasing battery lifetime through en-
ergy savings.
5.2 Data Collection
As described previously the experiment systems is
connected to two different hosts via Bluetooth (i.e.,
Figure 3 provides an overview). It receives sets (i.e.,
sequences of random integer values) of varying sizes
from the first host. The actual size of a transmitted set
is limited to 1,000 elements but is randomly chosen.
According to the actual experimental run, the sys-
tem either applies a specific sorting algorithm (i.e.,
Quicksort or Insertionsort) or selects the “best” sort-
ing algorithm from a set of algorithms and applies the
selected algorithm to the received set. The sorted set
is then sent to Host 2 and the next data set is received.
This cycle is executed until the battery is empty.
Send and receive (Host 1 and Host 2) are syn-
chronized by the clock. This leaves sufficient time
for sorting and retransmission. In addition the Blue-
tooth modules (externally powered) provide send/re-
ceive buffers to level out overlaps.
During the experimental runs the following data
was collected:
The size of every set to be sorted (i.e., n). The size
was randomly chosen but limited to a maximum
of 1,000 elements.
The number of sets sorted (i.e., N). This is the
overall number of successfully executed sorting
requests throughout the experimental run.
The battery level (i.e., V ). V was measured at
fixed time intervals, whereby we assume that the
actual voltage level of a battery indicates its status
and charge level.
Run and Execution Time (i.e., P). Run and ex-
ecution time was measured by hosts one and two
(i.e., time when a set was sent and when the sorted
set was received). Times were not measured at the
target platform in order to not falsify the measure-
Initial measurement within the experimental runs
shows that optimization results are as expected. When
looking at the battery level V over time (i.e., up-time
of our system) it supports the initial assumption that
the uptime of a systems is directly related towards the
energy consumption related to the executed software
system. However, a closer look at Figure 4 shows
that a non-adaptive approach either results in an ex-
cellent or a poor energy efficiency. Interestingly, the
results for the adaptive are close to those of the non-
optimized Insertionsort variant.
When recalling the results of Figure 4 the question
arises why should we adapt the system or is optimiza-
tion really necessary. It seems that by choosing a spe-
cific algorithm better results can be achieved than by
Voltage (mV)
Time (hh:mm:ss)
Without Optimization - QS
Without Optimization - Ins
Figure 4: Battery Lifetime.
dynamic adaption. Therefore, we have to examine the
performance of the different variants concerning the
amount of sorting requests and the amount of data.
Figure 5 supports the initial assumption concern-
ing the trade-off between energy efficiency and per-
formance. High-performing variants (i.e., Quicksort)
handle more sorting requests (i.e., N) in a shorter pe-
riod of time but result in a very limited V. Energy-
efficient variants (i.e., Insertionsort) result in an opti-
mal V but handle significantly less sorting requests.
Only adaptive (i.e., optimized) systems provide a
good balance of energy-efficiency and performance.
Fulfilled Sorting Requests
No Opt. - QS
No Opt. - Ins
Figure 5: Request Performance.
This is also supported by Figure 6, which shows
the total number of elements that were sorted over
time. Measurement results expose a linear growth that
roughly represent the sums of sorting requests sizes.
The results confirm our initial assumption that an op-
timization for speed (Quicksort variant) results in a
fast growing curve that covers a short time period.
Optimization for energy (Insertionsort variant) results
in a curve that spans a broad time range but that does
not grow as fast as the Quicksort related curve. Fi-
nally, the optimized system seems to combines the
advantages of the other approaches. It covers a broad
time range and sorts a high number of elements. In
others words, the optimized system variant provides
a well-balanced behavior regarding performance and
energy consumption.
Sorted Elements - Total
No Opt. - QS
No Opt. - Ins
Figure 6: Total Number of Sorted Elements.
The findings concerning the effects of dynami-
cally choosing an algorithm at runtime are also sup-
ported by the fact that this approach sorts more data
in total than the other two approaches. Thus, opti-
mization does not provide results somewhere between
those of the non-adaptive systems but uses their syn-
ergy effects to provide even better results.
The authors view this study as exploratory. Thus,
threats limit generalization of this research, but do not
prevent the results from being used in further studies.
Construct Validity is the degree to which the inde-
pendent and dependent variables accurately measure
the concepts they purport to measure. In specific, en-
ergy consumption is a difficult concept to measure. In
the context of this paper it is argued that the chosen
approach (assessing the battery voltage level V ) is an
intuitively reasonable measure. Of course, there are
several other dimensions of the energy measurement
problem but this is future work.
Internal Validity is the degree to which conclu-
sions can be drawn about the causal effect of indepen-
dent variables on the dependent variable. In specific,
a history effect may result from measuring systems at
different times (varying context temperature). Addi-
tional experiments and runs have shown that the tem-
perature effect in a heated lab room can be neglected.
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
External Validity is the degree to which the results
of the research can be generalized to the population
under study and other research settings. In specific,
the materials (platforms, software, etc.) may not be
representative in terms of size and complexity. How-
ever, experiments in a university context do not allow
the use of realistic systems for reasons such as cost,
availability, etc. However, the authors view this study
as exploratory and view its results as indicators that
allow further research.
In order to improve the empirical study and ad-
dress some of the threats to validity identified above,
the following actions can be taken:
Improve data collection. Data collection can be
improved in several ways. First, by measuring
not only battery voltage as an indirect energy
consumption indicator but also the exact energy
consumption, in joule, of the platform regard-
ing each algorithmic run. Second, by increasing
the sampling/measurement frequency (e.g., have
sampling rates of 1 microsecond or below). A
third option would be to automate the whole ex-
perimental procedure, thereby making time col-
lection trivial.
Improve the distinction of algorithmic complex-
ities. The actual experiment used random data
that was only comparable between runs. How-
ever, we did not made any distinction regarding
best-, worst- and average-case data. By separating
and explicitly distinguishing between these cases
would allow for fine-grained analysis.
Improve the generalizability of results by running
the experiment on different platforms. Currently,
results are limited to the AVR processor family
and can thus, only serve as an indicator of the gen-
eral situation. Therefore the experiment needs to
be replicated on different platforms to get more
and more reliable data.
Given the rising importance of mobile and small
embedded devices, energy consumption becomes in-
creasingly important. Currents estimates by EU-
ROSTATS predict that in 2020 10-35 percent (de-
pending on which devices are taken into account) of
the global energy consumption is consumed by com-
puters and that this value will likely rise (Bunse and
opfner, 2008). Therefore, means have to be found
to reduce the energy consumption of such devices.
The focus of this paper is on dynamically adapt-
ing a simple system at runtime by algorithm substi-
tution as a means for energy saving. Following the
ideas of resource substitution strategies as presented
in (H
opfner and Bunse, 2007) we presented an Op-
timizer Component that follows the ideas of the dy-
namic energy management component EMC (Bunse
and H
opfner, 2008) and that can be plugged into other
component based systems.
At its core the optimizer uses the energy-related
trend functions of different sorting algorithms. In de-
tail, the optimizer uses the different trend functions
for determining the energy-related cost of a specific
algorithm with respect to the algorithm’s input-size.
It then compares the results and uses a user-defined
delta for selecting the best algorithm.
Our initial results are based on a micro-controller
system (AVR processor family) that communicate
wirelessly by BlueTooth. The main system function-
ality is to receive data of varying size, sort it and to
send it to another host. The data collected for different
system variants was then used to examine if energy-
consumption and sorting performance can be signif-
icantly improved. The collected data reveals that by
optimization the amount of sorted data, battery life-
time. Moreover, the overall performance can be sig-
nificantly increased. The experiments show the im-
pact of software onto a systems energy consumption
and a way to easily optimize a system in this regard.
To systematically evaluate the observed effects
and to rule out the aforementioned threats to validity
we currently prepare a case study for mobile informa-
tion systems running on a PDA or Smartphone.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies