many organizations; we therefore believe that the
solution presented here improves the
abovementioned proposals.
In this work the viability of a product line
development approach, based on the package merge
and partial class mechanisms, has been shown. The
use of the proposed mechanisms enables the
automated generation of each product from the
features configuration. Furthermore, the use of
conventional CASE and IDE tools can simplify the
adoption of this paradigm, avoiding the necessity of
specific tools and techniques as in previous
The approach has been successfully applied to
the design and implementation of a product line in
the domain of communicators for people with
disabilities, and implemented with mobile devices.
Current work includes the development of other
product lines with industrial or social interest, and
the enrichment of the communicator study. In this
case, the objective is to evaluate the scalability of
the proposal as the optional features increase (which
implies an exponential increase in the number of
final products). On the other hand, the experience
with this type of mobile platform is being used in
other domains that combine information capture
through PDAs and smart phones with delivery to a
central system, configured as a set of Web services.
An example of this is a recently launched product
line project for monitoring health parameters (such
as heart rate, temperature, etc.) in the context of a
senior citizen residence, using a combination of
wireless sensors and mobile devices. The utility of
the product line approach in these domains is
evident, as the variety of sensors, parameters, alarm
signals, and visualization aspects in the central
computer is potentially unlimited.
This work has been founded by the Junta de Castilla
y León (VA-018A07 project) and Spanish MICIINN
(TIN2008-05675). We also recognize the
collaboration of the ASPRONA association, and the
students involved in the development of these
product lines.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies