component specification such as stiffness, damping
and geometrics is attached.
lateral offset of
machine column
vary part position
perform feed
machine column
guide rail of machine column
jack screw
Figure 4: Aggregated cluster of information.
This kind of data aggregation supports to set up
an enhanced fMBS simulation regarding important
modelling parameters and thus supports focusing the
modelling purpose and checking if the model’s
characteristic is as consistent to the system as
needed. The assembly shaping head is a rather
complex mechanical and functional structure and
needs to be discussed in detail regarding the
modeling purpose. Comprehension of interrelations
within this assembly is a key to become aware of the
system and thus vitally determines the preprocessing
of the fMBS. When modeling the system the
developers focus on representing the machine
complexity as far as needed, especially when
integrating machine parameters and flexible parts.
The matrix based machine tool representation
supported the determination of both the appropriated
system boundary and the level of detail in
preprocessing the fMBS. Besides it also supported
the identification of particular parameters, which
were primarily considered less important to
sufficiently represent the structural behavior of the
machine tool. The matrix based representation
provided the base for this information to become
worthy. Besides the matrix based representation also
measurements of operation induced structural
oscillations, and physical experiments supported the
validation of the fMBS. Concurrent model validation
enables to mature the fMBS simulation model
further. In order to provide a means to evaluate the
cause of tool deflection a properly validated fMBS is
needed. Currently the fMBS represents the
deflection of the tool identified by indirectly by
measuring crank shafts, but sensitivity analysis is
still been carried out. In modeling the iterative
approach is quite time consuming and it becomes
difficult to determine when the model is completely
validated. Validation of the model takes place quite
objectively by integrating the model developer and
the user systematically.
The exemplified case study has proven that the
suggested matrix based product representation could
successfully support preprocessing and validation of
a fMBS. Supported by the method specifications and
machine parameters are identified to be integrated in
the fMBS to represent structural bending induced by
moved mass. Applying the suggested approach of
matrix based product representation enables a
holistic view of the system regarding component
structure, functional modeling, and product behavior
to support both preprocessing and validation of the
simulation model. The significance of the suggested
matrix based product representation strongly
interrelates with the level of detail gained in each
The authors will detail the presented case study
further more to deeply illustrate the method and will
apply the suggested approach to different products to
enrich the application areas. Another task will be to
evaluate the transfer of the suggested matrix based
product representation to other simulation methods
in CAE.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics